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Johnny Depp Dislikes U.S.

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However, the last time I checked, American citizens who make American money are ALLOWED to tell a fellow American that he's an ignorant fuckhead and that he should kindly shut the fuck up. Freedom of speech is a wonderful thing, but it's definitely a two-way street. Pity some can't handle the traffic.

Never said it wasn't.

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Oh for christ's sake. Don't get your panties in a knot Tom & Mike - and try not putting words in my mouth. What I was criticising was the "yet he seems to like making American money" arguement as if to say that he should keep his mouth closed if he's paid in USD. Last time I checked, American citizens who make American money are ALLOWED to criticize the American government.


Go figure.

This has been argued so much on this very board that it's just nauseating that anyone still brings it up.


Depp has the right to say what he wants.


Those who don't like what he says have the right to come and verbally rape him with bitter and harsh criticism.


If you don't like that they criticize his remarks, boo fucking hoo. THAT is how the 1st amendment cuts both ways.

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Guest MikeSC
Mike, haven't you heard? Whenever anyone makes a claim on the internet that someone else should shut their piehole, it's absolutely and unequivocally an infringement on the yapper's freedom of speech! Why, I'll bet the First Amendment is being subverted 1,000,000 times a day in cyberspace! This outrage really must stop.


Remember, kids: the next time you say "OMG STFU N00B~!!11!!!1!! LOL 2003~!1!!!1!" you're pissing on the graves of the Founding Fathers.

Methinks the Alien and Sedition Acts would probably be very popular in some circles nowadays.


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Guest MikeSC
Oh for christ's sake. Don't get your panties in a knot Tom & Mike - and try not putting words in my mouth. What I was criticising was the "yet he seems to like making American money" arguement as if to say that he should keep his mouth closed if he's paid in USD. Last time I checked, American citizens who make American money are ALLOWED to criticize the American government.


Go figure.

Keep your thong out of your crack and actually listen (well, read) to what was said (well, written).


Depp has every right to say whatever he wishes (provided that France has the same Freedom of Speech laws that the U.S does. I assume they do, but do not care enough to check), but it is a) gutless to trash the U.S when you're out of the country and b) it is hnypocritical to bash the U.S, but whore for our money.


I think the NAACP is run by idiots and charlatans. I would not take a job offered by them, even though I am presently unemployed.


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Everyone get their um...underpants out of some bodily crevice.


I see what mach is saying. Yes you have the right to say that Depp was a pussy and such just as he has the right to say what he said. But it is kinda ridiculous to say if you want to insult america's politics you shouldn't make money from america. I insult our politics all the time, I'm not going to quit my job.

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Guest JMA

I think if Depp said this in America he'd get the stupid response of "America: Love it or Leave it!" Well, he technically DID leave it. He's pretty much going to be screwed over no matter where he says it. I don't think it makes him cowardly. He's wrong, no doubt, but I don't think he's a coward. I'm willing to forgive him -- this time. I can see why he'd be pissed at the anti-French sentiment (seeing as he lives there and his wife and kids are French). He probably took the whole thing as an insult to his family and home -- and responded in the wrong way.

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1) I assume those statements relate to the decisions of the Bush Administration... and as someone who lives and works in america (though I dont get paid, unpaid internshp at fox sports), he's right. I'd have chosen a better choice of words, but frankly he's right.


2) There are many countries I dislike, but I would gladly take lots of currency from any of those countries. After all, a trip to one of those exchange banks and it'll be US money !!!


"b) it is hnypocritical to bash the U.S, but whore for our money."


Our last election was split down the middle. Right now Dubya's approval rating is just over 50 percent. In other words, half the cuontry thinks one way, and the other half thinks the other way, and most of the time, ALL of them are in some way bashing the views and actions of the other side. And both of those sides are views of the U.S.


I guess everybody in America's a hypocrite then :lol:

Edited by metr0man

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I think if Depp said this in America he'd get the stupid response of "America: Love it or Leave it!" Well, he technically DID leave it. He's pretty much going to be screwed over no matter where he says it. I don't think it makes him cowardly. He's wrong, no doubt, but I don't think he's a coward. I'm willing to forgive him -- this time. I can see why he'd be pissed at the anti-French sentiment (seeing as he lives there and his wife and kids are French). He probably took the whole thing as an insult to his family and home -- and responded in the wrong way.

I don't think he's thinking that much into it, JMA.

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Guest JMA
I don't think he's thinking that much into it, JMA.

Perhaps, perhaps not. Only Depp himself truly knows.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
Last time I checked, American citizens who make American money are ALLOWED to criticize the American government.

No one is saying Depp cannot criticize the American government if he feels it necessary. He has been called a coward for doing it from foreign shores, and a hypocrite for taking American money to star in American movies for predominately American audiences. The latter's a bit silly, IMO, but that's neither here nor there. Johnny Depp can say what he wants about the US government (within reason), and that's fine.


However, the last time I checked, American citizens who make American money are ALLOWED to tell a fellow American that he's an ignorant fuckhead and that he should kindly shut the fuck up. Freedom of speech is a wonderful thing, but it's definitely a two-way street. Pity some can't handle the traffic.


That's what makes America... *gasp* America. You know, "Land of the free"... "freedom of speech" ... or has that been taken out of the constitution?

Nope, and Depp is free to exercise it. So are those who criticize him.



Depp= Chicken.


Micheal Moore= gutsy.

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Guest MikeSC
gutsy = fat and stupid

Well, I think of all the words to describe Mikey Moore, "Gutsy" is REAL fitting.


I mean, have you seen the SIZE of his gut?


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I really like metr0man's 'Prime Time' sig but who the heck is that on the far right? Its probably somebody dead obvious but as far as I can see its a discussion between Piper, Gorilla, Vince, Heenan and......Gary Busey???


On second thought is it Mr Perfect? Looks like his 92 era Flair associate pony tail. Still looks more like Gary Busey to me.

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I really like metr0man's 'Prime Time' sig but who the heck is that on the far right? Its probably somebody dead obvious but as far as I can see its a discussion between Piper, Gorilla, Vince, Heenan and......Gary Busey???


On second thought is it Mr Perfect? Looks like his 92 era Flair associate pony tail. Still looks more like Gary Busey to me.

It's Hennig.

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I don't see what the big controversy here is. Some German magazine reporter asked Depp what his opinion on the subject was, Depp answered, that's it. I don't agree with his views, but it's not like I'm going to lose any sleep over it. He's not in charge of anything important: he's just some actor guy who doesn't even live here anymore. Give it a rest.


The real question is, why did the reporter ask an actor with no political credentials questions about his opinions on politics, and why did the magazine think it newsworthy enough to publish it?

My offensive and reactionary statements in this thread still haunt me to this day, and left deep scars across the soul of the internet. It's a wonder I wasn't banned.

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I have almost no memory of that Prime Time sig I had that somebody commented on. :( Now i want to see it.


Looking at the thread subtitle, let me just say I would GLADLY take money from ANY country, no matter how much I dislike it. Even a country I bash 24/7 - if anything it'd feel good taking their money.

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Seems I was an idealist four years ago. Amazing how things change.


Johnny Depp can say whatever he wants now.

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You guys were such TOOLS back then, on both sides. THIS is who MikeTheSC was? My God. This entire thread was solved by the JMA guy on the second fucking post, and he was easily the best poster throughout. God.


Also, easily the most retardedly funny part of this thread was cobainwasmurdered trying to argue that Canada could somehow fend off a US sneak attack. Their plan for defending against the Russian attack was to hold out for 24 Hours to allow the US to mobilize. They're somehow going to defend against the US military now?

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Guest My Pal, the Tortoise
This entire thread was solved by the JMA guy on the second fucking post, and he was easily the best poster throughout. God.

JMA once IMed me in May 2005 and asked me for porn because he said he had to masturbate. That was the last I heard of JMA.

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LOL Czech.


Mike was from Buffalo if I remember correctly. No wonder he was so bitter all the time. I would be too if I lived in Buffalo.

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Guest My Pal, the Tortoise

MikeSC? He was from South Carolina, where his girlfriend bludgeoned him with a telephone for like ten minutes. Maybe twenty.

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Didn't Mike look kinda like Jack Black?

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Is this really news worthy?


Who really cares what a shitty actor has to say about the United States, anyway.

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