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With the past two cage matches, the reason hasn't been just to throw in a random gimmick match but to keep interference out. In the past 2 or so matches involving Kazarian and Sabin, Sabin has won via a belt shot. Wouldn't it make sense if Watts announced that "tonight" there would be a ladder match to avoid Sabin using the belt for a cheap win?

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They'd have to be fools to give Kazarian the belt at this point unless they did a double turn or something to draw heat on him. He simply put is far from over as a babyface chasing the X title, much less actually deserving to get it because of that. The reaction wasnt there when he beat Sabin the first time, nor the second.


I'd say just do the ladder match and have Sabin win and leave it at that. I'm fearing though instead they might vacate the X belt next week for that tournament coming up perhaps.

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If they do vacate it, Michael Shane will be in it and win. When he started rounding up the band or whatever its called, he got heel heat. He could play a heel and get over by being a wannabe HBK.

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Michael WAS a face in his first match. He turned heel last week I guess when he got the heel heat and started eliminating people.

I know he was a face- cause TNA is stupid.


Michael Shane is a natural asshole heel and should never ever attempt to play a face

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

My feelings on Frankie is that he can work a great match with the right guy, but he's fucking boring. He doesn't seem like a ladder guy (seems like after the Hardyz got over in the damn matches, LOTS of people think any cruisers + ladder =5*). Sabin might, but against someone who can pull it off. Just give them an I Quit match, let em go 15 minutes, have Sabin retain, & if Frankie gets a reaction afterwards, then consider dropping the belt.


The issue with Shane isn't TNA being stupid, it's them wanting to bring him in an important match to make him special. Sabin was the heel because he's Sabin. Part of it was also most likely the "first appearance" reaction anyway. Besides, IF they make him face (which i doubt they would), he would be of at least some value since there's a lack of them, especially in the X division (Kazarian, Red when he's in town, Lynn off & on). So whatever. Tween him or something if they have to, but the heel is where he's at his best. Just like his famous relative.

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Actually he does.


He relies too much on rest holds as transitions and it always slows down his matches.


He's a great character and a terrific heel- but not a good worker

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Actually he does.


He relies too much on rest holds as transitions and it always slows down his matches.


He's a great character and a terrific heel- but not a good worker

Its true. All his good matches were with Paul London, and most of them featured London bumping his ass off.


Who could forget his match with CM Punk that killed the crowd at All Star Extravaganza because he HIT THE CHINLOCK every 2 minutes?

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That match was killing me-


Punk is trying his hardest to pull something out of this but Shane keeps resting.


At least Revenge on the Prophecy Shane was able to keep the chinlocks to a minimum and Punk dragged something good out of him

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Have a ladder match, have Kazarian win it, but then have Sabin pull the "you never pinned me" card out on Kazarian. Then maybe start a double turn by Kazarian ducking a rematch, be a chickenshit champion, while Sabin goes face and chases him for a rematch. Feed Kazarian a few of the lowercard X guys (Jason Cross, Jimmy Rave, etc.) and then have the rematch where Sabin gets it back. Have Shane win the tourney as a heel, and feud he and Sabin.

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None of this is going to happen I don't think. I think they will just suspend the title untill the tournament. In Borash's column it says something about "This week the situation about the X Title belt will be disscussed" Actually its nothing like that but it has the same point. I think they will just suspend and wait. Then have Sabin vs. Kazarian in the first round of the tourny....OR the Final...although that would be really stupid in my oppinion/.

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