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Egypt to Sue the Jews

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Guest MD2020
Question: "It is clear why they stole the gold, but why the cooking utensils?"


Hilmi: "Taking posession of the gold was understandable. This is clear theft of a host country's resources and treasure, something that fits the morals and character of the Jews. Yet what was not clear to the Egyptian women were the reasons for stealing the cooking utensils, when other things may have been of greater value. However, one of the Egyptian priets said that this had been the Jews' twisted way throughout history; they seek to cause a minor problem connected with the needs of everyday life so as to occupy people with these matters and prevent them from pursuing them to get back the stolen gold...


"A police investigation revealed that Moses and Aaron, peace be upon them, understood that it was impossible to live in Egypt, despite its pleasures and even though the Egyptians included them in every activity, due to the Jews' perverse nature, to which the Egyptians had reconciled themselves, though with obvious unwillingness. Therefore, an order was issued by the Jewish rabbis to flee the country, and that the exodus should be secret and under cover of darkness and with the largest possible amount of loot. The code word was 'At midnight.' In addition, the Jewish women were told to steal the gold and cooking utensils of the Egyptian women, and that is what happened."


This is the greatest article ever. First, we have the Jews apparantly stealing cooking utensils to distract the Egyptians from realizing that their gold was also being stolen. This makes the Egyptians the stupidest people ever. I mean, if it's a choice between being worried about your cooking supplies and going after your missing gold, and you chose the former, you deserve whatever happens.


Then, we get the explanation that the Jews were just being mean and selfish and wanted to leave the great land, even though they were involved in all of Egypt's activities. Yeah, I bet they really were honored to be able to help out (being forced to) build the pyramids.


:lol: :lol:

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

*Waits for the Natives to sue every white person in sight*

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Guest MikeSC
Egypt to sue Jews



This is great. Then there will be a Jew countersuit for slavery. Then the Egyptians will sue them for damages relating to their first born being killed by the Jew God.

I'm very glad you posted a link to memri.org. People need to realize just how insane much of the Muslim world is to understand how deep the trouble is.


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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood
...*resists bad holocaust joke*

You better, because I'd find you and hurt you badly if you did.


I have to deal with enough Anti-Semitic bullshit at work.


And about this thread, oh man, the stupidity defies description.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

*Holds out arms*


What's this?




a Shitty way to spend easter.

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Guest Goodear

Of course, Jesus was already off the cross and buried by Easter... but whatever.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Yeah, but "A shitty way to spend good friday" doesn't have the same comedic rhythm or charm.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
For goodness' sake, don't click this is you're easily offended ...

Thank you for the wallpaper, dutch.

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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood
Yes... instead make a crack about Christianity because that would be OK since it isn't about the Jews.

It's because I *am* Jewish senor rant, along with the fact that general ignorance infuriates me ,and as someone who spent his summer with a bunch of racists I've had my fill of it for a while.


I don't condone making fun of Christianity either, and for crying out loud I'd have hoped by now that our society would have evolved past arguing about shit that happened THOUSANDS of years ago based on thirdhand sources.

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