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Guest Dames Edna

Hypocricy at the Smarks Board?

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Guest MrRant
That's funny, I always thought this world was penance

That's a little Dark Ages there. Where the world is suffering until Heaven.

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Guest Dames Edna

We are in pergatory right now, and everyone goes to heaven. God is a forgiving being, and will not turn his back on any of his people. Well thats what my Christian Ethics teacher told me - everyone has their own opinion I suppose

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Guest Cancer Marney
Bi-polar disease is nonexistant?

It exists, but as a tool for social control, not as a disease.


I sure hope you are completely joking, as the sarcasm detector is turned off on my computer.
Just like the brain is turned off in your skull.


So you are saying people choose to have a wide range of emotions.  Depression one day, manic surges the next? They want to mentally deteriorate in front of everyones eyes, and risk the lives of everyone they are around?
Yep. And you just gave the explanation yourself: "in front of everyones [sic] eyes."


Bi Polar Disease is no joke.
It's a very (metaphorically) sick joke.


Its an official pyschological problem - not some ploy pyschologists use to sucker in more patients.
Rape was "an official psychological problem" in the 1980s. It was called "paraphilic rapism" and the rapist was considered a "victim." The APA only went back on that after pressure from women's groups. When was the last time a reputable and honest medical profession changed its mind about whether a disease was really a disease because of political lobbying? Do oncologists decide that lung cancer is or isn't really cancer depending on the cigarette companies' mood? Psychologists establish diseases by fiat. They designate behaviour they don't like or can't explain as disease, and then make up causes and symptoms. The DSM-IV is a sociopolitical and religious tract. It is a tool of control.

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Guest Cancer Marney
Bi-polar disease exists.

No, it really doesn't, but I suppose it's a comforting lie to believe.

Knock yourself out. There are worse ways to blind yourself to reality and avoid taking responsibility for your own actions.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
Bi-polar disease exists.

No, it really doesn't, but I suppose it's a comforting lie to believe.

Knock yourself out. There are worse ways to blind yourself to reality and avoid taking responsibility for your own actions.

Stop being full of shit. Bi-polar disease exists. As I previously stated in this thread I've spent time working with people with the disease, as well as having family with the problem, including myself.


And It's not an attempt to avoid responsibility for my actions. Perhaps if you spent some time with people with the sickness you'd actually learn something.

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Guest Cancer Marney
Stop being full of shit.

You first.


Bi-polar disease exists. As I previously stated in this thread I've spent time working with people with the disease, as well as having family with the problem, including myself.
You've spent time with people who have emotional and/or social problems, and you and your family have emotional and/or social problems. None of this constitutes any proof of "bi-polar disease" actually existing as a real biological disorder with a histopathology and an etiology.


And It's not an attempt to avoid responsibility for my actions.
Could be. Could be something else. What it definitely isn't is a disease.


Perhaps if you spent some time with people with the sickness you'd actually learn something.
I don't like to spend time with attention-seeking crackheads, on prescription or otherwise.

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Guest Cancer Marney
What exactly does [sic] mean?  I just never figured that out.

It's a Latin bitchslap. Basically it means "thus," and it indicates that whoever you were quoting made a mistake, and you're embarrassing him by preserving it in your citation.

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Guest Dames Edna

Wow, I'm glad you are enjoying yourself so much in this debate. There are two things that trouble me oh so. It is one of the two


#1. You have taken a joke too far by being so sarcastic to encite a reaction out of your fellow debators. A reaction you most likely thrive on to make your meaningless life seem important. It seems the most sarcastic netchicks are that way for a reason. You know why


#2. You are so fucking ignorant and have such a messed up interpretation of life that you believe things such as depression, bipolar, schizophrenia are excuses for societies mishaps. This train of though is yours to be different from society. You have no basis for your arguement and completely disregard professional evaluations of such disabilities.


Either way it shows you are a total tool, and everyone is waisting their time debating with you. Its fine to debate subjective topics such as if Avril Levigne sucks, or if Kurt Cobain is rotting in hell, but they is 100% PROOF that alzeheimers is an actual disease.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Bi-polar people are not "attention seeking crack heads"


but please continue with the stereotypes.

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Guest Cancer Marney
A reaction you most likely thrive on to make your meaningless life seem important.

No, I'm just bored, and I can never sleep after sex.


This train of though is yours to be different from society.  You have no basis for your arguement and completely disregard professional evaluations of such disabilities.
See TS Szasz, Myth of Mental Illness, Insanity: The Idea and Its Consequences, M Foucault, Madness and Civilisation, P Breggin, Toxic Psychiatry, C Hovey, The ADD Hoax, T Armstrong, The Myth of the ADD Child, among many others.


Either way it shows you are a total tool, and everyone is waisting their time debating with you.


they [sic] is 100% PROOF that alzeheimers is an actual disease.
It may be, yes. I already granted that.

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Guest Cancer Marney
Bi-polar people are not "attention seeking crack heads"

Some are. Some aren't. Some just use it as an escape from an unbearable social situation. Often their families make it an attractive option.


I feel sorry (in a nice compassionate way) for them, but drugs aren't the answer. They're just an analgesic.

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Guest Cancer Marney
Sex? And where was your Reverend?  And where are the pics?
I'm sorry Reverend, it was before I turned on the computer. <g> We didn't have a camera handy.

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Guest MrRant

Yes... and a little taste now.


:spank: :spank: :spank: :spank:



Now... bite your lip a little and give those puppy dog eyes that give you the hurt... but very sorry look.

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Guest Cancer Marney

mmmhn... oh. <flutters eyelashes and makes a moue> Oh, Reverend, I've been so naughty. I deserve some more...

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Guest Dames Edna

Wow, boasting she just had sex. Congradulations, we are all proud of you. Hopefully you won't be procreating soon, because it would shame for you to poison an innocent soul with your completely terrible thoughts on life. Stay the way you are, allow the people who know you away from the computer to continue to warp your view on life. Obviously they have done a hatchet job to turn you into a such a cynisist. I am glad you are so insightful, but maybe you should spend less time on your computer and get some honest face to face interaction. Social skills is a good asset to have, unless you find them to just be a ploy to enjoy life. Unfortunatly your attitude and method of debating has little to be desired for. You are a genital wart on the penis of life. Now PLEASE respond back being the witty and cynical cyber chick you are - but remember, you have to look in the mirror and see the complete WASTE of life we have encountered tonight. For now, the rest of us will be respectful to those less fortunate with mental deficiencies. Hopefully, if you are lucky, you will have an ill parent down the road - you may be able to have the point driven home that there is actual sickness in the world. And with their illness, you can continue to be a callous hussy and critisize them for being sick. Because it will be there choice to get sick, and there will be no proper way to treat it because there is nothing wrong with them.

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Guest Cancer Marney

Blah blah blah... whine whine whine... blah blah blah... personal attacks... blah blah blah... more whining.


Hmm, I still don't see any actual proof of the existence of bipolar disorder. Is this kind of like the way Al Gore just won, damn it! in Florida? There's no evidence for your conclusion, every piece of available evidence contradicts it, but anyone who denies it is a heartless inhuman waste of skin? Goodness, that's a strong argument.


Weepy little sissy-boy.


For now, the rest of us will be respectful to those less fortunate with mental deficiencies.
By sticking ice picks into their brains, locking them up, forcing drugs into them until they can't think, and inflicting traumatic electrical shock until they agree to act the way you want them to act?

You have an interesting definition of respect.


Hopefully you won't be procreating soon
If I did, I imagine there would be a Nobel prize in it for my girlfriend.

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Guest evenflowDDT

Wow, after reading this thread, I'm glad I'm Jewish and don't have to worry about Hell. Eh, but aren't there like 7 layers or something anyway, or was that just Dante talking out of his ass?

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Guest Cancer Marney
bend over show me the marks... But just lift the skirt a little ...

Uhm... what skirt, Holy Reverend? <biting lip>

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Guest MrRant

:spank: :spank: :spank:


Just for not wearing the skirt



:spank: :spank: :spank:


Since you aren't wearing one :lol:


:::Admires handywork:::

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
:spank: :spank: :spank: :spank: :spank: :spank: :spank: :spank:


Now you can bend over show me the marks... But just lift the skirt a little ... :D

*sends all of this stuff to Mrs.Rant*

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Guest Cancer Marney
Hopefully, if you are lucky, you will have an ill parent down the road

Hmm, and you're wishing sickness on my parents, people you don't even know, in order to make a point on an Internet message board. Truly a shining example of love, kindness, wisdom, understanding, and compassion. I wish everyone were like you.


Check that. Most people are. I guess that's why the "mentally ill" continue to be imprisoned, tortured, and murdered by you.

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Guest MrRant

lol... there is no mrs rant and i don't think she would feel threatened by innocent fun. :lol:

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Guest Cancer Marney
*sends all of this stuff to Mrs.Rant*

ooo. Reverend, perhaps she'd care to join us in your chambers...


Edit: shucks

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