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80. Suggestions for other boards to post at.

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So, I don't really like it here at forums.thesmartmarks.com. I guess I just come here out of habit, and the usually good sports forum. I've always found most of the "established" posters here to be very annoying and put them on ignore... but, it's gotten even worse in the past couple months here with the stupidity, especially in the modding ranks, and the "let's side with the biggest loser to make us feel good about ourselves" garbage in HD has gone into overdrive. I'm also not a wrestling fan, whatsoever, any longer.


I need to leave here. And the only way that will happen is if I can find another board. Because my internet addiction will never die. I've tried finding board with my interests with not great results...


1) Sports boards. I've tried many, and these are always a no-go. They're either: 1) Dominated by homers (ala Damaramu) who are stubborn and impossible to have any discussions with. Or 2) Dominated by gambling types (ala iggymcfly, but MUCH worse). As for tennis boards, where there's few hardcore fans, I already post at a couple smaller ones. But, the issue with tennis fans is that most are gay. And when there's a large group of gay people, mixed with gay extremists, bad things happen. If someone could direct me to a quality sports message board, it would be very appreciated.


2) Games boards. See the ""let's side with the biggest loser to make us feel good about ourselves" garbage" line.


3) Fashion boards. There's one I post at sparingly, but the problem are teenage girls. Most of which who purposely type like fools.


So, suggestions are welcome. Thank you.

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I also think TSM's quality has gone down in the last couple of years, but something that keeps me coming back is the fact that this board gets a lot of action. You post a comment or a question, and it is usually replied to really quickly.


On most boards, I have tried to join since seeking alternatives to TSM, you post something and it can go hours or even days without being replied to, and then you end up forgetting about the board all together.


Keep on looking Leena, and if you find a good one, let me know.

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I also think TSM's quality has gone down in the last couple of years, but something that keeps me coming back is the fact that this board gets a lot of action. You post a comment or a question, and it is usually replied to really quickly.


On most boards, I have tried to join since seeking alternatives to TSM, you post something and it can go hours or even days without being replied to, and then you end up forgetting about the board all together.


Keep on looking Leena, and if you find a good one, let me know.

There's lots of other boards that get more action than here. On average, there's only like 20-30 people here.


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I also think TSM's quality has gone down in the last couple of years, but something that keeps me coming back is the fact that this board gets a lot of action. You post a comment or a question, and it is usually replied to really quickly.


On most boards, I have tried to join since seeking alternatives to TSM, you post something and it can go hours or even days without being replied to, and then you end up forgetting about the board all together.


Keep on looking Leena, and if you find a good one, let me know.

There's lots of other boards that get more action than here. On average, there's only like 20-30 people here.



Well, how is the quality of posters? I mean if you have found some good boards, please let me know!

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There's not many good message boards anymore. I used to post on ezboards, but they got old, people left, people were weird, and there were way to many inside jokes/cliches.


Just keep looking, you'll find something.

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I like 2+2 a lot, but if you're not looking for "gambling types", I guess a board based on gambling isn't your best bet. I will say that the "sporting events" section there is completely different from the "sports betting" folder and gets a lot of action, but I can't vouch for the quality, as the only time I posted there was right after Michigan got screwed out of the title.

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I post at the following boards regularly. Keep in mind i'm a total geek though:


-RealGM.com - NBA boards - lot of stupid people but also some good ones too - plus their team-specific boards are fun. Though it seems like you get annoyed easy, so the homers may grate on you.

-TrekBBS (despite the fact that I actually haven't watched trek in years - their SF/F, General TV, Misc, and specific LOST, and BSG boards are very heavily populated)

-TSM (obviously)

-Millarworld - Mark Millar's boards - comic board, but a lot of fun actually


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