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Wilbon blows chipmunks

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Swift Terror


Just watched PTI with the two hosts commenting on a controversy surrounding NBC's Dateline and NASCAR. Dateline wanted to investigate anti-Muslim sentiments in the country, based on a Washington Post/ABC News poll showing increased bigotry in America. Naturally they chose a NASCAR event to find the bigotry. NASCAR fans are largely from the South, people with southern accents are bigots, ergo, there will be plenty of bigots at a NASCAR event. The Dateline crew had Muslim looking men walking around at the race at Martinsville, Va. No one bothered them, there were no racial incidents.


Wilbon was cool with what Dateline did, saying "NBC is trying to create news where news does exist".


Oh, so Wilbon is indicting the NASCAR fans as bigots, with no proof.


Neither one of the hosts mentioned that nothing happened to the two Muslim looking men.


That didn't stop Wilbon from saying: "if there is something untoward happening towards these gentlemen, that they said at a racetrack, then why is it happening"?


A lot of the time I like and agree with what Wilbon says. Then he pulls one of these and confirms to me that he has serious problems with race in this country.


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Wilbon, is nothing but a spoiled rich black kid who got called the N word once and decided that he was now an advocate for civil rights.


NASCAR, is more diverse then people are willing to accept. Seriously, you got 200,000 people in one sitting. You haven't seen or heard of ONE incident of violence in the crowd or the pit area from the fans. It's largest demographic, is female.


It's a largely corporate event anyways, it's not a bunch of yokels. Half the season occurs in suburb outsets of major cities like LA, Indy, Chicago, Vegas, Kansas City, Detroit, Buffalo, Dallas,Philadelphia, New England region, Miami and Atlanta.


Only one of those cities, are southern cities with rampant racial history. You got four tracks in the carolinas(Lowes, Darlington and Rockingham and the virginias (Richmond).


Factor in the fact over 50% of the drivers are from California/Indiana, most of the corporate sponsers are Fortune 500 companies.


It's ironic that NBC is doing this. NASCAR is leaving NBC for ABC, next year. Time to damage it, i guess.






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A lot of the time I like and agree with what Wilbon says.


Wilbon is an asshole, and I'm glad I tuned out of PTI before hearing this. I think what NBC should do next is have some middle-class white kids walk around an outdoor basketball court in Shittsburgh's Hill District (Or Over-The-Rhine for the people in Cincy) and see if they get harassed by RACISTS.

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I never understood the run Wilbon and Kornheiser got just because they got their own show and don't come off cluttered like the guys from ATH. They are not special and I don't think they are above guys on ATH or most national sports talk radio hosts.

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Wilbon and Kornheiser just clicked really well together. Apart, I think they're horrible.


And this is no old news about Wilbon... he's "reverse racist" like many spoiled blacks out there today. His comments alone about women's tennis are horrible... the Williams' sisters are super great! #1 and #1a!... and dissing the rest of the tour like it doesn't even exist.

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I like Tony K., I used to listen to his radio show when it was on here in Cincinnati. Obviously he's there because of his humor. He knows no more about sports than I do.


I was starting to become enamored with Wilbon because I liked the way he ripped on that punk Bode Miller. Other than that, yep he's an asshole.

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Wilbon, is also getting slightly more bitter towards Tony these days. Tony, is the star of the group. He had a sitcom based on him (granted, it was a bomb), he's getting a spot on MNF and ratings have shown to drop when Tony is absent.


Wilbon, is openly more bitchy and bitter these days. More so then usual. I hate when it's summer, nothing except baseball and maybe Nascar and NBA draft...they really stretch for content in the summer and the hosts always take long breaks in the summer, leaving us with combos like Dan Lebatard/Jackie McWhatever, Bob Ryan/Stephen A. Smith... ugh.


I'd like to see them air retro PTI's. Set the show like in 1995 and cover that time period in the same fashion as it does now

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