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Guest Salacious Crumb

Holcomb is the new starting QB

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Guest Salacious Crumb

The Browns just announced that Holcomb will be the starter for the Browns to open the season.


I have to say that I'm very pleased with the decision especially after his 429 yd. performance in the playoffs last year. I think the passing offense will be much more dangerous with him at the helm.

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Good news for Northcutt but bad news for Johnson and Morgan. Northcutt might move up from #3 WR to maybe the #1 option for Kelly Holcomb. Northcutt always played well when Holcomb was the starting QB.

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Guest Jar_of_Dirt

or this just makes Cleveland a more diverse offence, making it harder for the defence to stop the offence.


Though I question about The Browns D though...

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The Browns D scares me with all of last year's starting linebackers off the team...


But at least we have a Qb that might look for a second option if the go-to receiver is covered.

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or this just makes Cleveland a more diverse offence, making it harder for the defence to stop the offence.

It's not really a diverse offense when all you do is pass because your RB is a bum for the most part.

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Guest El Satanico

And you know he's a bum how exactly.


After struggling in the first half of his rookie year, he was great in the second half and because of his last 6 games he went from fans calling m a bust to being in the running for rookie of the year. How does that make him a bum.


Rookies struggling in their first NFL season makes them a bum?

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As much as I HATE the Browns, Willie Green ain't no bum, and I really don't think Holcomb being the starter will affect Morgan as much as it will Johnson.

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Guest Redhawk

Quincy Morgan is the Browns' deep threat, and Holcomb doesn't throw deep as well as Tim Couch. So I can see where Morgan would be affected by this.


But what I want to know is, why did this require a press conference and such a public "competition?" That's one thing I hate about the NFL: teams think they have to announce their starters before training camp even starts. With the Browns, it was "We would like to officially announce that there is a competition, and we'll name the starting QB no later than (fill in the date)." Why not just let Couch and Holcomb go through camp, and decide before the first REAL game. And don't have a press conference, just let us figure it out when one of them gets into the huddle in Week 1, or after one of them is seen taking all the reps with the first unit in practice.


With the Cowboys it was, "We'll resign Emmitt Smith but he has to agree to be the backup." WTF? Why not let him go to camp and COMPETE, and then pick the starter? If Emmitt had agreed to be the backup, but performed better in camp than Hambrick, would Hambrick still be named the starter even then?


Call me old-fashioned, but I thought you should win your job on the field, during practice, not during the off-season.

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And you know he's a bum how exactly.


After struggling in the first half of his rookie year, he was great in the second half and because of his last 6 games he went from fans calling m a bust to being in the running for rookie of the year. How does that make him a bum.


Rookies struggling in their first NFL season makes them a bum?

Okay, maybe calling him a "bum" was a bit much, but "overrated" fits nicely, especially when in his last 7 games he faced only one defense that wasn't weak as hell against the run(Baltimore).

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Actually stat wise Carolina was stronger against the run than Baltimore was. And while New Orleans and Indy weren't great against the run they weren't terrible either.

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Call me old-fashioned, but I thought you should win your job on the field, during practice, not during the off-season.

Its all about owners not wanting to pay big money for the inconsistent player with ego problems.

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Guest Choken One

What I like is how Couch isn't using the company line


"I'm willing to do anything for the good of the team" bullshit.


At least he puts his true feelings into it


"I want this job...I won't just sit back and let it go"...

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