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Guest TheGame2705

I've heard everyone bitch about commentator angles

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Guest TheGame2705

I was talking to Buffy and when she told me I was like WTF? I come on here expecting to see Vince and Coach getting eaten alive instead of everyone saying they totally dug the Coach's heel turn. Did you all forget Coach is a commentator too or is he not one of the typically hated commentators (Lawler and Ross) so it's ok?

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Guest Mindless_Aggression

I get the vibe that most people just thought it was funny because it came out of nowhere and made no sense what so ever. Well I guess it sorta made sense, but whatever, it reminded me of something out of Airplane! It didn't have any rhyme or reason but it was funny anyways.

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Guest Coffey

I didn't think it was funny or well pulled off. In fact, I think it was just more stupid shit thrown into an already over booked piece of cow piss.


I don't give a damn about the Coach, Eric Bischoff, Shane McMahon or Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler getting their mics turned off.

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Guest God Junior

It was just bizarre to see COACH of all people as a heel, and not only that, but also showing charisma for what was possibly the first time in his life.

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I dont like it cause, like someone else said, its gonna lead to Coach/JR or Coach/Lawler matches on RAW. RAW has plenty of wrestlers, most of whom get on TV once in a blue moon, and instead they go with an angle that will no doubt involve commentators wrestling.

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Guest Coffey

Stereotypes haven't stopped the WWE before. Regardless to the fact that your post was dripping with sarcasm, you can't throw it out the window because it's a possibility in WWE land.

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Call him "J.C. Flash" and he needs an ENTOURAGE of people. A hair stylist, a shoe shiner, a PR guy, 3 body guards, someone to help "keep it real", and a chef. Have all these people surround him even when commentating. It's like Simons circus in ECW. They missed the opportunity with the rock but they can still hit it with JC FLASH~!

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Guest Coffey
Call him "J.C. Flash" and he needs an ENTOURAGE of people. A hair stylist, a shoe shiner, a PR guy, 3 body guards, someone to help "keep it real", and a chef. Have all these people surround him even when commentating. It's like Simons circus in ECW. They missed the opportunity with the rock but they can still hit it with JC FLASH~!





I also have a feeling that "God Junior" is the troll reborn...

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Coach's heel turn was just so out of left field that I absolutely loved it. It didn't make a damned bit of sense (much like A-Train's run in last month), but at least this time it was entertaining, because it was something unique.

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It made sense to me. He was pissed because he's always being abused and mocked and treated as a joke, despite being as big as some of the wrestlers. Also, Bischoff wanted someone that no one would expect. I personally marked out harder for heel Coach than anything else tonight. Man, if he'd done the Charleston after pasting Shane with that chair, I'd have loved it.


Oh, and of course, the mocking of JR was the perfect touch.

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See, JC Flash is the kind of guy who TELLS IT LIKE IT IS, he's STRAIGHT UP and TAKES IT TO THE X-STREAM with a boat full of X-citement! He lives a HARDCORE NO-NONSENSE lifestyle and won't cop to the man cause he gotsta gets paid. He's JC Flash and he's comin atcha 120 M-P-H with no breaks baby~! He talks the talk but he doesn't walk the walk, he runs the race and he breaks aaaall the rules daddy~! Ladies look out cause he'll be hittin ya up soon, and guys, don't worry, he'll take care of your pretty pretties and have em home before noon. He stays up late and wakes up early cause the early bird gets the worm and JC Flash is the motherfuckin big daddy Falcon up in this nest. So when he hands you the card that says,


::>)*~JC FLASH~*(<::


then you know you just got hooked up.

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JC Flash ain't do none of that bullshit dancin no mo, he just stands in the middle of a club and snaps his motherfuckin fingaz and right then and there dozens of fine lookin ladies step up and step round cause they know the real deal when they see it. And that's exactly what JC Flash is -THE REAL DEAL-.

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Guest Coffey

I'm sorry, but I find this racist and I'm going to ask you nicely to stop before I report you to a mod.


No, I'm not joking or being sarcastic.

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JC Flash don't care if he offends, he's all about rockin the boat. He lives his life on his own terms and if that means rufflin a few feathers then let them fly, cause he ain't changin for nobody. JC Flash is just keepin it real, he's the real deal, can't ya feel it?

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Coach's heel turn was just so out of left field that I absolutely loved it. It didn't make a damned bit of sense (much like A-Train's run in last month), but at least this time it was entertaining, because it was something unique.

Ah yes, the Albert run-in. For some reason, my friend and I were somewhat disappointed with the lack of Trainage in the barfight. Then we just yelled "ALBERT!" when he showed up.

Anyway, when I saw Coach with that chair, the gears were turning in my head, trying to think if he was in fact a trained wrestler and this was his official debut. Most likely, this will lead to an annoucer's feud. At first, it was so random, it was stupid, but then become so random, it was funny. Damn you Coach! Damn your sould to hell!

It'd be cool if Coach set up his own announce table for Raw in front of JR and King and did commentary with Theodore Long. Raw would be, in a word, blackalicious.

Sample Commentary:

Coach: Yo, Theo, what does JR have that you and I don't?

Long: I don't know. Give it up, playa.

Coach: A white granny!

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Guest Coffey
1. Blatant racism, bigotry and sexism are not allowed and are grounds for an automatic ban.

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Racism: any program or practice of racial discrimination, segregation, persecution, and domination, based on racialism..


Racialism: A doctrine or teaching, without scientific support, that claims to find racial differences in character, intelligence, etc/ that asserts the superiority of one race over anohter or others, and that seeks to maintain the supposed purity of a race or the races.


You, unlike JC Flash, are not keepin it real.

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I don't know.


I just don't know.


Here I am doing an innocent lil schtick about Jonathan Coachman becoming a hotshot player named JC Flash and all of a sudden it's an international incident. WHEN WILL IT END??!


As JC Flash would say


"That ain't cool, that ain't hot... that's just not."

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You know, I kinda want to see JC Flash in ACTION~ now.


Seriously, they really need to keep with Coach as an actual character and not just have this be a one-night deal. Knowing my luck, considering how much I liked it, they'll say he was under some strange mind control and we'll get the return of PAPA SHANGO~!

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