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Guest ManKinnd

Summerslam 03 Match Qualities

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Guest Choken One

Yeah...I would.


Could I be Rufus the Redneck Yokel and join your fasion expertise?

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Sure Choken, you can tell us how overalls WILL make a comeback once people tire of reaching all the way down for cargo pockets in their pants when they can have one big pocket RIGHT ON THEIR CHEST~!

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Guest Choken One



Overalls are indeed making a comeback in a big fucking way...

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But thrift stores have been huge since the early 90s. Goodwill might as well be the Gap with kids these days.


I'd like to add how HIDEOUS Christian's shirt was tonight. It looked sort of wearable in an "I'm trying to impress some Urban Trendite" way until that V neckline came into view. (shudder)

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Guest Choken One

Thrift stores are only carrying brand names nowadays...


The days of old where thrift stores were old clothes are passed with the modern day


"Trade and Sell" thrift stores all in rage...

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Guest BionicRedneck



I actually expected to see some people giving Angle/Lesnar that rating, and they didn't dissapoint. Angle could take a dump in the ring and some people would give it ****+. If that match was ****1/2 I will personally go to Vince McMahon's house and take it up the ass from the whole family.


:watches match:


Let's just say I wont be visiting the McMahon residence any time soon. You people crack me up.

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Guest Ray
Angle could take a dump in the ring and some people would give it ****+.

Ha! best. line. ever.



Can I get your permission to use that? :D

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Guest BionicRedneck



On Angle/Lesnar: This really wasn't very good. Lesnar played the monster heel quite well (although him tapping clean somewhat kills him) but Angle just did the same match he always does. I hate the fact that the WWE are trying to book Bad ass Kurt (again) because it wont work. Angle can play ONE character (The Goof) whenever he tries to deviate from that it goes wrong. Fans don't accept him as an ass kicker, and he doesn't have the range to pull it off. Lesnar was hurt by this match.


The match itself was really dull. Michael Cole showed more fire than the two wrestlers at some points. They supposedly hate each other, right? It's the rematch! Lesnar hurt Angle's neck! Kurt took Brock's belt! Brock turned on Kurt!! ANGLE WANTS A FIGHT!!!!! And the match begins WITH.........headlocks. Hmmmmmmmmm.


They did pick it up later but Lesnar should have gone over, IMO. I mean he couldn't beat Kurt even with Vince's help and he's supposed to be a monster? Also, shouldn't the ref have broke the hold when Brock got the ropes?


It killed the monster that has been built over the last couple of weeks, and it doesn't really leave them anywhere to go. I mean, who does Kurt fight now? Vince? Show? and where does Brock go now? I can't see how they are gonna drag this out to Mania either.


A **** match, this wasn't.

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Moving on from Bionic Redneck...that fuck up of the F-5 by ANGLE which I'm sure NO-ONE will mention sure as hell helped the star rating.


I liked the match, but seeing the ****1/2 star ratings being thrown out here, it begins to make me hate Kurt Angle. There is such thing as OVER liking someone. Seriously...****1/2 stars for that? ***1/2 is more like it.



And the Coachman heel turn was 5 star in itself. Seriously...the JR mocking was hilarious.

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Guest Ray
I liked the match, but seeing the ****1/2 star ratings being thrown out here, it begins to make me hate Kurt Angle. There is such thing as OVER liking someone. Seriously...****1/2 stars for that? ***1/2 is more like it.

Welcome to my world. B-)

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Guest BionicRedneck

Actually, you're right. I bet people are all "Kane fell off the top rope! HAHA!" or "Goldberg nearly fell over during his entrance". I wonder how many people will mention Angle blowing the F-5 counter.

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Actually, you're right. I bet people are all "Kane fell off the top rope! HAHA!" or "Goldberg nearly fell over during his entrance". I wonder how many people will mention Angle blowing the F-5 counter.

The worst part was, they went back to the same spot half a minute later. That only highlights the original fuck up. I'm not hating on Angle, but your point is mine. Although Kane falling off the ropes was gold.

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On Angle/Lesnar: This really wasn't very good. Lesnar played the monster heel quite well (although him tapping clean somewhat kills him) but Angle just did the same match he always does. I hate the fact that the WWE are trying to book Bad ass Kurt (again) because it wont work. Angle can play ONE character (The Goof) whenever he tries to deviate from that it goes wrong. Fans don't accept him as an ass kicker, and he doesn't have the range to pull it off. Lesnar was hurt by this match.


The match itself was really dull. Michael Cole showed more fire than the two wrestlers at some points. They supposedly hate each other, right? It's the rematch! Lesnar hurt Angle's neck! Kurt took Brock's belt! Brock turned on Kurt!! ANGLE WANTS A FIGHT!!!!! And the match begins WITH.........headlocks. Hmmmmmmmmm.


They did pick it up later but Lesnar should have gone over, IMO. I mean he couldn't beat Kurt even with Vince's help and he's supposed to be a monster? Also, shouldn't the ref have broke the hold when Brock got the ropes?


It killed the monster that has been built over the last couple of weeks, and it doesn't really leave them anywhere to go. I mean, who does Kurt fight now? Vince? Show? and where does Brock go now? I can't see how they are gonna drag this out to Mania either.


A **** match, this wasn't.

This is all very good points...but I still want to watch the match again because I thought it was really good when I saw it live, but then again a bunch of people were over and I can't say I was paying attention the whole match.

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Oh, I know Angle muffed up that F-5 counter. It just wasn't as obvious as a seven foot man falling off of the top rope or someone almost busting their ass during their bombastic entrance. It was something that they could actually salvage a little without it being too obvious.


But I also put that absolving warning note on my ratings, so whatever.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

Well, just so everyone here can bitch and complain about my ratings here we go:


La Resistance vs. Dudleys - Terribly booked feud, and a painful match to watch = *1/2


UT vs. A-train - Not too bad considering who was in this match. Not too good either = **


Bishoff vs. Shane-O-Mac - This match is totally what I expected, except for the strange coach heel turn. The match quality was non existant, but I liked the heel turn and everyone knows that Shane is a "spotmonkey" = **(1/2 star a piece for the heel turn and the shane spot)


4 way - Great all around match with a great finish. The only problem was at times it seemed to be a clusterfuck and was too short. Solid none the less = ***3/4


Angle vs. Lesner - Awesome match, great build up and they layed it on the line. Personally, I think it was one of the best overall matches of the year = ****1/2


RVD vs. Kane - Actually a solid match in my eyes. There was the botched spots that hurt the match. Also I thought the ending was pretty weak. Overall, not too bad = ***1/4


Elimination Chamber - This match was booked VERY well in my opinion. The action was solid, but nothing special. HHH RETAINS!!!! WTF? That totally changed the solid booking as he buried Goldberg after the match. = ***

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Here are my ratings...shazzam.


La Resistance def. Dudleys

**, was going OK, but nothing great.


Undertaker def. A-Train

1/2*, crap, but they were trying, and I give points for effort.


Shane def. Bischoff

DUD. No actual wrestling, slow anyways, Coach's turn was botched by Austin getting his heat back right away, and the elbow was nice, but not built up to and has been done before.


Eddie Guerrero def. Benoit, Tajiri, Rhyno

***1/2, non-stop action, good stuff.


Angle def. Lesnar

***1/4, pretty sloppy, a few blown moves, slow overall, but still OK enough. I don't get having Angle win, though.


Kane def. RVD

*3/4, sloppy spotfest with a few blown spots.


Triple H wins Elimination Chamber

***, the first was better. This was just too short. Ending also came out of nowhere. A few good spots though.

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Guest Trivia247

Kinda odd that even though the exits out of the cells were suppose to be....... At Random...they came out exactly the same order that they arrived in the ring.

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Well Summerslam was a thumbs in the middle type of show, leaning more to the thumbs down:

-Dudleys v. La Resistance=1/2*

This match sucks, the green guys can't wrestle and are not over so keeping the belts on them doesn't make any sense at all since they don't draw.I guess Rob Conway is an american who sympathizes with the french,yawn, next.

Taker v. Asstrain= 1/2*

It felt like it was longer than it was, Albert should keep away from the ring and get a new job as a circus freak and Taker just fucking retire old man.

Shane v. Bitchoff=negative*****

This so-called match was all over the place, and badly booked,Shane doing the elbow drop on Bishoff is something that i've seen plenty of times done by real wrestlers and his wasn't something out of this world, if he wants to feud with Kane it should take one RAW episode and that's it, not a ppv match.

4 WAY MATCH=***1/2

Short match and a clusterfuck at times but it was still very entertaining with Eddy(God's gift to wrestling) rightfully going over.

Lesnar v. Angle=***

Their Mania match was way better, Lesnar tapping out to the Anklelock killed his MANSTER persona, and i idolize Angle but the WWE should stop booking him like he is a bad ass like Austin , instead book him more like a Bret Hart, a no nonsense wrestle who takes his wrestling legacy seriously.

RVD v. Kane=***

RVD carried Kane in this match, but Kane just sucks period, falling off the top rope made him look more like a fool than a psycho monster and the fans didn't even cared when he won, they were rooting for RVD the whole time since he was bumping like crazy to make Kane look good. It shows me that the tv viewers watch Kane for his storyline but when he wrestles the fans already know that he is going to stink up the ring.


It could've been higher but the ending fucked everything up, Goldberg had that WCW magic back, he was on a rampage last night, and the fans were chanting for him the whole night even though he almost tripped on his ass when he came out(funniest Summerslam moment) but all it took was an injured HHHomo with his fake sledgehammer to beat the unstoppable monster Shitberg, if he wins the belt on the next ppv the magic won't be there again, so might as well give the belt to Kane so he could feud with RVD again and let him get the win.

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I liked the match, but seeing the ****1/2 star ratings being thrown out here, it begins to make me hate Kurt Angle. There is such thing as OVER liking someone. Seriously...****1/2 stars for that? ***1/2 is more like it.

Welcome to my world. B-)

Yeah, you know, kind of like what you do with Benoit, Ray. You make me start to hate him too, with your blind praise of everything he does. ;)

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RAW Side:


Dudleys vs. La Resistence - 3/4 * Would have made a nice RAW match...


Shane vs. Bisch - ** for entertainment...DUD for match quality. Would have made a great RAW segment...


RVD vs. Kane - *1/2 Kane slipping off the ropes killed any monster he could have been. Would have made a nice RAW Main Event.


EC - **. Surprisingly entertaining stuff that was the absolute proper way to use Goldberg for a change. HHH retaining while doing zero work was a joke. Especially since the actual booking finally got Goldberg over.


So the RAW side contained nothing that really felt like PPV quality...which makes me excited for Unfogiven.





Smackdown Side:


Taker vs. Albert. 1/2* Nothing good here.


US Title match - *** Good fun all around. Some real nice spots, right man went over. Really fun match.


Angle/Brock- ***1/2 Got better as it went on. Finish was a shocker...so that's good. Interference was minimal...but I did have to see all 4 McMahons LIVE! on the show.


Overall: Smackdown owns RAW even when half the talent isn't on the show. NOT a good Summerslam. Decent for a WWE ppv this year though.

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Kinda odd that even though the exits out of the cells were suppose to be....... At Random...they came out exactly the same order that they arrived in the ring.

Same thing happened at Survivor Series 02.

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

As for my ratings that was on the first live viewing. I'll probably watch again today to pay more attention than marking out and cussin' out Goldberg.


Maybe the entry order to the ring is sUPPOSE to be the same as entered the match legally.


At SSEries, Jericho, Booker, Kane, HBK came out in that order and entered the chamber the same.


Last night it was Orton, Nash, HHH, Goldie, and the same as above.


Or it could be lazy ass booking.

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Guest Ray
Yeah, you know, kind of like what you do with Benoit, Ray. You make me start to hate him too, with your blind praise of everything he does. ;)

Blind praise?


What the shit?! :huh:


Guess what.....unlike Angle, Benoit actually IS that good.


I've seen a lot of Benoit matches....he deserves every bit of praise he gets.


If you can tell me how Benoit ISN'T that good, you get a cookie.

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