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The One & Only RAW 2 Thread!

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WWE RAW 2 is coming out on the 16th and its got a lot of hype for a sequel to RAW 1 which is a very forgettable game.


This is the final roster for the game but I think things can change with Hogan being removed from Here Comes The Pain.

1. Batista

2. Big Show

3. Billy Gunn

4. Billy Kidman

5. Booker T

6. Bradshaw

7. Brock Lesnar

8. Bubba Ray Dudley

9. Chavo Guerrero

10. Chief Morley

11. Chris Benoit

12. Chris Jericho

13. Christian

14. Chris Nowinski

15. Chuck Palumbo

16. Crash Holly

17. D-Von Dudley

18. Eddie Guerrero

19. Edge

20. Goldberg

21. Goldust

22. Hardcore Holly

23. Hulk Hogan

24. Hurricane

25. Jacqueline

26. Jamie Noble

27. Jazz

28. Jeff Hardy

29. John Cena

30. Kane

31. Kevin Nash

32. Kurt Angle

33. Lance Storm

34. Lita

35. Mark Henry

36. Matt Hardy

37. Molly

38. Nidia

39. Randy Orton

40. Rey Mysterio

41. Rhyno

42. Ric Flair

43. Rico

44. Rikishi

45. Rob Van Dam

46. Scott Steiner

47. Shannon Moore

48. Shawn Michaels

49. Spike Dudley

50. Stacy Keibler

51. Stephanie McMahon

52. Steven Richards

53. Stone Cold Steve Austin

54. Tajiri

55. Terri

56. Test

57. The Rock

58. Undertaker

59. Tommy Dreamer

60. Torrie Wilson

61. Triple H

62. Trish Stratus

63. Victoria

64. William Regal



65. Jonathan Coachman

66. Michael Cole

67. Jim Ross

68. Jerry Lawler

69. Eric Bischoff

70. Earl Hebner

71. Tim White

72. Mike Chioda

73. Nick Patrick

A really stupid move by not including Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas, they've been a part of the active roster long enough to be included.


This is the artwork for the game, note how there's no "Only On XBOX" stamp so it could be going to PC also like RAW 1 did.


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Guest Ecto Cooler

I've got mine preordered.


CAW + audio ripping = Insanity


I'm giving RVD the ECW edit of "Walk".

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Christian Interview from IGN.


Christian Interview

WWE's IC Champ talks peeps, TLC, and video games.


September 08, 2003 - Excuse me, Intercontinental Champion over here!


Combining athleticism and charisma with down-and-dirty wrestling skills, it's no wonder that Christian and his peeps are slowly taking over the world of professional wrestling. With recent wins over Booker T. for the IC title and Chris Jericho on Raw, Christian's rocketing up the ranks of the superstar elite, and hopes to soon get his shot at the big time and the World Championship belt.


IGN Sports recently caught up with Christian between ass kickings to get his thoughts on everything from video games to his peeps. Here's what the new People's Champ had to say:


IGN Sports: You recently won the Intercontinental Championship at a House Show. How often does something of that magnitude happen away from the cameras?


Christian: Very rarely does that happen. Edge was the last guy to win a belt at a House Show before me, and I've already beat his title reign. He only got to keep his title for one day. I was just excited when day two rolled around and I knew I beat his record. [laughs] It's cool how the Intercontinental title is back, though. It was always one of my favorite titles and it's cool to be able to have it and defend it and that sort of thing.


IGN Sports: And now you'll also get a chance to defend that title in the three new WWE games coming out. How do you think your character has looked in the various video games throughout the years?


Christian: It always amazes me when a new game comes out how true to life they are and how more and more realistic they are getting. They have all of your mannerisms down, your entrance, they even have small details like your wrist tape and things like that. It's really unbelievable. They had me down pretty good in Smackdown: Shut Your Mouth with my old entrance song and everything, but now that my character has even changed again, it'll be interesting to see how they've captured me in the new games coming out.








IGN Sports: What do you think is the most complex move of yours that they have to capture in the games?


Christian: I'm used to getting beat up a lot, so I don't get to use all of my moves. [laughs] I'm just impressed they're able to get my finishing move out there. It's so cool the way they do it, and it really looks perfect in the games that I've seen. That's my favorite thing to do in a game is to be able to get my finisher on someone. It just looks so real.


IGN Sports: Do you play any video games besides the WWE games?


Christian: I just traded in my 2003 copy of Madden for the new 2004 game, so it's time to start my new season in that. I play Madden against Test just about every day. He only has one play that he can beat me with, though, so I usually wipe him out. I also play a lot of Tiger Wood Golf and Knockout Kings. I'm a huge boxing fan, so I've always been a big Knockout Kings player. And of course, being Canadian, I play a lot of NHL. Sports games are my thing.


IGN Sports: Did you play a lot of games growing up as well?


Christian: Going back to Atari I used to play River Raid and Pacman. I used to play the Atari Hockey that looked more like Ping Pong. I actually used to have an old Texas Instruments computer and I used to play Montezuma's Revenge for hours and hours. From that, I went to Sega Genesis and NHL Hockey, and pretty much had all of the systems since then.


IGN Sports: What system do you play the most now?


Christian: I surprise most people when I tell them this, but actually I love the GameCube. It's so small and it's easy to travel with, and since we travel so much, it just fits perfectly in my bag. It's a lot easier to carry it around than the PlayStation 2 which takes up so much space. So I just play my GameCube.

IGN Sports: Is Test your main gaming opponent?


Christian: I actually play Tommy Dreamer a lot. Test lives not too far from me and has a PS2, so I go over to his house and beat him at Madden. But my main road rival is usually Tommy Dreamer. We usually play Madden as well.


IGN Sports: If you could star in another type of video game beyond wrestling, what type of game would you like to be in?


Christian: I think being in a hockey game would be cool. I haven't had the skates on in real life for a couple of years, but growing up I played hockey all of the time. I'd like to think that I can still skate and not embarrass myself.


IGN Sports: Chris Jericho plays in a lot of celebrity games...


Christian: Yeah, I'd love to get in on one of those games sometime.


IGN Sports: Are you as good as Jericho?


Christian: Oh, I'm better than Jericho. [laughs] Easily.


IGN Sports: When you play the wrestling games, do you like to play as yourself or do you prefer to play as one of the other wrestlers?


Christian: I actually like to play as myself, but play against somebody who is also playing as themselves. I'd like to play against Matt hardy in a ladder match. That would be cool. I like to check out how they did all of the intros and finishers, but when it comes to playing through the game, I want to play as myself.


IGN Sports: If you're playing against the computer, are there any opponents that you fear putting the cyber-Christian against?


Christian: I don't fear anyone, and neither does cyber-Christian. Usually when I play against the computer I just close my eyes and pick my opponent at random. That's the fairest way to see who I'm going to beat.








IGN Sports: Obviously, the best part of wrestling games as opposed to real life is not feeling the pain of the moves...


Christian: Not feeling the pain is definitely the best part. Getting beat up and not even feeling it.


IGN Sports: What are some of the injuries you've sustained throughout your career?


Christian: Knock on wood, I haven't had anything too serious. We're banged up all the time, so there's always the shoulder pains and the elbow pains and the stiff neck. I've had broken noses. One time I tried a dive onto the floor and landed on the side of my head and my arm actually went completely numb. I had a pinched nerve in my neck and my arm was just hanging there like a wet noodle. I couldn't use it for anything for like two minutes, it was just hanging there. Luckily, like I said, it ended up just being a pinched nerve. Luckily it wasn't anything too, too major.


IGN Sports: The games now even have all of the match modes like Hell in a Cell and TLC matches. What's your favorite match to perform in real life?


Christian: I'm always partial to the TLC because I feel like I'm somewhat responsible for making it famous along with the Hardy's, Edge, and the Dudley's. We kind of started the whole TLC matches, and in terms of crowd reaction, there's nothing like them. They're hard to do and hurt like hell, but when you sit back and hear the crowd and their appreciation for your work, it makes it all worth it.


IGN Sports: Is there any type of match that you've always wanted to try but haven't had the opportunity yet?


Christian: I've never been in a Hell in a Cell, which I think would be pretty cool. I'd like to try a Hell in a Cell one of these days. I guess for now, I'll have to settle for just doing it in the game. I can start working on my strategy.

IGN Sports: How did you get started as a wrestler?


Christian: I grew up a huge wrestling fan. Myself and Edge grew up together and we basically both wanted to be wrestlers, so we'd both go to the then WWF at the time shows up in Toronto. We used to always talk about becoming wrestlers after school because it was just something we both wanted to do. So we found a wrestling school in Toronto, and when I started going to college, I actually had a student loan, and what I didn't use for tuition, I used to pay for wrestling school. So I'd go to college during the week, then on the weekends I'd go to wrestling school or out to a wrestling event. That's basically how I got started.


IGN Sports: Could you even imagine then that not only would one of you make it, but that you'd both end up being big stars?


Christian: It's weird, you know, for me to end up wrestling with and against guys that I used to watch growing up. Even meeting guys now that show up at an event, and these are guys that I used to watch, and now they know who I am. It's really kind of cool. I always felt like if I applied myself, that I have what it takes to get far, so I just keep working hard and do what I do. It's a cool feeling and it's hard to sometimes sit back and think that I really have accomplished a lot. Plus, it seems to go so fast. Being on the road, the days and months just fly by, and you really don't get a chance to sit down and think about the things you've accomplished, and maybe don't even get that chance until you retire. For now, though, I just want to keep going.


IGN Sports: Who were some of your favorite wrestlers growing up?


Christian: I always liked guys who could really wrestle. Guys like Bret Hart and Cowboy Bob Orton, Ted Dibiase and The Macho Man. Those are the guys I liked to watch.


IGN Sports: If you could wrestle any of the legends in a Main Event, who would you want to go up against?


Christian: Bret Hart. Get both of us in our prime and see what happens. That would be a cool match.


IGN Sports: The games now feature wrestler-specific signs in the crowd. I was wondering what's the funniest sign you ever saw in a crowd that was referring to you?


Christian: There was this one guy recently who had this sign that was really plain, but really funny. This guy was standing there in the crowd and he had an arrow pointing down toward himself and all it said was "Peep". I just found that so funny for some reason. It was the funniest thing.








IGN Sports: Do you mostly spot the signs when you're walking down for your entrance, or can you actually see them from the ring?


Christian: Sometimes you just see them. It's more on the non-televised events where there's not as much pressure as live television, but sometimes you'll see them, or if you watch a replay of the match, you'll see the signs when the camera flashes by. You try to see them all. People go through all of the trouble to make a sign for you, so it's nice if you can see it and acknowledge that person.


IGN Sports: How does one become a peep, anyway?


Christian: [laughs] How does one become a peep? You just have to follow Christian.


IGN Sports: And as all the peeps know, you've won the tag titles, you're now the IC champ, is the World title what you're shooting for next?


Christian: Definitely. I've actually held every title there is to hold except for the World title. I've been the Light Heavyweight champion, seven-time tag team champion, Intercontinental champion, Hardcore champion. That means I just have one belt left to go, and I definitely have my sights set for it.


IGN Sports: So would the dream match be one-on-one, Christian vs. Edge for the WWE title?


Christian: That would be cool, that really would be. I don't know how that would work out, since I'm on Raw and he's on Smackdown, but that's the goal for the future, for that to one day come true.

-- Jon Robinson









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Guest Scorch

Eh.. Christian's face doesn't look right.


I'm sure there will be an Action Replay code somewhere down the line to play as The Coach.

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Here is the first review that I've seen for this game, from RewiredMind.com. They gave it a 7/10, here is the entire review...


Just booting up the game reveals many of these improvements in the form of the multitude of gameplay options that are available to you, Royal Rumble, TLC, Cage, Hell In A Cell and all the standard modes of exhibition battles are available, as well as a customisable Tournament, King of The Ring championship, the obligatory Create a Wrestler mode and thankfully, the opportunity for up to 4 human players to battle it out in a career mode. It is this mode that I was looking forward to the most, as well as being the mode that really took me by surprise. All of the WWE games have tried different ways of implementing a career or story-type long-term challenge, and Raw 2 could well be the first successful attempt. After choosing your character(s) and heading into the first week of your career, everything goes a little bit RPG as spirit points, popularity ratings and “Attacks” all come into play. Eight or so matches are set each week, and you can decide what your character does in between (or during) the matches that they are not a part of. Catch an opponent unawares with a surprise attack, steal from their locker room, set a trap for them, try to break up a tag team…its all there. Each of these choices are not guaranteed to work for you though, as if you try to steal something and there is nothing there to be stolen, your attack will “Miss” and your character will lose spirit points, which affects the way that you go over with the fans, although this has little effect on your in-ring performance


A lot of thought has gone into the career mode and the fact that you really can make your own storylines (to an extent) is something that I applaud the developers for. In the ring, a different story is played out before our eyes. For the most part, Raw 2 feels like a polished product, with combatants really making solid contact with one another, grapples that can be interrupted, and the ability to punch or kick an opponent at any time, even when they’re getting up from another move. Unfortunately, there are a few rough edges that haven’t been rounded off particularly well, such as the clipping that is present when the characters interact with each other and the scenery, the Hell In A Cell cage that is very tough to climb and the fact that even though the action can get very technical, its oh-so-tempting to just keep hitting Triple H with a powerful clothesline until he’s worn down enough to be pinned. I think that its fair to say that Raw 2’s actual grappling action isn’t as accomplished as the Smackdown! Here Comes The Pain or Wrestlemania X9 action that we sampled at ECTS.


Graphically, Raw 2 is cool to say the least. Wrestlers are animated as smoothly as you could ask for; the crowds are 3D (although understandably shabby 3D) and the arenas look awesome. Quite a few of the official entrance tunes are missing, but I’m sure that die-hard fans of the sport will rip their WWE Forceable Entry CD to the Xbox hard drive and reassign the tracks accordingly. Yes, you can use your own music for entrance songs in this version of the game and believe me when I say that for a wrestling geek like myself, nothing is more amusing than creating a huge, hulking great machine of a man to decimate the rest of the WWE, then forcing him to walk out to the tune of “Come On Eileen” or “The Birdie Song”…hilarity abound. The rest of the CAW mode is deep enough to drown in, with options of controlling the individual stage lights, camera flashes, pyrotechnic effects and your gladiator’s TitanTron video. Like I say, real wrestling fans will be lost for days, making sure that their character comes across with just the right amount of dazzle and polish on-screen.


If you have an Xbox, then Raw 2 is your only choice for wrestling action, since the original game is discounted because it was so limited. Eidos have Backyard Wrestling: Don’t Try This At Home hitting the shelves soon, but its safe to say that Raw 2 will keep you entertained for a fair while. For me, Wrestlemania X9 and Smackdown! Here Comes The Pain look like they will outlast Raw 2 when it comes to pure grappling action. A good effort, marred by a few huge flaws.


...take it for what it's worth, but at least it's SOMETHING already.

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Storyline mode that actually is "create-your-own" more or less?


Hm... Might get me to rent it. Still though, clobbering Triple H with forearms? Excuse me while I make Triple H job to freakin' punches. Or Maven. Whichever I prefer.

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Am I the only one who thinks it's fine that only NINE posts are in this topic?

Of course. No one's going to get optimistic about the game as the last one really should've been better than before and this one hasn't done much to impress anyone yet (in what is there).

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Am I the only one who thinks it's fine that only NINE posts are in this topic?

Of course. No one's going to get optimistic about the game as the last one really should've been better than before and this one hasn't done much to impress anyone yet (in what is there).

Ugh, the last RAW for Xbox was a total let down for me. I played it ONCE in a GameStop, and I never played it again.


When I play a wrestling game, I know INSTANTLY if the gameplay is going to be fun or not. Simply put, the first RAW wasn't fun at all to me.

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Guest Coffey

The first Raw was awful. This game will have to improve in pretty much every single category to even be playable.


From that review, the career mode sounds interesting. How credible is that site though? I know I've never heard of them...

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Guest Mindless_Aggression

Raw 2 CAN'T be as bad as the first one. I mean it just can't, it's not possible, you can only have something that amazingly bad once every few years and I think even the developers realized it.


It looks like it's gonna be above average but still nothing to explode from joy over. Although the part where I can rip my own entrance theme will probably convince me that it's a little funner than it actually is.

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Am I the only one who doesn't care about game modes, career modes, and customized music?? My main problem with Raw 1 was that the game engine SUCKED ASS. Who cares about TLC's, or Careers or how you come down to the ring if what you do in the ring is just plain bad??


If Smackdown has a better grappling engine, there is no hope for Raw 2. If you can just "keep hitting Triple H with a powerful clothesline until he’s worn down enough to be pinned" and if there's the "hit you from anywhere" option, then I gotta get a new fucking system, cause Xbox has shit for wrestling games... in fact, the only good system for wrestling games is N6fuckin4.

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Am I the only one who thinks it's fine that only NINE posts are in this topic?

Of course. No one's going to get optimistic about the game as the last one really should've been better than before and this one hasn't done much to impress anyone yet (in what is there).

Ugh, the last RAW for Xbox was a total let down for me. I played it ONCE in a GameStop, and I never played it again.


When I play a wrestling game, I know INSTANTLY if the gameplay is going to be fun or not. Simply put, the first RAW wasn't fun at all to me.

I played it once at home.


It's been been out of its box since.

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Raw is a good game to fuck around in with a couple friends of...not one to take serious.


And I don't see Raw 2 being much different. And thinking about it even more, it's even more dissapointing considering the fact they've delayed this game for over 6 months just for it to suck more?

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Microsoft should just release Wild Rings over here in North America, the game is Live and there will be more wrestling titles to choose from other than Backyard, Legends and Raw.

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Ok... No offense, but the offense looks... Well, weak. I mean, that punch doesn't look like it really did anything, the Edgeucation isn't impressive (then again, the move wasn't), and well... The model for Edge looks awful... Ugh....

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A really stupid move by not including Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas, they've been a part of the active roster long enough to be included.


They've been around much longer than Goldberg, and he's in the game.

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A really stupid move by not including Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas, they've been a part of the active roster long enough to be included.


They've been around much longer than Goldberg, and he's in the game.

Though, they weren't in WM XIX either, and it went into development later than Raw 2 did.

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Well the game is out today. Anyone pick it up/rent/try the game out?


IGN gave it a 9.1...but then again, they gave RAW 1 a pretty high rating. You can read the review here.

Edited by Karnage

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I don't know about the whole no text in the season mode thing, I guess I can get used to it. The number of updates over the first game is amazing and I enjoyed the gameplay of the original, so this is one that I will buy as soon as the store gets it in, hopefully tomorrow.

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