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Guest ManKinnd

Summerslam 2003

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Guest ManKinnd

Elimination Chamber - **1/2-***1/2 If Jericho and HBK do most of the work with the others along for the ride, this should actually be pretty good, but there's a good possibility the likes of Nash and Orton will suck it up pretty bad.


Lesnar/Angle - ****-****1/2 The WM match rocked, and now both men are healthy. The only thing that bothers me is the strong possiblity of a screwy finish, which will keep this from being the total classic it can be.


US Title 4way - ****-****1/2 We've got some GREAT workers here, and I think the only thing that may keep this from MOTYC is the structure of the match itself. I see this being the second coming of the NWO 01 4way, with fast paced action the whole way through.


Kane/RVD - 1/2*-** This could just be another squash for Kane, but I like to think Rob could make things interesting. Big bumps and false finishes could keep this one decent.


Taker/Train - DUD-*. What can I really say here? Total waste of space, but hey, if Taker busts out the nice brawling skills from Vengeance and Train tries harder than ever before, this COULD be okayish.


Bisch/Shane - *1/2-** I know this is just a stage for Shane to hit his spots, but since he's wrestling Eric Friggin Bischoff there will be nothing in between the big bumps.


Gowan/Hardy - **-**1/2 Gowan's decent for what he is, and I think Matt will play the perfect heel in this match. Have some big spots and they could get the crowd into it.


Dudz/La Res - 1/4*-*3/4 This will most likely be awful due Resistance being uber-green, and the Dudley Boys aren't exactly on a hot streak. I see this being best as short and energetic.


This will most likely be a 2 match show with Gowan/Hardy being an interesting little match. There's an okayish undercard with 2 definite good title matches, so I leave the overall quality of this card up to the Elimination Chamber. If that delivers, it's great, if not, well, it's a shitty card with 2 winners.

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Guest BionicRedneck

Elimination Chamber - **1/2 Jericho/Michaels better perform or this is gonna SUCK.


Lesnar/Angle - *** Should be OK. Could be good. Unfortunately, I just see a repeat of their WM match but with better crowd heat.


US Title 4way - ***1/2 Could be strong, but these 4 ways usually end up being clusterfucks.


Kane/RVD - * Kane needs carrying. RVD needs carrying. This could be real bad.


Taker/Train - *. Shitty build-up should lead to a shitty match-up. Could be OK if both have the working boots on.


Bisch/Shane - DUD. Shane gets his win back. Bleh.


Gowan/Hardy - **. Seen one Gowan match you've seen em all


Dudz/La Res - Big fat stinky fucking DUD.

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Elimination Chamber - ** -> ***1/2. ***1/2 if Jericho, HBK AND HHH bring their A-game(I doubt HBK'll last long enough to alter the match heavily).


Angle/Brock - ***1/2 -> ****. I didn't like WM as much as others and, although I think they'll put on a good match, I don't see anything ground breaking. Might end up Brock's best match though.


4 way -*** -> ****1/2. If it gets enough time and depending on the structure(as someone mentioned) this could be great. Or it could be a clusterfuck.


Kane/RVD - * -> **1/2. If this is more of a brawl then a match, if could be decent.


Shane/Bisch - DUD -> 1/2*. Unless Vince pulls some 'McMahon Magic'(which always ends with Vince having watchable matches) this'll blow...and blow hard.


Matt/Gowen - * -> **. I haven't seen SD in 1.5 months so I have no clue what's the build up to this, or whether Gowen has improved in the ring. I'm not getting my hopes up though.


Taker/Train - DUD -> **1/2. IF both guys bring their work boots this oculd be decent. Train is one of the better hosses and Taker can be ok when he actually works his ass off.


Duds/Frenchies - DUD. Duds have a DUD. Duh.


Damn looks like the worst SS ever(possibly barring SS95 although that had HBK/Razor).

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Elimination Chamber - HHH © v. Bill Goldberg v. Kevin Nash v. Chris Jericho v. Shawn Michaels v. Randy Orton.




Letting loose Goldberg in the Chamber LAST, will have the crowd dying for him to enter. The good workers (Jericho, HHH, HBK) will hide Nash's weaknesses by brawling, while Y2J and HBK will shine in their individual match-ups. Orton will make good fodder for dismemberment by Goldberg.


Time: 36 minutes.





Kane v. Rob Van Dam




A motivated Kane + RVD willing to bump his ass off for his friend = a sweet brawl.


Time: 13 minutes.





Eric Bischoff v. Shane McMahon




Shane's bumps only matter when he's working with a trained WRESTLER. Eric Bischoff? Not a trained WRESTLER.


Time: 12 minutes.






La Resistance © v. Dudley Boys




The less Grenier in the ring, the better. Good heat for this match, but the Dudleys are past their usefulness on the RAW brand.


Time: 5 minutes.









Kurt Angle © v. Brock Lesnar




With a healthy Angle AND Lesnar, this will rock the house - PLUS, the emotion for this match will be THAT much better with Brock playing the heel.


Time: 22 minutes.






Eddie Guerrero © v. Chris Benoit v. Rhyno v. Tajiri




You already know what Benoit/Eddie can do here. Tajiri will only bring the AWESOME~! to compliment the two, while Rhyno will be there to kill any dead spots that Benoit/Eddie/Tajiri might have.


Time: 16 minutes.





Undertaker v. A-Train




It's the Wrestlemania match without a second heel.


Time: 13 minutes.





Zack Gowen v. Matt Hardy




Short and inoffensive, but the shoddy booking and Gowen's struggling face persona, will not allow Matt to play the proper heel role in this match (HINT: Vince already played this role last month).


Time: 8 minutes.



Edited by bravesfan

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Guest Wildbomb 4:20

Elimination Chamber: ***-***3/4

I'm giving this a pretty good range; it could be decent, it could suck, it could be great. With the talent in the chamber, it should come out average to good. Best case scenario eliminates Orton and Nash in the opening 10 minutes.


Angle/Lesnar: ****-****1/4

This match will be better than Wrestlemania, I "guaren-damn-tee" it. Both men are healthy. The only thing holding it back will be the Vinnie Mac interference.


US Title Fatal Fourway: ****-****1/2

This, I think, is our match of the night. The talent in the ring should hopefully prevent the match from becoming an entire clusterfuck; instead, I look for storytelling similar to the RoH Fourway Iron Man from last year. It won't get that much time, but it'll be entertaining nontheless.


Kane/RVD: **3/4-***1/4

I don't think it'll be a squash, and I also think that this will become a "No Holds Barred" or Hardcore match-up. I look for a final sequence of Kane to be beating the crap out of RVD, but he keeps kicking out, until a final Tombstone puts him down.


Taker/A-Train: *1/2-*3/4

This is going to be a Train Wreck (no pun intended). Taker will not put A-Train over. It took him two matches to put Cena over semi-clean. Ugh.


Bischoff/Shane: 1/4*

That quarter of a star results from the Shane bump that will occur, courtesy of Kane.


Gowen/Hardy: **-**1/4

Those stars are representative IF this match goes down. The FBI and Hardy, Shannon Moore, and Gowen are booked to fight on SmackDown! house shows next month. Perhap Gowen will be beat, and realize that he needs to possess the qualities of Mattitude in order to survive.


Dudleyz/ La Resistance: DUD-1/2*

The Dudleyz are stale, La Resistance is La Green. Oye.


This should be a middle of the road PPV, but if it all delivers, it could be a great surprise, much like Vengeance.

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Lesnar/Angle - *** Should be OK. Could be good. Unfortunately, I just see a repeat of their WM match but with better crowd heat.


I'd say you're REALLY low-balling that rating, but I figure your rating is compared to stuff outside of the U.S., right?

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Guest BionicRedneck

Maybe, but I really didn't think their first match was up to much and this one has got added Vince, so....

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Who wants to bet Linda comes down, acts like she is going to help Shane, turns and helps Bischoff. Then they can cut a promo together saying how they fell in love. WWE has a history of rape turning to love and I think we will see it again here.

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Wait...wheres the IC championship, WWE Tag Championships and Creuiserweight Championship?


Has Rey ever defended that title? Are 30 days up yet?


Are Spanky and Ultimo Dragon still in the company?


The Countries Second Greatest Tag Team without a match? The lesson is no longer "Don't get over" it's also "Don't be good". Well...only Benjamin is really good...but he's awesome.


Am I to understand that Cena's BIG WIN!!! over Taker will not be parlayed into a ppv match of any sort? :o




Dudleys vs. La Resistence. DUD


Shane vs. The Bisch. DUD


Taker vs. Albert. *


Hardy vs. Gowen. *1/2


*Boy...so far I'm so glad that all those other people like Rey, Shelton and his tag along and Cena's push aren't on the show*


Kane vs. RVD: *3/4 Uh-Oh. Extended SQUASH with some sick bumps by RVD. Even though he is going to get slaughtered...I'll lay even money that RVD gets more over from this match than Kane does because he'll have to make a few comebacks from severe beatings to have an actual match.


Elimination Chamber: ** (And that's REAL generous since I think the last one was ** and this one has LESS going for it)


4 Way: *** The last match like this I remember was good (No Way Out 2001) and they've got the talent to do even better than my projected rating...but 4 ways are all jumbled. Benoit/Rhyno and Eddy/Tajiri singles matches would have been SOO much better.


Angle vs. Brock: ****. I think they can do it.

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Wow, bravesfan's predictions looked so impressive I feel embarrassed to put mine up. It's like we're all indy feds and his were the WWE for production values.




Dudleyz vs. La Resistance- *1/2:

The crowd heat should carry this one to something watchable as long as they give the Dudz the title and blow this crappy feud off now.


Gowen vs. Hardy- 3/4*:

Zach Gowen's offense always looks like shit, and unless he's getting squashed, he's pretty much useless. I'm sure Matt will try, but there's not much he can do.


Shane vs. Bischoff- *1/2:

Could be good if they make it quick, but I have a feeling that it's gonna be a lot of stalling and interference.


Undertaker vs. A-Train- **1/4: Taker tends to come to play on PPV, and A-Train can work pretty well with a good opponent. It's not gonna be anything fantastic, but I think it might surprise some people.


RVD vs. Kane- ***:

I assume that they've been planning out a sweet bump for a while now, and RVD can do pretty good in matches that don't involve complex psychology. When all he has to do is take sweet bumps, act dead, and make comebacks, he's pretty good.


Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Benoit vs. Tajiri vs. Rhyno: ***3/4

I have a feeling that Rhyno and Tajiri are gonna make this match kind of messy and keep it out of great territory. Should be entertaining though.


HHH vs. Goldberg vs. Chris Jericho vs. Kevin Nash vs. HBK vs. Randy Orton: ***3/4

I think they'll learn from last year's chamber where they had everyone break up pinfalls at random, and Patterson should be able to set up a good match. Jericho will carry the bulk of the match, and the workers like Goldberg and Nash will be protected enough to look good.


Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar: ****1/4

Sure, the WM main event wasn't that great, but can you imagine how good the Vengeance main event would have been without Big Show. I think Brock and Angle will put on a good match here, but there will be a screwjob finish, and Brock and Angle won't put on a real MOTY until No Mercy.

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Elimination Chamber - ** Unless Jericho goes over I have a feeling I'm gonna be bored.


Lesnar/Angle - *** Who has $10 saying Vince interferes?


US Title 4way - **** Same trainwreck/greatness expectations as everyone else.


Kane/RVD - ** Bleh.


Taker/Train - *** Taker's on a role and Train's better than his last two opponents, this should be good.


Bisch/Shane - DUD.


Gowan/Hardy - ** Meh...


Dudz/La Res - Mommy, don't let the DUD hurt me....

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Guest JMA

Dudleys vs. La Resistance: *-**1/4


It's about nationalism! Ahem. I don't think La Res is as bad as everyone says, and the Dudleys are an experienced team. It could be pretty good.


Gowen vs. Hardy: DUD-*1/3


Like it or not, Gowen is limited to what he can do in the ring. Hardy doesn't have a history of carrying people (unless you count his brother).


McMahon vs. Bischoff: DUD-*


Neither one are wrestlers. That fact alone will hurt this match. Hopefully Linda will interfere (in Bischoff's behalf) to keep it from being a total DUD.


Undertaker vs. A-Train: 1/2*-**


This match will be ** at best and 1/2* at worst. It could be a good brawl.


RVD vs. Kane: *-**1/2


This one all depends on how it's booked. If RVD is squashed nothing will be accomplished. Neither RVD or Kane need to be carried, IMO. Hopefully they'll both have their working boots on.


Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Benoit vs. Tajiri vs. Rhyno: **1/2-***1/4


The nature of this match will prevent it from reaching **** levels. Still, you have four great workers in this match. Could be the match of the night (if Angle/Lesnar isn't).


HHH vs. Goldberg vs. Chris Jericho vs. Kevin Nash vs. HBK vs. Randy Orton: **-***1/3


Nash and Goldberg will need the most hiding in this match. Goldberg doesn't usually wrestle long matches and we know Nash just doesn't give a damn anymore. Hopefully, Goldberg will actually sell the offence. Orton will probably be the fall guy here, so he isn't much of a factor. Jericho/HBK/HHH could break *** if they REALLY try.


Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar: ***-****1/4


Most likely the match of the night. Although, Vince running in could take away some points.

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Elimination Chamber-*** It will either be Godawful, or very good. It all depends on who gets the work load. Personally, I am really looking forward to this simply because I have NO idea who will win and it seems like every person in it(besides Nash) has a good reason to go over. It will hopefully be brutal and maybe the WWE put some quirking to the Chamber to avoid the borefest that was Elimination Chamber I.


Shane vs Bischoff-* Boring,boring,boring. Hopefully Shane will do a big bump or two keep it in the positive star range.


Kane vs RVD-**1/2. Kane squash most likely, but I foresee a spotfest from RVD and definately some big bumps like the ones he's had the past 2 weeks. Should be entertaining as it is Kane's first outing as demasked psycho man.


Dudz vs La Resistance-*1/2 I have a feeling my rating is even a little to generous. This will be very boring. I wish they would either put this on heat to conserve time for the double main event, or put it between ME's to let the crowd rest.




Angle vs Lesnar II ****-****1/2 I see a great match from these two, however they will probably withdraw from using their full arsenals because with Lesnar turning heel recently this feud isn't NEAR over(combined with the fact it won't be the last match). It will probably climax at WM XX. To all those who weren't impressed with their WM match(I WAS considering the situation), keep in mind Angle wasn't NEAR 100 % and Lesnar wasn't exactly at full strength, either. This will end either in Lesnar taking the title to set up Angle going on a heroic quest to take it back, or a DQ finish after a vicious Lesnar assault. It will be great though.


US Title 4 Way ***3/4-****3/4 Could be GREAT. Could be AWESOME.......If given enough time, which it probably won't. Will still be fun and very fast paced. I am looking forward to it.


Train vs Taker DUD I HATE A Train and don't really like Taker. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ


Gowen vs Hardy ** I am a Mattitude fan. But him losing to a one legged man at SS, the 2nd biggest PPV of the year, isn't my idea of a good idea. Gowen has impressed me in the past weeks, pulling off some impressive maneuvers, fighting bravely, and LOSING. I will be very upset if he beats Hardy without some serious screwing.


All in all, a very dissapointing card, as in June-July I was looking forward to Ultimo-Rey, HBK-Jericho, and even Mick Foley coming back. I am NOT as down on it as everyone else is, though. Remember Vengeance, and what we all thought that would be. Angle/Lesnar, US 4 Way, and even the Elimination Chamber will be good. Mixed feelings about the PPV.

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Guest Coffey

No way that Taker/Train will be worse than Hardy/Gowen.


At least Taker/Train combine for four legs.

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Elimination Chamber

As basically everyone else is saying, Jericho and possibly HBK are going to have to carry this one on their backs. It all just depends on who enters first. It seemingly has to be Jericho & Michaels to carry on the first half or so. The last EC wasn't that bad as some people here claim. I think this one will be on par with the last one, and who knows... maybe even better. Afterall, last time was only the FIRST EC. They should know how to book the match a little better now. It just depends on who feels like working. **-***1/2


Angle vs. Brock

Most definitely MOTN... WM was a great match, but now that Angle is in better shape, I think we can expect a better match. Honestly, though, I have no clue who's going to win here. I don't think they'll take the title off of Angle so soon, but how to they book a Brock loss? Maybe DQ? Anyway, I'm thinking rating will be ***3/4-****3/4


Kane vs. RVD

I think this might become No DQ or something... maybe on Heat or something. That way, RVD can really get some of his hardcore offense in, and Kane could sell it. Either way, though, RVD is going to be bumping like a madman for Kane. Could be really good, and I don't think it'll be as much of a squash as everyone else says. RVD needs some credibility. *1/2-***


Shane vs. Bischoff

Let's face it, McMahons only have decent matches in No DQ matches. Shane is occasionally the exception to that rule, having a few decend matches with Rock, X-Pac, and others... but Bischoff is NOT a wrestler. Because of that, I don't expect the match to last very long. DUD-*


Four-Way US Title Match

Another MOTN candidate. I think the pairings of Eddie vs. Tajiri and Benoit vs. Rhyno will be obvious in the match. In fact, I think it would be entertaining if we actually saw some teamwork from Benoit & Tajiri or Eddie & Rhyno... hell, why not have Benoit & Rhyno or Eddie & Tajiri for a minute? If given enough time, this one could steal the show. ***-****1/4


Undertaker vs. A-Train

Neither Taker or A-Train have been looking too bad lately. I'm guessing this one will get about 8 min. or so. Not even Taker-Big Show from No Way Out was THAT bad, so I don't see why this one can't go to... *-**1/4


La Resistance vs. Dudleys

I'm guessing that this will be the opener. I think the Dudleys get the win in a 5 min. match. La Resistance are still very green, but if short enough, and maybe with a hot, pro-USA crowd, the match could be decent. 1/2*-**1/4


Matt Hardy vs. Zach Gowen

Gowen is far from a terrible wrestler, and Matt has been looking good in his matches. Could be a great match, although we all know how it will play out: Matt has the advantage for nearly the entire match... Shannon Moore occasionally gets cheapshots in... Gowen makes a comeback. I'm not sure on who wins, though. **-**3/4

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wheres the IC championship, WWE Tag Championships and Cruiserweight Championship?


Those title defenses got the shaft


Has Rey ever defended that title? Are 30 days up yet?


Not really and yes.

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Elimination Chamber - ** to ***. Either it will be entertaining or be punishing to watch based on who is in it. I also feel that if HHH, Orton, or Nash leave as champion, this match will become universally trashed.


Lesnar/Angle: *** should be very fun.


US Title 4way: All four of them are talented, and they have two of the Gods of Wrestling here...**** if given proper time.


Kane/RVD - These two will have a style clash...**


Taker/Train: Train isn't too too bad, but Taker sucks ass. Propably between * and **


Bisch/Shane: DUD.


Gowan/Hardy: * The novelty factor of a one legged wrestler is diminishing by the minute.


Dudz/La Res: DUD. Mildly worse than Bisch/Shane

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Has Rey ever defended that title? Are 30 days up yet?


Not really and yes.

Actually, it's yes (Nunzio) and yes (that defense was July 3rd).

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