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One and Only NWA: TNA 8/20 Thread

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The Kid and The Truth to start. Daniels enters. BG James enters. Siaki is next. Jeff Jarret's music plays, no one enters. Down with the Brown. Mad Mikey run-in. Siaki is out. Abyss is in the hizzy. The Truth and BG gone. Sandman enters to big pop. No more Kid.

Legend is now in. Konnan enters. Sandman out and Douglas in. Konnan is out. Crowds goes nuts for Raven. (Askewniverse sorry didn't see you doing it too) Abyss is gone. Legend is out. Dlo gone. Final three. Daniels is out. Final Two. RAven kicks out at 2 & 99/100. Raven won't stop.

Edited by frozenblockofpissreborn

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Guest Askewniverse

EDIT: never mind, looks like FBOPR has got it covered.

Edited by Askewniverse

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Wow. I'm the only person who really liked the show for the most part? The only problem with Ultimate X was the damn belt falling TWICE, the tag match was solid as was the New Church/Gathering tag match. The Jarrett/Watts vs. Daniels/Legend match was weak, but what're ya gonna do? And while in-ring wise the gauntlet sucked, the booking was right-on. What, exactly, was so bad about it?

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I liked the show. Worth my 2 dollars that I chipped in.


However, the Ultimate X match was a big fucking disaster.


The best part of all is that I got to see CM Punk, which is always a good thing.

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Wow. I'm the only person who really liked the show for the most part? The only problem with Ultimate X was the damn belt falling TWICE, the tag match was solid as was the New Church/Gathering tag match. The Jarrett/Watts vs. Daniels/Legend match was weak, but what're ya gonna do? And while in-ring wise the gauntlet sucked, the booking was right-on. What, exactly, was so bad about it?

The booking.


The belt falling off twice. The belt falling off twice- and the belt falling off-



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Guest SEX

I loved the show,


Shane winning was a suprise,


sure there were a few blown spots and too much Erik Watts,


but I enjoyed this more then I have enjoyed any wwe for a long time,


But us Australians are starved of wrestling,

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Guest JRE
Swerve, Russo and AJ dressed like Freddy and Jason join the beatdown.

That SO better make the WrestleCrap definition this week (Look at what's currently up there)

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

What was the X Division Title on to make it fall off...TWICE.

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Swerve, Russo and AJ dressed like Freddy and Jason join the beatdown.

That SO better make the WrestleCrap definition this week (Look at what's currently up there)

No way. It's not going to beat out the Bisch/Linda Soap Opera angle, though I'm damn certain that it will make the mailbag.


Oh, and the belt falling off once is uderstandable. The second time it was lame, but at least the first time the three were able to cover it up by brawling while it was being set up again. It was a fun match despite the lameness of the belt falling, in my opinion.


And since I only paid $5 this week, it was worth every buck. ^_^

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I enjoyed tonights show. I thought Freddy and Jason were pretty funny. The X belt falling sucked major ass, but at least the first time, they kept brawling and the second they had just hit big moves so they were kinda out. Sure, they were building up Frankie's win, but I don't mind it since it was a surprise that Michaels won.

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Swerve, Russo and AJ dressed like Freddy and Jason join the beatdown.

That SO better make the WrestleCrap definition this week (Look at what's currently up there)

No way. It's not going to beat out the Bisch/Linda Soap Opera angle, though I'm damn certain that it will make the mailbag.

The individual gimmicks of Freddy and Jason were inducted into Wrestlecrap last week - it'd make sense if RD recognized continuity and posted this assault as the definition.

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I don't really watch TNA, but answer me something: Is the Sinn in TNA the one that's played by Chris Champion (Yoshi Kwan)?

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Swerve, Russo and AJ dressed like Freddy and Jason join the beatdown.

That SO better make the WrestleCrap definition this week (Look at what's currently up there)

No way. It's not going to beat out the Bisch/Linda Soap Opera angle, though I'm damn certain that it will make the mailbag.

The individual gimmicks of Freddy and Jason were inducted into Wrestlecrap last week - it'd make sense if RD recognized continuity and posted this assault as the definition.

I know this, but RD doesn't watch TNA.

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Yeah, I noticed the sun deflector for a car's dashboard being used as that tan thing for Russo. I noticed it because when Russo turned to talk to AJ, it showed the cut out for the rear view mirror. Is any one else not really that surprised in that Russo was tanning outside....AT NIGHT???


My friend pointed out the crickets chirping in the back ground then when they moved the camera angle to see AJ do his old finishing move into the water, you could see that the sky was black.


My friend pointed out that when AJ jumped into the water that a couple of people off camera were making some noise about AJ jumpin into the pool

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Guest Boomer Sprinklespax

I thought the show was pretty good overall, but nothing great. While it did look like a lot of guys mailed in their performances this week, I enjoyed the booking for the most part, which saved the show altogether.


~As someone else already said, GREAT way to open the show with the Gathering/New Church brawl. Got the fans into it from the beginning, and connected the beginning to the end with Raven being dismantled and hung.


~The Ultimate X match was a disappointment, but it wasn't entirely the participants fault as we all saw. I hope they don't scrap this match based on its debut, as I still think it has a lot of potential - they just need to suspend the belt a bit more securely.


~NWA-TNA must get rid of that ugly, non-Lollipop dancer and bring back the dancer from last week. That chick is soooooo much better looking than the other.


~I think having Michael Shane go over in the way he did was a very good booking decision. He got pulverized the entire match, and still had enough to pull out the win in the end due to Sabin and Kazarian concentrating more on each other than actually winning. It was a good way for NWA-TNA to try and make a new star, and it could lead to some interesting character developments for all involved (Sabin face turn, Kazarian heel turn, Shane could do anything at this point). Besides, I don't think many people really wanted to see Kazarian go over, so I don't mind that his title chase has (thus far) meant nothing.


~Maybe I'm the only one, but I'm getting sick of AMW/Simon & Swinger. They seem to have the exact same match every week. Still, this one seemed a tad more energetic, and it was nice to see the heels go over in cheating fashion. Luckily for us, we get a break from this match next week. Unluckily for us, the break will result in Gilberti/Dusty. A frightening prospect, that.


~Trinity looked HOT...from the neck down. She really needs a nose job badly.


~The Gathering/Disciples tag match was alright, but nothing too special or too bad. I'd really like to see CM fight someone with a bit more talent, I must say.


~Daniels or Legend should have gone over in the Daniels & Legend/Watts & Jarrett tag match, but at least the heels got their heat back.


~Is it just me, or does Erik Watts seem to be getting better in the ring? He was very agile tonight, at least.


~The Freddy and Jason masks, while stupid, were somewhat redeemed when I saw Jason pull the mask off to reveal a cocky smirk on AJ's face, which got a chuckle from me. It was enjoyable crap rather than the total crap of, say, a 3LK vignette.


~The gauntlet sucked, but it was smart to end it with Raven/Douglas. And hell, Raven winning? There's no way I can complain about that. Please please PLEASE put the strap on him.


~I have a sick feeling that the mystery man is Sting. I really hope this isn't true, but the feeling still bothers me.

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Guest TDinDC1112

1. The show was very good.


2. The belt fell off because: They strapped it around both bars. Think about it. When 2 people were hanging from the same bar, that was enough weight/force to pull the bar down enough where it would push down on the part of the belt that was hanging (closest point to the mat). So, one bar had one part of the belt, and the other bar was pulling down it, and it came off (like 2 people pulling on opposite sides of a rubber band and it broke). It took them 3 tries to finally figure out that they should just strap it around ONE bar, so no matter what people were doing to the other bar, the belt would stay up.

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Guest TDinDC1112

Oh yeah, by the way - the belt coming off twice doesn't take away the fact that some great work was done in the Ultimate-X match.

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Shit happens.


It would have been a ton worse had they not planned in advance for the seemingly inevitible disaster.


Had they just stood there not knowing how to proceed they'd have been screwed hard...but thankfully they pulled a referees decision out.


Now...that will excuse the first time...but the second time it should never have happened.


It took them 2 tries to figure out that it wasn't going to work unless they hung it on one wire.


That being said...Tenay dropped the ball on the second one by not pulling the "They've been through hell and it's going to continue" line Or even better...use that as the reason Shane was able to rest up and make his dash for the gold.


Either way...Seen One Ultimate X...don't need to see another.


I did like it though.

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