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Some More WWE Notes

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This week, "The Whole F'N Show" Rob Van Dam, joined the Voice of Wrestling. Now, let's get to the recap with Rob Van Dam:


- Rob started off the interview by talking about the Bad Blood PPV and how someone needs to worry about Kane and doesn't know what his deal is, but he thinks he'll pull through at the PPV. He said that La Risistance is alright, but they are definitely not Rob Van Dam.


- The World Championship is something that he has yet to accomplish in the WWE, thus far, and Rob said he thinks that goal will be replaced by the wrestlers of yesteryear coming back that WWE can pay a huge portion to and feel guilty for not using . He said that he thinks every guy that isn't dead yet that we used to watch as a kid is going to come back to satisfy the preset notion of who the WWE offices think the best representation for WWE is.


- If the WWE offices don't think RVD fits with the traditional standards of the WWE, Rob Van Dam agrees with that. He thinks that his ECW experience best showcases him in a hardcore environment. His fans respect him though, so he will let them be his voice.


- He said the WWE World Title doesn't look like it will be in his immediate future, but he will keep doing what he is doing and that's being RVD.


- In regards to the Hardcore Title being dropped, Rob believes that the WWE didn't want it to mean anything. He said that the Hardcore title before he got there was being related to going to the bathroom and using a plunger on each other, or tipping over a taco stand, and it was stupid. That was their take on what ECW was doing and RVD said that they totally didn't get it. RVD thinks that he took that title and made it meant so much, the other belts were threatened by it.


- As response to being at the top of the Intercontinental Division and whether he was satisfied with that position or not, he answered, "Whatever." He is going to keep doing what he is doing and let the fans speak for himself. If they keep chanting that they paid to see RVD, then he is happy.


- Paul Heyman was recently let go from being Head Writer on the Smackdown Brand, RVD said that although he doesn't watch it, he assumes it probably has taken a new direction since then and that it was probably a direction that is not in a good way.

Credit: Wrestlingheadlines.com


The follow three matches are rumored for SummerSlam:


There are rumors that Foley could be facing Triple H at this year's SummerSlam and, after their feud ends, Triple H will begin his feud with Goldberg.


Chris Jericho is expected to continue his feud with Bill Goldberg all the way into SummerSlam for a rematch.

Credit: Observer


It's also rumored that at SummerSlam, Rey Misterio may take on Ultimo Dragon. [Credit: Torch]



Tough Enough Back For New Season



WWE Tough Enough will be back for another season this year but at the moment it is not known if the show will be aired on Spike TV or MTV. MTV owns the programming rights for the show at the moment. Spike TV is very interested in owning the show, as they want more WWE-related programming on their network. The show is expected to undergo a new format for this year’s season.

Credit: WrestlingObserver




All in all, a positive newsday. One of my favorite wrestlers, RVD, has just basically guaranteed himself a depush for the rest of his WWE career. And, it looks like the Raw title will stay with Triple H forever, only to one day eventually be buried with him. I mean, when the fuck are they planning to get this title off of him ? The fans are sick of him as champ but now he'll be going against Foley, and soon Goldberg, both of which he won't drop it against. And they wonder why a backstage mutiny is about to erupt... :bonk:

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Guest geniusMoment

How long before RVD shows up in NWA TNA? He signed a three year deal in May of 2001.

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Guest BoboBrazil

RVD is great. It isn't like this interview will change anything. He is still going to job to Kane once the heel turn happens and Kane gets another failed push.

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The genius of HHH continues. Gets the Goldberg feud push backed even further as Goldberg might be gone after SummerSlam and gets another feud where there is no point in him not going over. You all know he's beating Brock clean at WrestleMania XX right?

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Wow...that question being answered by a dude named Genius...


If he's being treated like he is by the end of his contract, I'd say around my birthday next year, which is June 12.


Also, I'd like to say something about RVD...


People say that the man is not a technical whiz or anything because of the fact that he's so spotty and blah blah blah. I personally think that if he was motivated, that he could do well on the mat, but I don't see him being too worried about anything right now as he's basically playing Ricky Morton to Vinnie Vegas (or for you who don't get inept humor such as that, Shawn Michaels to Diesel or X-Pac to Kane). If you get him motivated, he can step it up and get technical if he wanted to.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

Not only does HHH hold off Goldberg for another month, but Jericho gets to lose again. Beautiful.


And RVD seriously needs to get arrested for something or other so he can be released.

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Guest JMA
How long before RVD shows up in NWA TNA?  He signed a three year deal in May of 2001.

I think he'd enjoy working there far more than working for WWE. I see RVD leaving Vince if he isn't offered huge money to stay.

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Guest Insane Bump Machine
I think he'd enjoy working there far more than working for WWE. I see RVD leaving Vince if he isn't offered huge money to stay.

I would love RVD in TNA. Van Dam vs AJ Styles for the NWA Title = me happy.

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Guest BoboBrazil

Well, first TNA has to stay alive for another year. I hope they do, but you never know what can happen.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Even as TNA champ, he's not going to make nearly as much as he currently is.


I imagine he'd stick around. He doesn't have to bump around too much, doesn't have to blade, isn't confronted over his drug use that we know of... Since the ship is slowly sinking, he might as well keep getting the big bucks for doing what he's doing then when the bottom falls out he can think about what he's going to do next.

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Guest Choken One

Exactly...Stick with the afloat boat...since you can't depend that the other will even be sailing in 5 months...


RVD knows he can leave WWE if he had to and do B Movies...

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Guest Human Fly
He said that he thinks every guy that isn't dead yet that we used to watch as a kid is going to come back to satisfy the preset notion of who the WWE offices think the best representation for WWE is.

I would guess that that quote right there best sums up the feelings of workers in the WWE right now. (Just a guess). I'm sure they're all frustrated as the old, out of touch office tries to frantically search for the answer, but it is right in front of their nose being wasted. (I'm not saying RVD alone is the answer, rather all of the talent like him in the back).

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Guest Polish_Rifle

I guess Rob will get his next title shot after they bring in Bad News Brown to relive his feud with Piper.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
I guess Rob will get his next title shot after they bring in Bad News Brown to relive his feud with Piper.

Nay. Funaki will win the belt and defend against Shannon Moore for two months before he drops it to Rob.

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Guest CanadianChris
Chris Jericho is expected to continue his feud with Bill Goldberg all the way into SummerSlam for a rematch.

Credit: Observer

This baffles me. Fuck Goldberg already got a clean win. What is Fuck Goldberg going to do at Summerslam, squash him?


Wait, don't answer that.

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Guest Trivia247
Chris Jericho is expected to continue his feud with Bill Goldberg all the way into SummerSlam for a rematch.

Credit: Observer

This baffles me. Fuck Goldberg already got a clean win. What is Fuck Goldberg going to do at Summerslam, squash him?


Wait, don't answer that.

interviewer: Goldberg! Goldberg! Why are you so pissed off about your match with Jericho


Goldberg: Its because that little bastard actually made me WORK! damn Vince and his Sadistic Creative writers making me sell...Im suppose to be a Terminator...Damn it IM a UNIVERSAL SOLDIER! I don't sell... NOOOO I either Squash Jericho in 2 minutes or I don't want to be in the same building as him.



Goldberg wags his tongue and closes his Limo window and drives off.

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Guest Dangerous A

Don't get too happy if RVD was to be released.


WWE would probrably exercise their no compete clause if they did indeed let him go, which would put him on the shelf anywhere between 3 months to a year from the date of release. TNA may not be around by then.


Just because last night the announcers said Goldberg and Jericho's issue hasn't been resolved doesn't mean that that's the direction. They have 8-10 weeks before the next ppv (Summerslam) and they could still have Goldberg/Jericho be an issue as well as Foley/HHH be issues for a few weeks until it's time for the Summerslam hype machine. Look for things to change up about 5-6 times before all is said and done.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

RVD is the one midcard guy that I know WWE would stick the no-compete clause on.


He's just too perfect a fit for TNA.


"- The World Championship is something that he has yet to accomplish in the WWE, thus far, and Rob said he thinks that goal will be replaced by the wrestlers of yesteryear coming back that WWE can pay a huge portion to and feel guilty for not using . He said that he thinks every guy that isn't dead yet that we used to watch as a kid is going to come back to satisfy the preset notion of who the WWE offices think the best representation for WWE is."


Well said.

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Guest Lightning Flik
Wow, maybe Rob WAS Willie....

No kidding. I mean, that's QUITE blatant about it.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

I called the Foley thing minutes after RAW last week. I didn't have the whole "Goldberg might be gone so HHH can stall to see if he'll be gone before he has to wrestle him" plan. but with that its even that much more obvious.

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Guest NoCalMike

RVD has the type of mass appeal that can turn an indy into a contender. He almost did it with ECW, but the finances were so fucked by that point, it was moot.


RVD + motivation + push = good.

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Guest TheGame2705

For all of you that say Nash is evil because he doesn't care about the WWE just making money....

RVD said that although he doesn't watch it


Hope there's room in the boat Nash for Rob..Van..Dam!

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Guest Lightning Flik
For all of you that say Nash is evil because he doesn't care about the WWE just making money....

RVD said that although he doesn't watch it


Hope there's room in the boat Nash for Rob..Van..Dam!

I think EVERYONE's at the point of not watching the product nowadays. What's the point of watching what your opponent does when EVERYONE does the exact same thing over and over? I mean, what can you learn from it? Nothing really.

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I would love to see RVD in TNA, imagine the possibilities! Although, I would have to wait once every four weeks to see him. So that would suck.

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Guest humongous2002

A motivated RVD will make WWE tons of money believe it or not, just check his old ECW stuff and his first year in the WWF/E. He's got the looks and charisma, his promo skills are a little weak but i blame that on a geeky booker writing down the lines for him instead of letting Rob speak freely like he did in ECW.

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Guest Brian

I don't think anyone anymore has the ability to make the WWE a ton of money except maybe Angle. The ability to make money has so much more factors going into it then just getting the crowd to chant for you, and it's going to take more depth than RVD can probably afford. Angle has the most depth, the best mic work, and probably has the best ability to actually connect with the fans in a much more tangible way then just watching them wrestle. There are a lot of guys who bring different skills to the table like RVD, and they each have their own niche, but Angle is pretty much the only one who's well-rounded enough and probably has the ability to connect with his skill and translate that into something monetary. I just have a hard time picturing how you keep RVD making money once you've gotten him past the climax of the chase, just like I do with quite a few other guys.

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