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Guest CoreyLazarus416

The One and Only TNA Week 31 Thread

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Well I'm glad to see Corino back for the first time since week 1.


I'm a big Corino mark.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

If Corino's motivated, this should be pretty God damn good. I've never been a big fan of his, but now that I think about it, this should work out pretty well.


But then again, Corino turned heel on ROH in July, so I just hope Corino doesn't turn heel within the next month because they need one or two more strong faces.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

You know...I thikn I'm in the minority but I like Low Ki better as a heel.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Corino can talk a good game, and brawl serviceably, but he's decent at best in a normal match.

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Guest Space_Cowboy

Corino's back? And going against Low Ki? Nice, hopefully this isn't some once in a blue moon thing and the King of Old School sticks around.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

No, I like Low-Ki as a heel more also. People who don't talk much are better as heels, I think.

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Guest RedJed
If Corino's motivated, this should be pretty God damn good. I've never been a big fan of his, but now that I think about it, this should work out pretty well.


But then again, Corino turned heel on ROH in July, so I just hope Corino doesn't turn heel within the next month because they need one or two more strong faces.

Yeah I don't want to see a heel turn at all, this is just perfect for the TNA side to get a major player on their side of things.


When this whole SEX-Oldschool angle is done though, I want Corino v. Jarrett for the NWA title, dammit.


BTW, did anyone crack up at the production glitch with the Raven-Goldy interview? MAJOR mess up there.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I just love Ki's shortcut tactics and the way he taunts his opponents in tag matches. I will have nightmares of him taunting Chris Harris with James Storm's lifeless body for years to come.

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Guest RedJed
Corino can talk a good game, and brawl serviceably, but he's decent at best in a normal match.

You seen any of his Zero-One stuff? Hell all I know is he carried Justin Credible to a few **** matches, that says something. His matches with Tajiri and Lynn at times were really strong too.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Corino would have a pretty good reason to turn heel against Jarrett in a few months, now that I think about it.


Corino was the NWA World Champion. I'm sure NWA could use clips of him with the belt. He losed the belt, but never got the proper rematch because NWA had to have the belt handed to them on a platter.


Low Ki pokes Scott Armstrong in the eyes, DQing him.



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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Pretty logical promo by Lynn.


Lynn will reestablish the X division!

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Guest RedJed
Corino would have a pretty good reason to turn heel against Jarrett in a few months, now that I think about it.


Corino was the NWA World Champion. I'm sure NWA could use clips of him with the belt. He losed the belt, but never got the proper rematch because NWA had to have the belt handed to them on a platter.

Yeah I could see them going with that there, just hopefully not until this storyline is finished. Jarrett already has Styles and Raven to deal with now, and both of those guys should rightfully be penciled in decent sized feuds with Jeff. So Corino can wait for, hell, at least 2 or 3 months, IMO.


This might be good here.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Time for 8 man X elimination match


Shark Boy vs. Joel vs. Jose vs. Mamaluke vs. Jimmy Rave vs. David Young vs. Paul London vs. Jerry Lynn

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Guest RedJed

I smell a Konnan appearance somewhere here, maybe with some luchadores?


Cool, Paul London is in?

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

"From 20,000 leagues under the shea."


God Borash, you SUCK!


With Russo back, I'm shocked to see the SAT. But I guess we can guarantee Divine Storm is long gone.


David Young seemed to be getting a push, but after blowing so much stuff previously, it seems to be done.


Mamaluke looks ridiculously ugly tonight.


Why Jimmy Rave continues to come out without a shirt is beyond me. In Wildside he always wears a t-shirt, and he always looks good with one on.


Shark Boy and one of the Maximo's start off the Gauntlet match.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

London gets a nice little reaction.


Shark Boy and the think Maximo to start.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Diamond Dust (Dead Sea Drop, which Tenay calls Driver)) to Jose. 1-2-3.


Well, that was quick.

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Guest RedJed
Mamaluke looks ridiculously ugly tonight.


Why Jimmy Rave continues to come out without a shirt is beyond me. In Wildside he always wears a t-shirt, and he always looks good with one on.

lol......no offense but who really gives a fuck how they look?


I will agree with you though that Borash is horrible and Young is so erratic of a worker it isn't even funny. He's lucky to still be working for this company considering the work he's done at times.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

3 eliminations in 4 minutes....but they did a nice bit of business establishing the DSD as lethal before Rave countered it.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Shark Boy with the DSD again to Joel. 1-2-3.


Rave Northern lights Shark Boy for two. Shark Boy ducks a clothesline, neckbreaker to Rave. Ten punches in the corner, and Shark Boy even bites Rave on the tenth one.


It's so much better at the XPW arena because everytime Shark Boy punches someone, or hits a move, the crowd does the whole "Balls! Balls!" thing with him. But instead, it's "Shark! Shark! aaaahhh Shark!"


Shark Boy tries to hit a DSD, but Rave lands on his feet. Northern Lights Bomb to Shark Boy. 1-2-3.


Mamaluke quickly eliminates Rave, and Young comes in and clotheslines Mamaluke.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

The X division power guy against the X division mat worker. Interesting

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Guest Galactic Gigolo
lol......no offense but who really gives a fuck how they look?

Well, when I'm watching a wrestler, I like to watch guys who are in shape. If they're not in great shape, I want them to wear a t-shirt because it makes them look more legit. When Rave is out there with that baby flab hanging off of him, he looks like shit.


Suplex into the corner by Young, and a wicked Spinebuster scores the win for Young.


Lynn's in now.

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Guest RedJed

I will give Young this much, he's back into having a solid effort tonight and is doing a hell of a job at selling that knee.

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