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Johnny Depp Dislikes U.S.

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BERLIN (AP) - Actor Johnny Depp likened the United States to a "dumb puppy that has big teeth" in an interview published Wednesday, ridiculing Washington's confrontation with France, where he lives, over the war in Iraq.

The "Pirates of the Caribbean" star - who spends much of his time in the south of France with his companion, Vanessa Paradis, and their two children - told the German magazine Stern he couldn't see himself paying more than short visits to his Los Angeles residence in the present political climate.


"America is dumb, is something like a dumb puppy that has big teeth - that can bite and hurt you, aggressive," Depp was quoted as saying.


Depp recalled that French fries were renamed "Freedom fries" in the House cafeteria on Capitol Hill at the height of U.S. anger over France's refusal to back the administration of President Bush over the war in Iraq.


"Nothing made me happier than when I read that - grown men and grown women in positions of power in the United States government," Depp said. "I was ecstatic because they revealed themselves as idiots."


Depp said he wanted his two children, ages 1 and 4, to experience the United States "like it's a kind a toy - a broken toy maybe. Investigate a little bit, check it out, get this feeling and then get out."


AP-ES-09-03-03 1323EDT




What an asshole. While the guy does have the freedom to express what he thinks, you don't say such a thing if America's one of the places you hope to make a major living. He's just making every American that has supported him and his movies look pathetic.


Things like this just make me sick. If you don't like the country, and have things like that to say about it, then just stay out and don't come back. I'm by no stretch the most patriotic American, but I consider it an insult that he's making millions while I'm struggling to get enough money for food on the table.


Personally, I can't wait until the douchebag's career starts dying in America. Then, nobody will give a fuck WHAT the guy has to say.


-Well, those are my thoughts. Yours ?

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Guest JMA

I don't really give a damn, to tell you the truth. Why should I care what he says about America? His opinion matters to me about as much as Coulter's or Hannity's (i.e. not much).

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Guest El Satanico

He has a opinion that differs from your opinion.


Big deal


Do you care about strangers on this board sharing opinions that differ from yours? If the answer is no, than why do you care about a stranger who happens to be an actor sharing opinions that differ from yours?

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He has a opinion that differs from your opinion.


Big deal


Do you care about strangers on this board sharing opinions that differ from yours? If the answer is no, than why do you care about a stranger who happens to be an actor sharing opinions that differ from yours?

He's in the public eye. People's opinions here won't go further than this message board. His opinion is going to get spread in newspapers around Europe, just so they could laugh that even an actor supported by America hates the United States. If you're in the public eye, you should at least watch some comments you say. Like I said, I'm insulted that he makes so much money here when he obviously doesn't like the country. It's a matter of respect. He comes here to makes his money and then trash-talks us while he's away. Worked so well for Anne Robinson, didn't it ? And for those of you who ask "Who's she?", my thoughts exactly.

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Guest El Satanico

Just because someone's an actor doesn't mean he has no right giving his opinions. Just because the media will cover his opinion doesn't make him wrong to share it.


Just because you strongly disagree with a differing opinion you have no right to tell them "you can't have that opinion", regardless of who is giving them.

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Just because someone's an actor doesn't mean he has no right giving his opinions. Just because the media will cover his opinion doesn't make him wrong to share it.

Come on. If you're an actor, you have an obligation to watch your words. You can't just go out and announce "Murder somebody tonight." Because there are people crazy enough to do it if they are a huge fanatic of you.


If he was an actor that made his living exclusively in other countries, then I wouldn't have a problem. It's his opinion. But don't come in America and take money from hard-working people that appreciate this country. Don't call our country a broken toy and encourage your children to get a feel and then leave. I don't think asking for respect from people who make their living here is asking too much.

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Guest Anglesault

For someone who hates America, he makes a nice living off it's movie industry.


A challenge to Depp: If you hate America, you can refuse to accept any money made in America. Refuse to make American films. Refuse whatever money you would have/already have made off Pirates or any of your other films. It's dirty American money, why the fuck do you want it?


Besides, I'm sure you can do just as well financially by only making films shown in countries that you like without the heavy psychological pain working in America must case you.

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Guest El Satanico
Just because someone's an actor doesn't mean he has no right giving his opinions. Just because the media will cover his opinion doesn't make him wrong to share it.

Come on. If you're an actor, you have an obligation to watch your words. You can't just go out and announce "Murder somebody tonight." Because there are people crazy enough to do it if they are a huge fanatic of you.

If you can't see the difference between an actor encouraging the public to murder people and an actor giving his opinions on political and/or social issues, this discussion is over.

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I agree with what he said, now I'm waiting for somebody to make a snide comment about me being a douchebag. I'll say it now. I Hate the U.S.

See, the problem here is: Nobody gives a fuck what you think.

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I agree with what he said, now I'm waiting for somebody to make a snide comment about me being a douchebag. I'll say it now. I Hate the U.S.

Care to explain why you hate America?

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I agree with what he said, now I'm waiting for somebody to make a snide comment about me being a douchebag. I'll say it now. I Hate the U.S.

See, the problem here is: Nobody gives a fuck what you think.

How about you watch your fucking langauge?

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I don't care what Johnny Depp thinks.


Does he have any politicial qualifications? No


Do I know Johnny Depp? No


So please tell me why I should be upset that someone I don't know or care for doesn't like America

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Just because someone's an actor doesn't mean he has no right giving his opinions. Just because the media will cover his opinion doesn't make him wrong to share it.

Come on. If you're an actor, you have an obligation to watch your words. You can't just go out and announce "Murder somebody tonight." Because there are people crazy enough to do it if they are a huge fanatic of you.

If you can't see the difference between an actor encouraging the public to murder people and an actor giving his opinions on political and/or social issues, this discussion is over.

You said his being an actor didn't mean he shouldn't give opinions. If a normal person screamed "I Love to Murder," would it be a problem ? Sure, he'd be arrested and all, but I don't think anybody would listen and follow through with murders. If Johnny Depp screamed "I Love to Murder," it would have a much larger effect on the public because it would be news. It's not the best example but, because he's famous, his opinions reach out to more people. As a result, he should watch what he says. For all you know, his widespread comments could decrease tourism in America and hurt the economy. Now tell me that a normal person making these comments would have the same effect.

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Guest JMA
Care to explain why you hate America?

I second the question. It's irrational to hate an entire country.

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I don't care what Johnny Depp thinks.


Does he have any politicial qualifications? No


Do I know Johnny Depp? No


So please tell me why I should be upset that someone I don't know or care for doesn't like America

I just hate the idea that he's making so much money in this country and trash-talking it while he's not here. He's basically taking away millions of dollars from other people that like America and won't badmouth it to a German magazine.


It's the whole respect issue.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Just because someone's an actor doesn't mean he has no right giving his opinions. Just because the media will cover his opinion doesn't make him wrong to share it.


Just because you strongly disagree with a differing opinion you have no right to tell them "you can't have that opinion", regardless of who is giving them.

Ok, you are correct. Let me rephrase:



He's ana ctor with no qualifications or experience in geo-political affairs. I don't care what he thinks.

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Just because someone's an actor doesn't mean he has no right giving his opinions. Just because the media will cover his opinion doesn't make him wrong to share it.

Come on. If you're an actor, you have an obligation to watch your words. You can't just go out and announce "Murder somebody tonight." Because there are people crazy enough to do it if they are a huge fanatic of you.

If you can't see the difference between an actor encouraging the public to murder people and an actor giving his opinions on political and/or social issues, this discussion is over.

There's a difference between a principled, educated opinion stated tactfully and shooting your mouth off spinelessly.


If he said, "I completely, wholeheartedly disagree with the values and actions of the U.S. Therefore, I am renouncing my citizenship and will no longer make American films," it would be much, much different.

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The leaders of said country (U.S.) reflect the image that everybody is a complete and total fool, years of bad choices(and presidents) Things like, sending the Armed Forces intoa conflect from which they don't belong. (Korea and the Vietnam) and completely overreaction to the simple things (Bill and his affair) reflect(again) the image that the U.S. are very anal and retarded.

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For those who work in the tourist industries and need that money, yes it is. Johnny Depp would be indirectly taking money from them and possibly costing them their jobs.

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Guest El Satanico

Telling the public to murder someone is completely different than sharing an opinion that can't hurt someone.

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The leaders of said country (U.S.) reflect the image that everybody is a complete and total fool, years of bad choices(and presidents) Things like, sending the Armed Forces intoa conflect from which they don't belong. (Korea and the Vietnam) and completely overreaction to the simple things (Bill and his affair) reflect(again) the image that the U.S. are very anal and retarded.

To ask, where are you from?

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There's a difference between a principled, educated opinion stated tactfully and shooting your mouth off spinelessly.


If he said, "I completely, wholeheartedly disagree with the values and actions of the U.S. Therefore, I am renouncing my citizenship and will no longer make American films," it would be much, much different.

Yes, it would. But that's not what he did. He mocked the U.S., called it a dumb puppy, called the whole Freedom-Fries thing stupid(which it was), and said it was a broken toy his children could play with and then leave. He trash-talked the U.S. and degraded it the best way he could. But never once did he say he won't make another American movie. And you can be damn sure he'll be back to start plugging Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory soon.

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For those who work in the tourist industries and need that money, yes it is. Johnny Depp would be indirectly taking money from them and possibly costing them their jobs.



No one really cares what Johnny Depp thinks. Why? He's Johnny Depp. I really don't think anyone is going to cancel their trip to America because of what the star of Donnie Brasco says.

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Telling the public to murder someone is completely different than sharing an opinion that can't hurt someone.

Like I said, not the best example. But he could be costing the U.S. possible money in tourism. He's well-respected in Europe for some of his movies, including that Chocolat-shit. Sadly, his opinion will mean a lot to some Europeans and could possibly cause the U.S. millions. In that aspect, he is hurting someone.

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