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Guest Doomsault

Who Do You Use?

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Guest Doomsault

What character do you use the most on Soul Calibur 2 and why, for those lucky enough to have gotten it.


I use Yunsung the most because he's quick and his kicks are easy to link.

Second is probably Nightmare, good range, strong, but bad when someone gets close.

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Mitsu and Xianghua are my mains. I like Mitsu because he's an aggressive rushdown character with great cancels and stances for fun mindgames. He's by far my favorite character to play. I use X because she's too good. She's not much fun, although I do enjoy some of the 6B+K cancel and 3B mindgames, but she's good for winning in tourneys. I'm using her less recently though, because everyone hates her.


I also use Taki, Cervy and Kilik, and I've started working on Nightmare and Asta. For some reason I'm actually really enjoying playing as the power characters in SC2. Weird, I've never liked characters like that in other fighters.

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Gotta be my boy Asta.


Even though other characters can have hits that do as much damage as some of his mighty swings, no one has moves that make you say "HOLY SHIT!!" like he does.




Seriously, I really like his range. I prefer to always be able to hit my opponent if it's possible for them to hit me. Thats why I could never use Talim, she's just too short ranged.


If I ever unlock him I'll use Assasin. Hwang is just the man, and he got a lot of style from SC.

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Guest Sakura

I use the characters I think are good designs with cool stories and appearance. Raphael, Mitsurugi, the Alexandra sisters, Seung Mina,...


I also play Hei a lot since I am a Tekken player and the old man is a big pimp.

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I have found the greatness that is Raphael. That guy moves quickly and has got some killer moves, man.



Kilik was always my choice from the original, so I use him quite frequently as well. Great range.



Mitsurugi is my third choice. He's just so damn cool, and has got some really, really good strikes and attacks.



Those three are also my team battle guys. Whoo!

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Mostly I have used Raphael and Talim. I have an easier time using both of those people as I find the short combos are easiler added to each other in quick succession. Yes, sadly, I found that I button mash in some respects (especially if I have low health on Talim), but I'm learning how to play fighters again.


Also in Weapon Master, Raphael is a great countering wonder when given Stilleto (penetrates defense, but short ranged) getting you out of health is low battles and give Talim the Double Crescent Blades (offense and defense boost) and let her just mash an opponent that you need to toss about.


However, I've also found out that even though the powerweights are slow, I will play them as they may be slow, they can recover a lot better from being knocked back and rarely get tossed around, making sure that they can get back into the battles fast.

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I've been playing mostly as Ivy and Cervantes. Ivy's the most dangerous character in the game now, because of her close-long range effectiveness and SICK~! throws.


I like Cervantes because he's a sick mofo, and he's got good mid-range power.

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Cassandra since I suck with everybody else. I have a Conquest record that's around 3550-1325 at my local arcade to compensate for the fact that I'm completely inept against human opponents.


I started playing as Talim though I'm still trying to get the combos down.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

Astaroth is so awesome. I usually just charge up the long range power up moves and knock people all over the place. Then when somebody tries to charge, hit f+B to smack them in the face with your axe handle and hit f+K to knock them down with a sweet knee lift. Then resume destruction.


I love Raphael, Cervantes, and Ivy, unfortunatly I get my ass kicked as them, so I usually just stick with Astaroth.

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Mainly Link and Nightmare so far. Link, despite some reports, doesn't seem to throw off the game balance as his attacks aren't really THAT strong comparitively speaking.


I'm starting to try out Cervantes though. Good speed and some awesome grabs.


Best grab IMO is Astaroth's "wrap him around the axe and squash him". That looks painful as hell.

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Guest wwF1587

astaroth and link.. even though in the arcade version when i battled link he was the easiest of the set to beat

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Guest Doomsault

Another fav of mine is Raphael, his "all up in yo' grill" fighting stance has won me many a battle.

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Guest KJ Brackish

I can't believe my BOY Maxi was only listed ONCE. Almost brought me close to tears. I always kick ass with him. I regularly challange my customers at my store to bouts, as I pick Maxi. One knows Maxi's only weakness-rival is Kilik. Kilik just dominates him with his damn staff thing. Maxi's still bad ass though.



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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Astaroth and Kilik, in that order.


I play astaroth like he was a faster character. As long as I keep him moving, I bat people around like a cat would a small field mouse.


Kilik is good because of his versatility.

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Guest EQ
You fought Link in the arcade version of SC II....?

He probably meant arcade mode, not the actual arcade machine

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Ivy and Maxi.


Ivy is the shit because she has range and is a killer in close combat. Maxi...I just love pure speed. I just never stop moving with the guy. Astroth 0wns my face when I fight him with Maxi though, so mostly I stick with Ivy.

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Guest Doomsault

Anyone good with Voldo? I just recently started playing with him and just dominate my friends, his attacks are so weird it's hard to catch a pattern or to gaurd break them.

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I can't stand Maxi myself, but that's because I know a Maxi Whore.


The guy above who said Necrid suprises me. He's pretty much far from the greatest character. Even the console-specific characters can be better choices in battle most of the time.


I use Random because I'm all hardcore gambling and shit, but I have a soft spot for Cervantes.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Necrid's a piece of crap.


I also dig Voldo, but he's got to be played up tight, with lots of counterattacks.

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Guest NCJ

Mitsurugi, Cervantes, and Kilik.


Mitsurugi because of his stances, good all around ability, and some of the best unblockables in the game.


Cervantes because of speed, balance, and some of the coolest grabs, and being the John Woo member of the game(two swords).


Kilik because range plus speed equals bad ass you don't want to mess with.

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