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Guest Choken One

The One and Only *Vengeance* Thread

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Even the video crew couldn't make that match look good.

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Guest AndrewTS
ultimo dragon is NEXT... bet kanyon wrestles two matches tonight... they cant be soo stupid as to forget kanyon is in the apa thing... can they?

They forgot Booker T wasn't a former Intercontinental Champion until the week before Bad Blood.


So yes, they can.

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Guest AndrewTS

We start with the side headlock--WWE style!!


Okay, now picking up.

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Guest C-Bacon

d00dz, i just got the latest booking sheet spoilerz from hot newz update! (finally):


Vengeance is this Sunday! And I managed to sneak a pizzeak at the booking sheet when I was on a guided tour of Titans Towers and here's everything I can remember!


The Worlds GAYEST (JK, lol, Greatest) Tag Team versus Rey Misterio and Billy Kidman


They have a grate fifteen minute match and right at the end Kidman hits the shootstarpress on the black guy but when the referee counts to two he just stands up then punches Rey! And then he sez "I'm sick of you holding me down!" and walks away and he's a heel now!


"The One" Billy Gunn versus Jamie No-balls (JK, lol, Noble)


Jamie wheels a bed down to the ring so that he can sleep wtih Torrie as soon as the match finishes! And Billy does his hiptoss brainbuster to try and impress the smart marks, but Jamie wins clean becaue he's a better worker! And then Jamie tells Torrie to "git" her ass in bed, but when he pulls the covers back Nidia jumps out of the bed! And Nidia hits Jamie with a gold bar (because they're rich now!) and then makes out with Billy and lets Billy slap her ass, but what does Torrie think of that!?


Bar Room Brawl


This takes place in an actual bar room! And Doink the Clown makes ballon animals to impress the Easter Bunny, but then Sean O'Haire claps his hands and the balloons burst and spiders come out and start eating Doink's face! And Sean says "The Spiders are my dark servants, mwahahaha" and then the Ultimate Dragon and Matt Hardy run in! And they're pissed that they got left off teh card so they start trying to have a technical wrestler match on the pool table! And Brian Kendrick tries to join in but Brad Shaw pulls him off and sez "your coming with me, pretty boy!" and drags him into the men's room and Brian screams "NOOOOOOOOO!" And then Rhyno tapes broken glass to his head (he used to be in ECDUB!) and chases Kanyon trying to gore him, but Kanyon runs out into the street to escpae. And Kanyon keeps running until Faarooq runs him down with a car and says "damn, it's just raining white people today!" even though that makes no sense and then he pins Kanyon and wins!


Stephanie McMan versus Sable


They pipe in the crowd chanting "Stephanie" as she makes her entracne like they do for Goldberg! And Steph spears Sable right out of her boots at the start the gives her a big breast splash! Then she starts scracthcing Sable and tears all her hair out and rips Sable's clothes off. And Marc Mero (he's back!) runs in to cover Sable with a towel, but Stephanie DDTs him and chokes Sable out with the towel, then grabs a pitcher of water from Tazz (Tazz: She must be thirsty, Cole!, Cole: Yeah, thirsty for REVENGE!) and smashes it over Sable's head and pins her! But Sable is out cold so the paradmedics put a gas mask on her but Steph is out of control and rips it off and hits Sable with the oxygen tank! So they bring down an ambulance for Sable, but Stephanie throws the driver out and sez "where to, BITCH?" and drives outside! Then she tries to shock Sable with those heart shocking things, but Sable's implants shield her from teh electriccity so Steph straps her down in the ambulance then gets a big 18 wheeler truck and drives it into the ambulance and it blows up! Then Steph says "now you'll NEVER hit anyone with a clipboard again!"


Vince McMahon versus Zackery Gowen


Vince is having his wicked way with Zach, but then STeph runs in and kicks Vince in the nuts 7 times, but then the police arrest her for murdering Sable. But then Zach puts a STEEL fake leg on and climbs to the tope and does a moonsault so that his steel leg hits Vince in the head and Zach wins!


Christ Benwah versus Eddie Guererro


Eddie drives another cool lowrider down to the ring and stops to polish all the windows before the match because he is RUDO~! And some nerdy guy with a hot blond girl holds up an "Eddie sux" sign, so Eddie punches him out then makes out with the hot blond and slips her his number! If making out with another guys girl doesn't get him heel heat nothing will! And they have a great tecknical match but Eddie cheats and hits Benoit with a cookie sheet but then Tajiri drives down in a monster truck and crushes Eddie's lowrider! Then he says "me clushy clushy you rowlider!" and Eddie starts crying and Benoit puts him in the crossface four da win!


The Undertaker vesus John Cena


Cena's rap before the match is as follows...


So now it's July, but it's Vengeance not Fully Loaded, My package is so big that my last pair of underwear exploded! Hey Taker, your brother set fire to JR, You're going to be extinct like a Woolly Mammoth in TAR! I ain't Yokozuna or Kamala or Jake The Snake, Paul Bearer and your mom called they said you were a huge mistake! You're the man from the darkside, well I'm from the WEST SIDE, I'm going to kick out of yo' tombstone, chokeslam and last ride! You suck the workrate out of matches like a Brit sucks down tea, You're not stiff because you're dead it's because you're sexually aroused by me!


And Cena works on Undertakers arm and Taker actually sells it which means he's giveing Cena the rub! But then Undertaker comes back and gives Cena the last ride from hell but then the FBI come in the Polumbo WHACKS Undertaker! And Cena wins but then he's like "DAWG that's whack, I didn't hire you!" and Nunzio sez "the DON did!" and Nathan Jones comes out in an Italian hat smoking a cigar and bodyslams Undertaker! Then Cena gives Tazz his crappy death valley driver and that's his next feud!


Brock Lesnar versus Kurt Angel versus Big Show


Angle and Lesnar work together against the big nasty Show for the whole match but then he double chokeslams them and goes up top! But Angle and Lesnar get up and give him a double superplex and the ring brakes again! And then ANgle and Lesnar stagger up in the wreckage and stagger over to each other and hug! And Angle says "you're my best friend, you can win" and Lesnar pins Show!


credit: http://www.geocities.com/vassie316/

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Guest The Hollywood Fashion Plate

There's even a WMXX logo hanging from the rafters! It's already getting to the point where I can't wait for WMXX just to get it over with.

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Guest Retro Rob

I thought Kanyon was in the APA crap. Maybe he is working double-duty. Yet Matt Hardy is nowhere to be found.

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Guest The Hollywood Fashion Plate

In a perfect world, Hardy would be subbed into the Bar Room Brawl so that he could be on the card.

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Guest Showstoppa Icon

oh good, maybe theyll put the tag match on after eddie/benoit, so i only have to watch 35 mins of the show

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Guest Jobber of the Week
There's even a WMXX logo hanging from the rafters! It's already getting to the point where I can't wait for WMXX just to get it over with.

They're putting it on the T-Shirt too.


XX is going to be the biggest DUD on God's Green Earth. It's just the way they're building to it, I can tell. I bet it will surpass WCW Invasion in terms of missed oppertunity.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Complain if you want, but this is a great idea for a show opener to keep the crowd hot after their inital Heat "Pop for anybody" moment.


Now let's see if the booking holds up.

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Guest Eagan469

Why is there a Wrestlemania XX banner hanging up?


POST 5000, WOOT :headbang:

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Guest The Hollywood Fashion Plate
Complain if you want, but this is a great idea for a show opener to keep the crowd hot after their inital Heat "Pop for anybody" moment.


Now let's see if the booking holds up.

what's happening?

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