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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Yeah, that guy should totally win the Elimination Chamber match on Sunday


Although, if they then waited a few weeks and did the fingerpoke of doom 2003 w/ Triple H, i'd probably piss myself laughing

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Considering that both Trips and Nash are barely mobile anyway, it may be the only finish they can do

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Considering that both Trips and Nash are barely mobile anyway, it may be the only finish they can do

Nah...Nash would have to do a high risk move: walking.

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Considering that both Trips and Nash are barely mobile anyway, it may be the only finish they can do

Nah...Nash would have to do a high risk move: walking.

I guess it's a safe bet who's coming out of their chamber last

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Guest Choken One

Goldberg has to be last...It's the classic War Games booking...Keep the monster face out until the end...

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I really think Goldberg will win the Elimination Chamber, if I was a betting man, I'd put something on it.

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Guest netslob

say what you want, but that's the best sell-job i ever seen out of Nash. maybe DeadWeight Inc. should take notes.

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Guest Boo_Bradley

Rd failed to mention the match's subplot.


Hogan had been retired since November.


Nash had just screwed GB out of the belt 2 weeks earlier.


GB was to get his rematch vs Nash


When GB got to the arena he was arrested for assulting mrs liz


They showed GB and Liz at the police station in vigenette's throughout the night.


Finally After the Hogan/Nash match is made (I forget how this came about) one of the Detectives catches Liz in a lie and GB is freed...


Then we go to the match

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Considering that both Trips and Nash are barely mobile anyway, it may be the only finish they can do

Nah...Nash would have to do a high risk move: walking.

What the hell is wrong with you? Who do you fucking think Nash is? MICK FOLEY!?


Next thing you know you'll demand to see him fucking throw a right hand or something.


Inconsiderate new-age wrestling fans. You're all bastards who expect wrestlers to DIE for your enjoyment HAVE YOU NO FUCKING HEART!?



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Guest wayzing
Considering that both Trips and Nash are barely mobile anyway, it may be the only finish they can do

Nah...Nash would have to do a high risk move: walking.

What the hell is wrong with you? Who do you fucking think Nash is? MICK FOLEY!?


Next thing you know you'll demand to see him fucking throw a right hand or something.


Inconsiderate new-age wrestling fans. You're all bastards who expect wrestlers to DIE for your enjoyment HAVE YOU NO FUCKING HEART!?



Nash raised the bar so much in his heyday with all those high risk maneuvers so it's impossible for him, or anyone, to follow it now.


It's just too bad that us smarks can't apreciate the efforts he keeps putting in. Five star greco roman walking or not. He earned his spot.

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I can't believe Nash lasted 3 minutes in the EC, he must be insane. Hat's off to Kevin Nash.

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Guest The Rising Star

RD Reynold mentions on www.wrestlecrap.com that OZ really was a good wrestler. I remember when Nash could do moves... so long ago.

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