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Guest SupaTaft

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and ^ should realise that my win will ALWAYS count, because it is in the archives.

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^ defend's Axel's honor in OAOAST by seconding the fact that he beat Chubster.


Oh, and ^^^ should know that I was always winning that match. It was a good start to my career, ending your winning streak. You were reasonable competition for my first feud, and then I went on to beat much better athletes, like CWM, Malibu and Calvin. So you should pride yourself on being the first man who had the opportunity to lose to me.

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^ needs to be corrected.


< is President of Idiocy since December 23, 1983.


Date also happens to be <'s date of birth. Go figure.


Since < is President of Idiocy, < is exempt from having to show any signs of intelligence. If any signs of intelligence do show, it's still stupid intelligence.


And there you have your non-sensical rambling for this morning. Good day.

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< wants to know what the fuck ^^^^^^^ is talking about. < was going over in that feud. There was no question about it. Brock's whole gimmick is being an undefeated unstoppable monster. Losing to a rookie in his PPV debut (and not to mention one that isn't especially talented) is horrible. Look at it this way. Brock = WCW Vader in early-mid 90's. You = Orlando Jordan. And I've been informed of what you've done while I was gone. And I can sum it all up in 1 word. Luck. Get your giant head out of your ass, and stop putting over the fact that you wrote a crappy match that never should of happened. Oh, and good luck with your main event title match at Anglemania, champ.



And ^ should really stop inflating The Champ's ego. And stop calling Brock Chubster!

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^ tells it like it is.


^^ gets enlightenment from this.


^ should have learned by now that < let's others do <'s dirty work for <. That said...


^^ should know that < got the word "Chubster" for Brocky, cause he looked AWFUL in his return match back ;)


Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

I'm so having fun joking around


Geezus... People just don't get it. Especially when it is said outright. :P

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