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Johnny Depp Dislikes U.S.

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His political views should not have an effect on your enjoyment (or lack thereof, should it be the case) of his films. Now shut up and buy another ticket to Pirates Of The Carribean, because you know you loved it too.

Well, since it's the guy's primary source of income, I can understand those who won't buy his movies in the future, as long as we don't go overboard boycotting with stupid shit like video burnings and crap.


However, this really isn't a big enough deal for me to hate the guy. He actually demands to read and approve the script of the movie he's working on, and thus he's been a part of some interesting movies. Anybody remember Nick Of Time, where terrorists were using him as gunman in a plot to kill a U.S. Senator?


Uhm, yeah, that probably wasn't the best example, but anyway.... :blink:


Also, my Mom thinks he's hot, so I'm going to be seeing plenty of him whether I like him or not. *sigh*

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Guest JMA
For what it's worth, I actually find JMA to be perhaps the least annoying individual here, i.e. of those who follow his particular political ideology.


(Sorry if that's something of a backhanded compliment, J, I mean you no disrespect.)

It's cool, Vyce. I actually take that as a compliment. I try to be consistent with my beliefs.

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Guest JMA

[Devil's Advocate]Isn't it possible the German magazine really DID take what he said out of context?[/Devil's Advocate]




Not that I'm defending him (he can defend himself). Or, like I said before, perhaps he spoke without thinking. His wife and kids are French, so maybe he took that as a swipe at them. In any case, I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt--provided he doesn't do it again.

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Although Johnny does have his opinion, I find him to be rather ungrateful, but I guess that's typical of the Hollywood bunch.


"Nothing made me happier than when I read that - grown men and grown women in positions of power in the United States government," Depp said. "I was ecstatic because they revealed themselves as idiots."


And I must point out that a majority of those very men and women have college diplomas while the average Hollywood Joe (who just seems to bitch about something the American government does almost every day) has a high school diploma or are high school drop-outs. Who're the idiots now, fucker?!!

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
Thomas Jefferson enrolled at William and Mary when he was 16 and studied law for five years after he graduated (which took him 2 years). He was fluent in Latin and Greek. James Madison graduated from Princeton (then the College of New Jersey) when he was 20. George Washington's brilliance in mathematics was such that he became a professional field surveyor at 15. At 17 he was commissioned as the surveyor of Culpeper county.


Johnny Depp is a high school dropout, arrested at least three times for violent crimes.


What was your point again?

It was a general statement.

That was tying to say what, exactly?

That you don't have to be an educated person who is a life long politican to have a worthwhile opinion or to do something positive for your country.



I think it's stupid to rag on someone because he's "just an actor". I mean how hypocritical is that coming from a board of Wrestling Smarks?

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[Devil's Advocate]Isn't it possible the German magazine really DID take what he said out of context?[/Devil's Advocate]


I don't know. "Dumb puppy" and "broken toy" are just a little too bizarre and / or harsh to be simply excused away as "taken out of context."

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I think I've just become dumber by reading this thread.


Regardless, I'd like to correct a possible mistake... France's revolution was a long time coming, and they'd probably have done the same thing even if we didn't revolt.


It was more due to King Louis XVI's stupidity than our revolution, even though ours gave them the initial idea.

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Guest MikeSC
The whole "Freedom Fries" idea was probably stupider than what comes out of actor's mouthes most of the time.

Well, we look to American leads as LEADERS, its quite immature and infantile to resort to such childish tactics. I expect George Bush to act with more tact and respect than Johnny Depp because he is the American leader. When he acts foolish, it reflects badly on the whole country.

Um, when has Bush commented on France to any great degree?


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Guest MikeSC
Most people outside of the United States hate America. Often quite passionately.


Make of that what you will

Just so you know, someone will probably respond to this and claim they're "jealous." Which I don't really agree with. People around the world who hate the States do so for different reasons, IMO.

But Americans who dislike France are idiots or xenophobes.




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Guest MikeSC
Most people outside of the United States hate America. Often quite passionately.


Make of that what you will

Just so you know, someone will probably respond to this and claim they're "jealous." Which I don't really agree with. People around the world who hate the States do so for different reasons, IMO.

Arrogance, blind nationalism, and bullying are just a few reasons why America is usually not well liked by others.

I'd go with blind nationalism and patriotism as the reason Americans rub so many up the wrong way. The whole "U.S.A." chant doesn't go down well.

As opposed to those countries without nationalistic tendencies.


God bless dem Euros.


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Guest MikeSC
Wasn't France's revolution inspired by America? I believe it was. They wanted a goverment like ours and supported us. So, they rebelled in a rather bloody way. We renounced this, of course, and I believe we took some kind of action. This is probably one of the MANY reasons the US and France don't get along. I don't, however, agree that all the countries in Europe are "snot-nosed brats." Depp was probably just pissed because his wife and children are French, and he lashed out. I'm not going to hold it against him or imply things about him --provided he doesn't do it again. After all, generalizing Americans and America is just as bad as what some people say about France. Respect works both ways.


I hope one day countries can start respecting each other and stop living in the past.

Um, the gov't they set up after the Revolution was a tyrannical regime of terrifying proportions. We SHOULD have opposed the Terror of Robespierre.


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Guest MikeSC
America as a country is far, far older than any nation in Europe,

Most people consider America to have been 'born' (no revisionist history please!) after that mass genocide thing.

Not quite as bad as the Terror of France, huh?


How 'bout the reign of Napoleon?


Nazi Germany?


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Guest Random Hero

Clearly my post count will never be very impressive. I would have never thought to make 5 separate points in 5 separate posts.


I have nothing else to add to this discussion.





Except UK > USA 4EVA I.D.S.T

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Guest MikeSC
Clearly my post count will never be very impressive. I would have never thought to make 5 separate points in 5 separate posts.


I have nothing else to add to this discussion.





Except UK > USA 4EVA I.D.S.T

Well, fortunately, I manage to combine more insight into those 5 posts than you will in whatever total of posts you put up here.


Yes, we know you have nothing to add. No need to make it so obvious.


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Guest Random Hero

Current Events ain't my thing. The News clashes with Batman Beyond. I can't help it.

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Guest Random Hero
As opposed to those countries without nationalistic tendencies.


God bless dem Euros.


All countries have nationalitic tendencies to an extent. America however is nationalistic to the point of making people want to vomit. That being said, I appreciate everything America brings to the table, noone can compete with them when it comes to television, movies etc. I could just do without the USA chants.


Interpol are American, so it's not all bad.

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America as a country is far, far older than any nation in Europe,

Most people consider America to have been 'born' (no revisionist history please!) after that mass genocide thing.

Not quite as bad as the Terror of France, huh?


How 'bout the reign of Napoleon?


Nazi Germany?


Why do people always avoid the issue with comparisons?

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Guest MikeSC
America as a country is far, far older than any nation in Europe,

Most people consider America to have been 'born' (no revisionist history please!) after that mass genocide thing.

Not quite as bad as the Terror of France, huh?


How 'bout the reign of Napoleon?


Nazi Germany?


Why do people always avoid the issue with comparisons?

Because people should not lecture US about mistreating people if THEY are FAR worse about it. Were the Indians slaughtered? Yup --- unfortunate turn of history, but history is loaded with such stories.


Heck, I could go off on the blatant hypocrisy of ANY major European country griping about us being too imperial.


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Guest JMA
But Americans who dislike France are idiots or xenophobes.



Some are, some aren't. There are reasons to dislike certain aspects about France. I myself am disappointed about how the goverment let over 11,000 people die in the heatwave. And French nationalists are just as bad as American nationalists. The same goes for Russian, Chinese, Japanese, British, Canadian, German, ect al. Nationalism itself is bad, IMO.

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Guest JMA
Um, the gov't they set up after the Revolution was a tyrannical regime of terrifying proportions. We SHOULD have opposed the Terror of Robespierre.

Did you see me say I agreed with it? No. I put "we opposed it, of course" because we SHOULD have opposed it. That's what I was trying to say. Yeesh.

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Heck, I could go off on the blatant hypocrisy of ANY major European country griping about us being too imperial.


The only hypocrisy I intended to highlight was the absurdity of any Americans claiming their nation isn't part of the same club.

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Guest MikeSC
But Americans who dislike France are idiots or xenophobes.



Some are, some aren't. There are reasons to dislike certain aspects about France. I myself am disappointed about how the goverment let over 11,000 people die in the heatwave. And French nationalists are just as bad as American nationalists. The same goes for Russian, Chinese, Japanese, British, Canadian, German, ect al. Nationalism itself is bad, IMO.

I dislike their blatant lack of gratitude for the things we've done for them.


I don't expect worship or anything --- but respect is not too much to ask, I don't think.


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Guest MikeSC
Heck, I could go off on the blatant hypocrisy of ANY major European country griping about us being too imperial.


The only hypocrisy I intended to highlight was the absurdity of any Americans claiming their nation isn't part of the same club.

What empire do we hold?


We have more power than any country in history has ever had. There is nobody in the same state as us in terms of sheer might, whether it be militarily, economically, or what have you.


If we WANTED colonies, there is not a country on Earth we could not take, and take fairly easily.


We don't have colonies, regardless.


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Guest cobainwasmurdered

No offense intended but I disagree about America being able to take any country you want.


You guys didn't go into Afghanastan or Iraq by yourselves. You did manage to kill your enemies but you also managed to kill a fair number of allies and your own troops.


America does have the best equipped soldiers in the world but that doesn't account for everything. Nor does sheer numbers.


If America did try to set up Colonies they'd be opposed by the rest of the world and no country can fight the entire world. American leaders know this which is why America is always making sure to play the political games and trying to pin down allies before engaging in any military action. They know if they just did whatever they wanted without other countires being part of it that sucsess would not be easy.


The Roman Empire fell, The Greek Empire fell, so did the Egyptians, the Britains, and every other empire this world has seen. America's dominance hasn't lasted anywhere near as long as those Empires did. Overconfidence can cause even the mighty to fall.

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The Roman Empire fell, The Greek Empire fell, so did the Egyptians, the Britains, and every other empire this world has seen. America's dominance hasn't lasted anywhere near as long as those Empires did. Overconfidence can cause even the mighty to fall.


No empire that has ever existed in the entire sum of human history has ever wielded the power that America does today. Militarily, politically, economically, culturally.


That dominance won't slip in my lifetime, nor likely the lifetime of my great-grandchildren.

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I could just do without the USA chants.


Please tell me that the fact that we Yanks chant this at sporting events isn't the reason for your discontent.

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Guest The Hamburglar
No empire that has ever existed in the entire sum of human history has ever wielded the power that America does today. Militarily, politically, economically, culturally.


That dominance won't slip in my lifetime, nor likely the lifetime of my great-grandchildren.

A facile statement if ever there was one. Relatively speaking, there have been a fair few great powers that have compared to the present USA, with the British being the most recent example. 25% of the world's industrial productivity coming from one tiny little island? Amazing how people forget the extent of British supremacy in the nineteenth century. And of course US dominance is likely to continue for many generations to come, its only been a true great power for just over a century now. The British, the French and the Austrians managed to be great powers for around five hundred years, and they were all fighting each other constantly, something the US doesn't have to worry about.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

and the Roman Empire existed as a super power in one form or another for over a thousand years.


America is still an infant.

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I could just do without the USA chants.


Please tell me that the fact that we Yanks chant this at sporting events isn't the reason for your discontent.

Watch fans chant USA during a Dudleys/La Resistance match. Imagine how annoying that would be if you weren't American.


There are worse things, but none so stereotypically American...

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