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HHH Injured Again

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Guest JRE

Hmmm...he tore his quad right before I went to a house show in SLC. He was on Smackdown when I went to a Raw house show in SLC. He was on Raw when i went to a Smackdown house show in SLC. I think the only time I've caught him live was by traveling to Seattle for XIX.


And with a SLC house show coming on the 19th (where he is advertised for a Street Fight with Nash...) I have to say.....Triple H, may just be gone again.

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Guest GameCop

wrestlingobserver.com also reported this.




This made my day.

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Guest tigerdrivah91
what the fuck is an injured heamatoma

whatever it is i hope it involves crippling pain and genital warts.

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Guest Austin3164life

In all seriousness, an injury like that could really take a guy out of commission. However, I wouldn't mind Triple H off of my television, so hopefully this is a blessing in disguise.

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Guest GameCop

Hypothetically speaking, if HHH was too injured to compete at Summerslam, what would happen?


Would it be vacated?

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Goldberg's injured.


HHH's injured.


Hell, if this keeps up, we might get a new World Heavyweight Champion with two different guys in the match-up at SummerSlam (ala Souled 2000). B-)

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Well, if he really wanted to be stingy about it, they could always bring up the 30 day clause to keep the title technically on him past Summerslam should he not be able to compete, but that would just be bad business. Then again, what hasn't been bad business lately.



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Guest GameCop

Ladies and Gents, here's your NEW and IMPROVED SummerSlam card:


Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels - Ladder match for the World Heavyweight Title


Rob Van Dam vs. Kane


Booker T vs. Randy Orton - Intercontinental title


La Resistance vs. Dudley Boyz - Tag Titles


Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle - WWE Title


Rey Mysterio vs. Billy Kidman - CW title


Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Benoit - U.S. Title


Ultimo Dragon/ Tajiri vs. Haas/Benjamin - Tag Titles


John Cena vs. Undertaker (Cena goes over, here)

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Ladies and Gents, here's your NEW and IMPROVED SummerSlam card:


? Vs. ? for the World Heavyweight Title


I nominate RVD and Chris Jericho. Fuck Shawn Michaels. Fuck Kevin Nash. Fuck Kane. Screw Scott Steiner, but maybe I could nominate Booker T IF he's not still the IC champ by then.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

::somewhere, AngleSault smiles, and angels sing hymns of praise::

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Guest bob_barron

We just had a ladder match in May. We don't need another one.


Especially considering one with Shawn Michaels- especially after th awesome performance he had in his last ome

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Guest GameCop

Yeah, but this will be a high-profile ladder match. Barely anyone remembers the Haas/Benjamin vs. Eddie/Tajiri ladder match.

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Guest bob_barron
Yeah, but this will be a high-profile ladder match. Barely anyone remembers the Haas/Benjamin vs. Eddie/Tajiri ladder match.

But 3 ladder matches in less then a year is a bit excessive.


Plus since Brock v. Angle is also on the card it probably won't be the main event.


And if Shawn is in another ladder match that may mean we have to see him fuck up the splash again.

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Guest Choken One

Well..This can only mean either they Hotshot the title to Kane (Yeah I know) and let RVD win it at Summer Slam



However, This should assure us HBK/Jericho...


Make it a 2/3 falls or Cage instead of Ladder.



we can only hope...

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Yeah, but this will be a high-profile ladder match. Barely anyone remembers the Haas/Benjamin vs. Eddie/Tajiri ladder match.


What are you talking about? That was the best match at JD next to the Stretcher match! :ph34r:

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Guest The ChriZa

I nominate Jericho and Booker. I am no longer convinced RVD can carry the company. But then again, that kind of thing never stopped them before.


I'm sure though, it'll end up Scott Steiner VS Kevin Nash or something.

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Guest Trivia247

Everyone SING ALONG...








hmmm if its bad enough then a World title tourny to pick the next champ....bet ya two buddies of HHH will be in it... lol

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Guest Choken One

^ No to the Tourney Idea...Too many of them lately.


Just revive the VENGENCE 2001 idea and have 4 Challengers and 3 matches...


Chris Jericho Vs HBK

Rob Van Dam Vs Kane


There you blow off too Major angles and go with Jericho/RVD in the Title Match...


You can pick who you want...but I say go with Jericho and have RVD do the chase building to him winning the title at Series and then He can drop it back to an returning HHH at Rumble (HHH is mega heel back to his METAL gear fuck you era) and Jericho gets the face turn at some point...


Jericho Vs HHH for the title...


Or be smarter and go with Kane Vs Nash in a Iron Man Match.

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Guest GameCop

What better way to make Jericho into a legitimate star than by having him dethrone the King of ladder matches.


HBK: Look Jericho, you don't know what you're getting into. I am the King of the ladder match!


Jericho: Yeah, well...that's nothing compared to what I am...I'm the KING OF THE WORLD!! Beat that, junior.


En route to SummerSlam, WWE can show clips of HBK's ladder matches: HBK vs. Bret, HBK vs. Razor I and II, HBK vs. HHH ( elbow drop), HBK vs. Goldust, and so on...


WWE can also let us know that Jericho isn't exactly a novice either by showing us clips from Jericho vs. Benoit, TLC 4, Jericho vs. RVD ( Walls of Jericho), TLC Vegas, etc...


After a grueling 30 minute match, Jericho cleanly prevails, and embraces Shawn Michaels, his childhood hero...

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Guest Choken One

^ Or they can have an much better match in an 2/3 Falls match...


Fall One: Straight Up

Fall Two: No DQ

Fall Three: Cage

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One week from Tommorow if things go in accordance with the propecy. :lol:

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