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Agent of Oblivion

The Agent of Oblivion question of the day

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Nah. My dad sometimes took me fishing when I was a kid, but I never really liked it. You gotta have a decent fishing spot, good weather, various equipment, endless patience, and must be okay with getting your hands covered in fishy guts. It would be one thing if you're a professional fisherman doing it for a living, but I never saw the point in it as a recreational avocation. After all the initial time and effort you have to spend in the setup, all you do is sit there; it's gotta be the laziest form of "hunting" this side of Duck Hunt. Lots of people say they like fishing because of the peace and quiet, which seems like an odd reason since you could just sit in the exact same spot without the rod or reel and get the same amount of peace and quiet, if not more. Last but not least I don't have the most nimble fingers, and while trying to impale the slimy squirming bait I'd probably end up jamming a fishhook into my thumb eventually.

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I went fishing a few times when I was younger, only small off fishing on estuary leading into the sea hoping to catch some plaice or other flat fish. Nothing major, always returned them afterwards. I think its something I might enjoy during middle age or whatever.

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Fishing is HUGE up here. I'm not the biggest fan, but I have managed to have fun the two times I've gone. Last June after doing an inventory count for a village client they took us out halibut fishing and I was surprised to find that I had fun, despite basically just sitting on a boat for 5 hours waiting for fish. It probably helped that it was an isolated native village area, so the only other people out there were us. I caught about a half a dozen fish and other than getting a really awful sunburn it was a lot of fun. And while we were out there we saw some Dahl's porpoise's, the benefit of fishing in Alaska I guess.


Then the next month I went dip net fishing with some co-workers down on the Kenai river and had a blast with that too. Dip netting sounds boring, but damnit I found it enjoyable. Caught some large red salmon and then camped out on the beach and we all got drunk and just had a fun time. If I ever go fishing again that'll be the way I'll want to do it. Go do some fishing, then camp out and what not, makes the whole trip more worthwhile.


So yes I do enjoy fishing, but in limited quantities and with friends and booze and whatnot. I'm not a fishing maniac like most residents of this state. It's just about getting too warm for ice fishing, which means that will stop soon and everyone will gear up to spend every free minute they have fishing.


Oh and I need to say that I HATE cleaning the fish. And I don't like eating fish either, so all of my enjoyment comes from the thrill of the catch, and hanging out with friends while doing it.

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I enjoyed it when I was a child but I haven't gone in at least 15 years and would probably decline an invitation, were one extended to me now. Unless it was on some pimped-out yacht and I could occupy myself with something other then actually fishing.

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Fishing is HUGE up here. I'm not the biggest fan, but I have managed to have fun the two times I've gone. Last June after doing an inventory count for a village client they took us out halibut fishing and I was surprised to find that I had fun, despite basically just sitting on a boat for 5 hours waiting for fish. It probably helped that it was an isolated native village area, so the only other people out there were us. I caught about a half a dozen fish and other than getting a really awful sunburn it was a lot of fun. And while we were out there we saw some Dahl's porpoise's, the benefit of fishing in Alaska I guess.


Then the next month I went dip net fishing with some co-workers down on the Kenai river and had a blast with that too. Dip netting sounds boring, but damnit I found it enjoyable. Caught some large red salmon and then camped out on the beach and we all got drunk and just had a fun time. If I ever go fishing again that'll be the way I'll want to do it. Go do some fishing, then camp out and what not, makes the whole trip more worthwhile.


So yes I do enjoy fishing, but in limited quantities and with friends and booze and whatnot. I'm not a fishing maniac like most residents of this state. It's just about getting too warm for ice fishing, which means that will stop soon and everyone will gear up to spend every free minute they have fishing.

Oh and I need to say that I HATE cleaning the fish. And I don't like eating fish either, so all of my enjoyment comes from the thrill of the catch, and hanging out with friends while doing it.


That's what I can see myself enjoying about it. Hanging out with mates, without any real distractions talking about shit and occassionally catching a fish or two. Its more guilt free then out and out hunting would be for me. I couldn't shoot an animal, but sneakily luring it into a trap with the promise of food, then only to put it back once its caught - yeah that's my style (reminds me of a Mitch Hedberg joke).

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Fishing is HUGE up here. I'm not the biggest fan, but I have managed to have fun the two times I've gone. Last June after doing an inventory count for a village client they took us out halibut fishing and I was surprised to find that I had fun, despite basically just sitting on a boat for 5 hours waiting for fish. It probably helped that it was an isolated native village area, so the only other people out there were us. I caught about a half a dozen fish and other than getting a really awful sunburn it was a lot of fun. And while we were out there we saw some Dahl's porpoise's, the benefit of fishing in Alaska I guess.


Then the next month I went dip net fishing with some co-workers down on the Kenai river and had a blast with that too. Dip netting sounds boring, but damnit I found it enjoyable. Caught some large red salmon and then camped out on the beach and we all got drunk and just had a fun time. If I ever go fishing again that'll be the way I'll want to do it. Go do some fishing, then camp out and what not, makes the whole trip more worthwhile.


So yes I do enjoy fishing, but in limited quantities and with friends and booze and whatnot. I'm not a fishing maniac like most residents of this state. It's just about getting too warm for ice fishing, which means that will stop soon and everyone will gear up to spend every free minute they have fishing.


Oh and I need to say that I HATE cleaning the fish. And I don't like eating fish either, so all of my enjoyment comes from the thrill of the catch, and hanging out with friends while doing it.



I really need to get to Alaska. I'd do well there, I think.


Typically when I fish, which is infrequently, I go alone. There are several decent little lakes around here, and a nice enough river for catfish and smallmouth. I only go for eatin' fish. As much as I'd like to land a marlin or something, the enjoyment for me comes from killing, cooking, and eating my quarry. The predatory nature of hunting/fishing.

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No. When I was a kid, I lived by a lake, and my parents would go fishing all the time. I only went a few times, and I used to go fishing with my dad on fathers day, but I never liked it, and I haven't gone fishing for years.

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I lived next to a river growing up, and we had a lake in our area as well. I fished my dad and brother, and rarely caught a thing. I was more into canoeing and kayaking on the river, but fishing was fun. I'd like to get back in the swing of it, as I think I would have the patience to be a better fisherman than I was as a kid.


A good spin off would be what types of fish you caught and what kinds of bait you've used.

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A good spin off would be what types of fish you caught and what kinds of bait you've used.


Halibut, Ling Cod, Flounder, and one more I'm forgetting (I really know dick all about fish so as I caught each I had to ask what the hell it was) that was possibly another type of cod. No bait. And on the dip net trip it was red salmon, and again no bait.

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Yes, I love fishing. Tons of fun! I use minnows to catch Pickerel and Pike, and worms for speckle trout. Those little speckle trout are fun, because once you throw the line out, you've already got a bite.


I caught a Pike once that was about 5 feet long, but didn't get him onto the boat.



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I don't think I've ever done it- possibly my dad might have tried taking me out to do it once when I was waaay younger, and I knew he liked that stuff when I was younger since he took my mom fishing every now and then, but I don't remember it. For a long time I probably would've said I wouldn't have enjoyed it, but I think now living in Oregon where there's a ton of beautiful natural land and lakes to go fishing at, I'd definitely give it another go. Of course, I'm solely restricted to being an urbanite and no one I personally know goes out fishin', so I haven't even so much as gotten an invitation or anything to do it, but I'd love to. Considering I'm improving my skills at cooking whole fish, it sounds like it'd be fun, havin a couple drinks and chillin' by a tent, camping and all that.

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Like most of you, I went a few times as a kid, thought 'meh', and never gained an interest. If I'm going to be doing something outdoors for a four or five hours, it'll be golf, where I have a variety of different challeneges, shots, and way of playing those shots. I don't get that vibe from fishing. I used to love swimming, and though I haven't been since 2007, that's the only thing I'm likely to do involving water.


Furthermore, I don't get the argument "Well, you can sit around, do nothing, and get drunk!" Nonsense, that's any day off now - I don't want to get up early to do so.

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I have a friend who goes fishing on a weekly basis. I'll go with him occasionally, but I usually end up exploring the river bank more than anything else.

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