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My Scenario for Brock Lesnar.

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This should probably go in fantasy booking..but no one reads that section anyways.


Alright, after what we saw on Smackdown with that awesome beatdown on Gowen and then the reaction by Cole/Tazz...Lesnar is now no longer a tweener-heel like he was when he first turned. He's a fucking monster heel now going in Summerslam. Here's what I'd do with him:


Obviously, if they are gunna do Lesnar/Angle III at Mania XX then I believe they should "blow their load" (so to speak) on this match coming up. I think that what will happen is piss off the fans, but will better advance the program. Have the match go into an all out brawl the first few minutes or so and it gets back in the ring. I think they should just start going nuts at each other until it's the point where the ref has to call for a Double DQ (so Lesnar doesn't have to job, Angle won't lose the title right off, and the better match will be saved for Mania XX). After the match, Lesnar goes fucking nuts and starts destroying EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. I'm talking about Angle, the SD refs, other officials & suits from the back, the SD ring announcer, the bell ringer, Tazz (or Cole), and have it basically come to the point where Lesnar has to be taken down by security & over 10 cops or so (Over exaggerate...it makes Lesnar look like a monster even more) and arrested. You can do this because it will be the last match for the Smackdown side of things for the night, so you won't need most of the SD people for the Elimination Chamber (main event).


I'll go rahter quickly with what you do...Angle goes onto Eddie (who loses the US Title to Rhyno) for the WWE Title feud & Brock moves onto destroying the SD roster one by one every week (Orlando Jordan one week followed by Undertaker the next, Tajiri, Kidman & Mysterio in a handicap, and Ultimo). Doing it this way, you'll have enough time because you've got 2 months before the PPV so every week Brock goes through everyone, but has no main enemy. Until he's beating on (whoever) after a match when...


...Chris Benoit rushes to the ring and takes Lesnar DOWN and slaps on the Crossface (Not your typical Crossface, we are talking about ala Jericho Judgment Day 2000) when Lesnar does the unthinkable after a few moments.


He taps, taps, taps. The crowd would go INSANE and Cole/Tazz can have a collective orgasm at ringside and they can replay it, and replay it, and replay it. But the key is since it wasn't a match, it doesn't count (Taking this from Benoit/Angle @ Mania 17, but it still works).


The feud goes onto No Mercy, and then a blow off @ Survivor Series. Benoit can become an instant mega babyface again and Lesnar is already established as an asshole, unstoppable heel and the matches these 2 guys would be classic.


Just a matter of it happening, I guess.

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Guest The Old Me

Not a terrible idea but it'll never happen. It sounds like Angle doesn't have much to do besides Eddy though.

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As long as Lesnar / Benoit happens (since it has never happened so far), I'll quit my damn bitching.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

So basically you have your top guy and monster heel put over a glorified midcarder in a non-match situation before he destroys him anyway, while at the same time cheapening the WM program?



No thanks.

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Guest TheGame2705

OK so HHH can't go over all the faces but Brock can?


DON'T INVEST ANYMORE TIME AND EFFORT INTO BROCK. He hasn't delivered anything but a botch to the WM main finish and horrible buyrates.

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So basically you have your top guy and monster heel put over a glorified midcarder in a non-match situation before he destroys him anyway

Uh...I'd say Benoit is a tad more than a "glorified midcarder", but whatever...and not to get your hopes up, but they've already had Big Show & Angle "destroy" Brock in "non-match situations" before Brock won the blowoff match, so what's your point? In fact, John Cena (who is a glorified midcarder) was put over Lesnar before their match at Backlash when he attacked him. So it's been done.


I'd also like to know how it weakens & cheapens the Mania match.


Oh, and Brock is a monster...HHH isn't. It doesn't make sense that HHH squashes everyone on Raw, yet he isn't an unstoppable monster, etc.


Edit: It also proves that Benoit has a chance in a future match because he's the only person to make Brock tap out. It instantly adds crediblity to him.

Edited by HartFan86

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He was way over as a face and is now starting to get over as a heel again. He's also a good worker. I think he's worth the time and money.


He hasn't delivered anything but a botch to the WM main finish


Yes- I think you've established the fact that Brock Lesnar, did indeed, botch the Shooting Star Press at Wrestlemania. Did it end up hurting anyone in the long run? No. Does anyone even remember that the botched the SSP? Not likely.


Brock has delivered good matches with the Big Show, he blew off the roof of Madison Square Garden (the WWE's home arena) and has been steadily improving since he was a green rookie.


horrible buyrates.


Triple H, Kevin Nash, Kurt Angle, Hulk Hogan, et all have all delivered horrible buyrates. It's not just Brock.

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Guest Anglesault
So basically you have your top guy and monster heel put over a glorified midcarder in a non-match situation before he destroys him anyway, while at the same time cheapening the WM program?



No thanks.

Ditto. Jobber Boy Benoit is too far down to be a threat to Brock.


OK so HHH can't go over all the faces but Brock can?


There would actually be a off for Brock goingh over everyone when big face (Angle) puts an end to his reign of terror at Mania.


Where is the pay off to HHH going over every big Raw face two or three times?

Edited by Anglesault

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So basically you have your top guy and monster heel put over a glorified midcarder in a non-match situation before he destroys him anyway, while at the same time cheapening the WM program?



No thanks.

Ditto. Jobber Boy Benoit is too far down to be a threat to Brock.

That's what people said back in late 2002 about Benoit being a contender for Angle's title @ Rumble, but they turned out to be wrong.


WWE can easily make anyone look credible, even if they've jobbed to everyone and their mother the entire year.

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Guest nikowwf

i like the idea, and it doesnt hurt brock. he taps in a match situation, and goes over in the feud so who cares.


and anyones whos hoss hate is so advanced that it doesnt let them appreciate Brock should go get some Toryumon tapes or some lucha or something because wwe has NEVER been all little guys.



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At this point, no title win is going to help D.K.


Angle is pretty new to being a mainstay in the main event picture (he usually dumps down to the midcard after 2 months.) This is no legendary matchup, although they work pretty well together with the amateur thing and all that.


But fter making two title wins in the span of a year, they've ruined "the chase" of the championship for Lesnar more or less (except for the build to XIX, where the steamrolled over the whole Angle faction.)


The only way to cement Kong into the history books is to have him go over some of the more famous names. I understand he can't be a full-time wrestler anymore, but it's time for Austin to "do business" as he said during his whiny runaway period and do the Ultimate Job in a well-booked feud. Cruiserweights, Hosses, and Babyfaces With No Personality are not going to add him to the list of signature attractions.


I suspect I won't be seeing very much of this though, as it's starting to look like Fuck Goldberg might win the RAW title, in which case I stop watching and find something else to do until I hear that he jobs.

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Guest Anglesault
At this point, no title win is going to help D.K.


Angle is pretty new to being a mainstay in the main event picture (he usually dumps down to the midcard after 2 months.) This is no legendary matchup, although they work pretty well together with the amateur thing and all that.

Remember, one of them had a broken neck and pulled hamstring the whole last match, so it could (then again, perhaps not) be legendary

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Guest Anglesault
So basically you have your top guy and monster heel put over a glorified midcarder in a non-match situation before he destroys him anyway, while at the same time cheapening the WM program?



No thanks.

Ditto. Jobber Boy Benoit is too far down to be a threat to Brock.

That's what people said back in late 2002 about Benoit being a contender for Angle's title @ Rumble, but they turned out to be wrong.

Benoit was much higher and Angle was arguably lower on the card then than Brock is now.

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Guest Goodear

Why must every booking scenario end with someone tapping to the crossface?


After the pay per view, Angle and Brock are going to need at least some time away from each other or the match will get hyper stale by the time Mania rolls around again. So WWE has to bring new players into the main event besides Brock, Angle and The Big Show. Considering storylines one would assume that Undertaker is going to get put against Brock sooner or later. Angle is in a harder place though since the remaining heels on SmackDown aren't on Brock's level skill and aura wise. So we'll probably see him shrink back to the pack a little to work with Cena or Guerrero.

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What I'd like to see is:


Angle beats Lesnar at Summerslam.


Brock turns to Paul Heyman for help ("I was wrong Paul, I should never have branched out on my own" - yes, it makes Brock look like a pussy, which would get some pretty good heat considering the fans took to Brock because of his asskicking.) Paul is still Kurts agent and it's an air-tight contract where it states whatever match Paul sets up, Kurt must wrestle. So we get gauntlets, gimmick matches, etc. which are made not so much to "beat" Angle as it is to tire him out physically and mentally for the No Mercy re-match with Brock. Angle ultimately loses to Brock and it's written in his contract that he can't have a rematch.


Angle wants out of his contract, so Paul makes a "Career vs. Contract" ladder match between Angle and (could be Eddie Guerrero) for Survivor Series which, of course, Angle wins (the only logical way Paul would agree to such a stipulation is if he could get rid of Angle once and for all).


Meanwhile, Brock takes on someone easy for the title - say a newly turned face John Cena - who poses to be more of a threat than he (or Paul) originally thought.


All the while Chris Benoit is feuding with Rhyno up until an I Quit match at Survivor Series. Benoit, naturally, wins. The US title would be on Guerrero up until No Mercy, where he'd lose to someone like Matt Hardy.


The Smackdown after Survivor Series, Heyman and Brock come out to announce the next challenger for the title on (insert date here), it's someone lame like Jamie Knoble or Billy Gunn, Steph comes out and says she's tired of Heymans political moves and having a Champion who is afraid of his competition, so she proposes a battle royale with all the Smackdown talent (except for Kurt Angle) to see who will challenge for the title. Hype the BR up for 2/3 weeks (until about early december) where Benoit comes out on top (of course).


Benoit vs. Brock occurs on a Smackdown Supershow before Armageddon (a Raw PPV) and it's set for a 20 minute time limit. The match goes to a draw, with Brock dominating the majority of the match but is unable to put Benoit away. This sets up a Royal Rumble rematch where there must be a winner. Benoit knows he cannot beat Brock Lesnar so he goes to his long-time enemy Kurt Angle for help. The weeks leading up to the Royal Rumble do the training videos ala Rock/Brock with Angle rolling on the mat with Benoit, working on submissions, running uphills, etc.


Now _I_ would give Benoit the title at the Rumble, but I could see points to keep the title on Brock. What happens from there is up in the air.

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Guest Choken One

Why do all your fucking F.Bs involve fucking Training Videos?


Just wondeirng.

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My basic, and non-detailed, booking for Lesner would be a feud with Undertaker. Isn't that where this is eventually leading? Remember how Undertaker got pissed at Vince for the Stephanie thing? Character wise, he would get pissed at Brock for doing the same thing to all the mid-carders on Smackdown (Brock would continue what he's been doing with Spanky and Zack, even after losing to Kurt in the title match at SS). So, you have Brock vs. Undertaker for No MErcy and, if they must, they can do a two month program and do a rematch at Survivor Series too.

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Guest Choken One

Uh...HIAC did the job enough CC.


But yeah...If they want to seperate Angle and Brock for alittle while



Looks like Taker is the most dominant face to do with...

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Guest Choken One

Maybe it's me but I'd put the title on Rhyno and blow that fued off with a I Quit/Last Man Standing match at No Mercy with Benoit FINALLY winning the United States title...

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FINALLY winning the US title? He already had it. Benoit has already been established as an upper-card guy, putting the US title on him is like putting the IC title on Jericho - it's a clear step down. Not that you care or anything.


Here's the only good Taker can do right now.


Put over a heel so that heel can put over a face to go up against Lesnar.

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Guest Choken One

I'd then have Benoit be a fighting champion...


Have him beat 2-3 mid-carders and then suddenly have him get a little more vicious and then he shocks everyone when he doesn't give a title shot to the random mid-card face (let's say...Mysterio)...Have him go "I busted my ass for this title...I'm not just going to put it on the line whenever someone wants it...I do things on my own time"...He doesn't turn heel but is on the tweener fence...


Have him become a very protective champion...not a coward but a protective champion...

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No, it's not like that at all. Jericho is fighting in the Raw main event. Benoit is fighting for the US title on the same PPV. Personally, I would rather Benoit have a great feud with Rhyno for now, than be job boy to Lesner. Face it, that's all he'll be.

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Guest Choken One
FINALLY winning the US title? He already had it. Benoit has already been established as an upper-card guy, putting the US title on him is like putting the IC title on Jericho - it's a clear step down. Not that you care or anything.


Here's the only good Taker can do right now.


Put over a heel so that heel can put over a face to go up against Lesnar.

I'm refering to how he got screwed at Vengeance and then again likely at Summerslam and having it lead to No Mercy where he can finally get the title.

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But Benoit has made _no_ intentions known for the title. His 'feud' with Eddie has been "personal" as will his probable feud with Rhyno. The title he has actually been screwed out of is the world title, as has been documented in the past (and not just in one promotion).

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