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Guest Vyce

Official Arnold Schwarzenegger for CA Gov. Thread!

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Many people may not realize that Arnold has really advocated a lot of fantastic programs for youths

Not to rain on your parade but if you mean the proposition he backed last year, that was pretty flawed in how it listed no new source the money for those afterschool programs would come from. It passed, but the money is money that was originally going to go to other programs.


Although I like afterschool programs, that was why I voted no on it.

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Ok, finally got the hint and looked at the addy in the sig Tyler, and I got only one thing to say.



:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thanks, I needed that.


EDIT: good lord, I can't spell today. :P

Edited by Lil Naitch

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Um, of what? His movies?


Nah, this is enough to make me a fan:


um, link gone, you got your thrills


EDIT: Just provide a link to pictures with nudity in the future.


sorry bout that

Edited by Swift Terror

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That's absolutely incorrect.


Arnold is a centrist, as everyone knows. Just look at his record.


Isn't it wonderful that you're so willing to give Arnold a pass based on his "record", but you refuse to look at Dean's?


Wow, what a blind homer.

Somebody obviously doesn't recognie parody when he sees it.


Which is ironic, given the source of the material I was parodying.

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Guest MikeSC
I was going to vote no and keep Davis when it was announced he wouldn't run, but now I'm not so sure. If I do vote a Reupblican, it'll be this guy. =-/


Still, he's not going to wave a magic wand and make $38 billion disappear.

Davis did and made FAR more disappear.


Come on, that joke has either been made ad inifitum here or is long overdue.


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Guest MikeSC
Now you know how the Dean camp feels. We've been getting bullshit stories thrown at us for the past six months.

Watching CNN, I've seen little but journalistic blowjobs for Dean.


Where is this unfair treatment he's received?


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Guest MikeSC
Whoops, I just slipped in all of my tears.


They certainly aren't mine. The campaign has taken off despite the terrible press he's recieved from several journalists (mostly DLC types), and it even seems that every time a negative story comes out about Howard, the campaign responds resoundingly and we gain more support. I was simply responding to Spicy's whining about Arnold's bad press, because he has no freakin' idea of the meaning.


That's absolutely incorrect.


Arnold is a centrist, as everyone knows. Just look at his record.


Isn't it wonderful that you're so willing to give Arnold a pass based on his "record", but you refuse to look at Dean's?


Wow, what a blind homer.

"...We gain more support?"


Wasn't aware that you ever mentioned being officially associated with the Dean camp.


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Guest JMA
It's more about getting President Bush out of office than anything.

I don't really see that as a bad thing.

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There's a difference. Alot of Dean's supporters like the guy because he criticizes the President, they don't care about where he stands on issues. They hate George Bush.


I think more of those people exist, than people like Tyler,who support Dean because of issues, more than his anti-Bush stance.

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Guest Choken One

How is Dean and the rest of the bumbling fucks doing to pull that off if they can't get their heads set straight...


No One...Sorry Tyler NO ONE is remotely compelling enough to beat Bush at the moment.


Bush may not be in good shape with the economy and the never ending war but the Democrats aren't really helping themselfs with something that is SO FUCKING beatable...

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Wasn't aware that you ever mentioned being officially associated with the Dean camp.


Yep, he mentioned it when you were "away."


So of course you have to take anything he says about Howie with a grain of salt since he's making money to pimp Mr. Dean...

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Now you know how the Dean camp feels. We've been getting bullshit stories thrown at us for the past six months.

Watching CNN, I've seen little but journalistic blowjobs for Dean.


Where is this unfair treatment he's received?


You must have been ignoring the printed news for the past... oh, I dunno... three months to not see the multiple "DEAN IZ LEFT WING!~!~!!!!!", "Dean did terrible on MTP!!!!", "Dean IS LEADING US OFF OF A CLIFF INTO THE WILDERNESS AND ONTO A PILE OF RABBITS!!!!!!" articles.

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Wasn't aware that you ever mentioned being officially associated with the Dean camp.


Yep, he mentioned it when you were "away."


So of course you have to take anything he says about Howie with a grain of salt since he's making money to pimp Mr. Dean...

I've said many times that I don't agree with everything on the guy's platform, but I do find a lot of his views -- for example, his view on civil unions -- to be strongly rooted in constitutional law, and thus, very defendable. Also, I find it rather fun to completely dissect bullshit tossed at him.

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How is Dean and the rest of the bumbling fucks doing to pull that off if they can't get their heads set straight...


No One...Sorry Tyler NO ONE is remotely compelling enough to beat Bush at the moment.


Bush may not be in good shape with the economy and the never ending war but the Democrats aren't really helping themselfs with something that is SO FUCKING beatable...

I suggest you actually get off your ass and research the candidates before you make that assertation. Dean is, by far, a stronger candidate than Bush ever was, and if he can improve his mannerisms on television (he looks really stiff when he's in a one-on-one situation), I think he's got Bush nailed. That is, unless people buy into the Rovian attack machine which is sure to come.

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That's absolutely incorrect.


Arnold is a centrist, as everyone knows. Just look at his record.


Isn't it wonderful that you're so willing to give Arnold a pass based on his "record", but you refuse to look at Dean's?


Wow, what a blind homer.

Somebody obviously doesn't recognie parody when he sees it.


Which is ironic, given the source of the material I was parodying.

I got tired of waiting for Tyler to get the joke, so I'm going to post it blatantly in front of him now.


This was your response to me in the Dean thread, here, when I remarked that Dean wasn't a centrist:


Try reading the guy's platform and lay off of the ignorant Bush love.


Get the joke now?


I really hate having to explain these things to people who just don't get it.

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The difference here is that Arnold IS a centrist, and that's unquestionable. Now, if you had said that in re: Bush or Reagan or someone of the sort, THEN it would have been a parody and more obvious that you were "parodying" me. In this case, your pathetic "parody" sounded more like an assertation (based on very little, mind you, but an assertation based on common word).

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I think the word you were looking for there was "assertion," slugger. Anyway, are you an official part of the Dean election campaign? Like, something more than a born-again volunteer whose dad's friend knows this guy whose sister once dated a dude who knows Dean's best friend's brother's daughter-in-law, and who therefore considers himself a privileged "insider" preaching the virtues of "his" candidate to the ignorant masses?

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No One...Sorry Tyler NO ONE is remotely compelling enough to beat Bush at the moment.

Does nobody remember how stupid Bush came off while campaigning?



Like the guy if you want, but recognize the JOKE he was becoming on the trail. Jesus, even David Letterman's writer came out and thanked the audience "for making my job easier and voting for the dumb guy." I'm still not sure how Al Gore actually managed to LOSE the debate. I couldn't believe that this was the same guy who dismantled Ross Perot on Larry King a few years back now unable to get his act together against Boy George. Dubya couldn't even remember the question at one point and started rambling about fighting Hollywood lawyers when asked how he'd handle a crisis. Gore truly snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.


With the shift to the right side of the chair this country has taken in the past two years, I'd say Bush would win normally, but the Iraq thing is killing his popularity. Most people swallowed the rhetoric and agreed to go in there, but they're not happy with the results. And before Marney or anyone else opens their mouth and says "They've said from the start that finishing Iraq will take years!" what I'm saying is that the people are STILL quite obviously wanting to see some result or some small element of closure somewhere. And it's hurting his image.


These lower numbers + Bush's attention span of a Turnip when he's not asked pre-approved questions = Good chances depending on what Dem wins the caucus.

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Guest MikeSC
Now you know how the Dean camp feels. We've been getting bullshit stories thrown at us for the past six months.

Watching CNN, I've seen little but journalistic blowjobs for Dean.


Where is this unfair treatment he's received?


You must have been ignoring the printed news for the past... oh, I dunno... three months to not see the multiple "DEAN IZ LEFT WING!~!~!!!!!", "Dean did terrible on MTP!!!!", "Dean IS LEADING US OFF OF A CLIFF INTO THE WILDERNESS AND ONTO A PILE OF RABBITS!!!!!!" articles.

No, I haven't gotten papers as of late as the local paper here is crap and the papers out of Philly are nothing to write home about --- and there is no way I'll spring for a NY Times.


HOWEVER, seeing as how TV news has a bit of a larger audience than print, CNN's Dean fellatio act as of late is far more important than the alleged critical (Dean IS left-wing) print stories.


That is BASIC political science there.


However, considering your affection for Dean, I doubt most of your comments about "harsh" treatment.


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Guest MikeSC
How is Dean and the rest of the bumbling fucks doing to pull that off if they can't get their heads set straight...


No One...Sorry Tyler NO ONE is remotely compelling enough to beat Bush at the moment.


Bush may not be in good shape with the economy and the never ending war but the Democrats aren't really helping themselfs with something that is SO FUCKING beatable...

I suggest you actually get off your ass and research the candidates before you make that assertation. Dean is, by far, a stronger candidate than Bush ever was, and if he can improve his mannerisms on television (he looks really stiff when he's in a one-on-one situation), I think he's got Bush nailed. That is, unless people buy into the Rovian attack machine which is sure to come.

Hmm, people couldn't vote for Bush unless they buy into the "Rovian attack machine".


No chance anybody could agree with him.


Now do you see why the Dems have a hard time gaining credibility?


Dean is as strong a candidate as Steve Forbes was.

-=Mike --- Dean: Forbes without the money or charisma

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