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Teddy Hart is great

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Teddy Hart looks really good but, if what I've heard about him is any indication, someone's going to have to slap some sense into him.



In short, he's very full of himself and may end up making some unreasonable demands that could keep him from returning too many times.


He was cut by the WWF's developmental program in 1998 because he was a complete ass.


When he came to the WWE locker room some time back, Benoit and another former Stampede wrestler told him to just shut the hell up about how good he was so that he might actually get hired.

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

I'd probably be cocky too if I was a family member of the greatest wrestling family ever...Unless you want to go the Von Erich route where several of them killed themselves.

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Guest TheGame2705
Guerrera's match of the year candidate with Blitzkrieg


This right here makes me take everything he says with a grain of salt.

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I was thinking of Bret playing possum when I saw Ted do that...but he should be much more established so the fans don't react like that was a botch.


Juvi/Sabin WASN'T THAT GREAT! The CONSTANT countering was really stupid (it got old...fast) and the ridiclious ECW pinfall like segment...IN THE END OF THE MATCH. That sequence is used at the beginning to get a cheap pop from the crowd and to start to build up a match...not near the climax of it. Oh, and Juvi kipping up was really stupid. I think Metzler is just saying this stuff because he wants to say as much as he can good about any company other then WWE.


Sure, a few things were good....but it was mostly short, short matches with a few long & boring matches for a show no one is going to remember.

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

I found it more enjoyable more than any of the previous shows from TNA. Of course I haven't watched regularly since the April 30th show.


Of course I didn't care to pay attention during the promos/interviews and stuff.

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I enjoyed the 1 year anniversary much better.


I dunno, maybe the fact it was taped really got me not as motivated to say it was a great show...but this show just seemed to fall short.


I will say I thought War Games was a huge dissapointment...You'd think we get the classic, old-school NWA War Games and not some more hardcore 2003 version.


That's what makes no sense...they talk about how much they are into tradition and stuff...yet they totally change War Games around.

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I thought Juvi/Sabin was great. Yes, it was all spots, but I felt they were very good spots, and exciting ones at that. I also thought Juvi/Hart was good. Of course, I enjoyed War Games, and while it wasn't the kick-ass old school version, I felt it worked.

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I was thinking of Bret playing possum when I saw Ted do that...but he should be much more established so the fans don't react like that was a botch.


Juvi/Sabin WASN'T THAT GREAT! The CONSTANT countering was really stupid (it got old...fast) and the ridiclious ECW pinfall like segment...IN THE END OF THE MATCH. That sequence is used at the beginning to get a cheap pop from the crowd and to start to build up a match...not near the climax of it. Oh, and Juvi kipping up was really stupid. I think Metzler is just saying this stuff because he wants to say as much as he can good about any company other then WWE.


Sure, a few things were good....but it was mostly short, short matches with a few long & boring matches for a show no one is going to remember.

Maybe Meltzer is saying that caused he liked the match.



If you read his TNA recaps you would know he is very negative most of the time

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Juvi/Sabin just seemed way too unrealiastic to me. I just don't how, especially after wrestling matches before, that those guys can go out there and counter, after counter, after counter. Also, those guys keeping a quick pace despite hitting big moves (not selling the moves)

And the finish was retarded...Juvi does everything and the kitchen sink to Sabin and he kicks out, but Juvi falls to one move.

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

I am usually a FF person when it comes to TNA, but this week was pretty good.


Plus the fact I tried not reading any spoilers helped. I only knew that Shane lost in the 1st round so him/Kazarian was a bathroom break match since I knew who won (Thanks to some shmuck IM'ing me about TNA this week)

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If you read his TNA recaps you would know he is very negative most of the time

To be honest, I only read Dames so I'm not justified saying that about Metzler.


Then I'm not sure what he thought was so great about it. *shrugs*

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

Thank God no one admits to saying they enjoy Scott Keiths rants more than Meltzers or Dames recaps.


At least as far as NWA-TNA Goes.

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Yeah I did notice Hart's complete no sell on the leg injury, mainly because he did the Shawn kip up (oh the irony) RIGHT after getting hurt.


I enjoyed his match with Juvi tonight though. Best match on the show.

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Thank God no one admits to saying they enjoy Scott Keiths rants more than Meltzers or Dames recaps.

Uh...um...uh... :mellow: um...of...course...not...


*slowly raises hand*

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Guest The Real Nosferatu
Thank God no one admits to saying they enjoy Scott Keiths rants more than Meltzers or Dames recaps.

Uh...um...uh... :mellow: um...of...course...not...


*slowly raises hand*

::Slaps your wrist and makes you watch 12 hrs. of The Best of Ultimate Warrior promos without a bathroom break::

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Keith just makes it a weekly thing by saying TNA is great, WWE sucks...even if it's oppoiste of what the show was really like.


He doesn't even try anymore...that's why I barely read him and when I do, I just quickly glance over what he says.

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Thank God no one admits to saying they enjoy Scott Keiths rants more than Meltzers or Dames recaps.


At least as far as NWA-TNA Goes.

Keith's blind markdom for TNA really creeps me out- I think he digs the old school feel of the promotion.

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

Then you must feel the wrath of the left hand of burns!


Damn it, I gotta stop going into Simpsons mode.


Since I am posting, who the HELL is Lazz? (or whatever)

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Some fag from Wildside.


And geez this was an X Division tournament. ITS SUPPOSED TO BE FILLED WITH SPOTS. Did you expect them to go out and switch ankle locks and crossfaces for 20 minutes?

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

Yay for Syxx2001 for knowing what X-Division means.


Nothing in the tournament was bad, or if you had to use stars, below **. The only match that will argue that is Sabin/Lynn because of the gay finish.

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While Hart had some nice moves, can anyone justify his completely spotty selling of that knee injury? So... he hits the Hart Attack, re-injures his knee, and then fucking KIPS UP SIX SECONDS LATER? Uhm, I'm sorry, WHAT? The finish blew that match to hell for me.

Maybe he was pulling a Bret by "faking" a knee injury....in a match.


Not a HBK injury faking.


Bret would play possum until the opponent was in a position for Bret to surprise them with an offensive attack.

I thought of that, but Hart HAD JUST HIT HIS FINISHER! Explain the logic of deciding to fake an injury instead of pinning after you hit your finisher, PLEASE.


Oh, and I'd say that Nosawa/Juvi, Sabin/Lynn, and Kazarian/Shane were all under **. Storm/Hart gets ** because while it was short, there were some damn fun spots.

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Raven, ** is a bit lofty, lowest was *1/4 for the Nosawa/Juvi match. Nosawa did a bunch of kicks, that's all.


The semis and the final were very good. If anyone was expecting the Super J Cup, then they obviously weren't gonna see this here. This was total spots, and for spotfests, it was a great tournament, beat the hell outta the BOTB tourney this year.


Wargames, if they did it the right way, would have been the NWA MOTY, no doubt, because they had all the essentials, blood, fury, heels dominating until the end when the faces make the comebacks. If it was two rings, one big cage, I'd definitely make it the NWA MOTY. Otherwise, it was good, not great. Definitely better than the Elimination CHHHamber...

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Nah, I disagree. Lynn vs. Sabin was the worst. A bunch of punches and kicks with one interesting spot and a lame finish.


Oh, and I found the War Games match to be a nightmare. Maybe the endless AMW vs. Simon and Swinger matches have soured me on brawls, but it was a bunch of guys hitting each other with weapons and then doing the finisher trading spot. Wonderful.

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War games was a mess.


They went all out in that tournament though.


Spots all the way...which is odd since Sabin, Kazarian and Shane have been having actual wrestling matches for a long time now in the X division.


It was a great one night diversion from that.

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Meltzer usually is very negative about TNA.


He has his favorites that he goes to bat for (AMW comes to mind mostly) even when they don't have a very good night...


but for the most part he points out all the booking flaws and everything else more than anyone.


He's been high on them lately because the action in the ring has been outweighing the stupid finishes...and despite the finishes the booking has been sound.


And Ray...


Was that your first time watching TNA? Because they haven't even attempted spotfest like that in months...


well...except the Ultimate X...which was an interesting experiment.

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War games was a mess.

Have you seen ECW Cyberslam 99? And if so, was it the same as their War Games only with more guys. If so...I can see why people wouldn't like it.


And lmao at the people who see the word 'Hart' and instantly think he MUST be a 'good wrestler' and not a 'spot guy'.

'He can't be a spot guy...he should learn a little wrestling from Bret. Bret rulez!1!!!1!'


Not all the Guerreros wrestle(d) alike. Not all the Von Erichs wrestled alike. Why should all the Harts?

Edited by BiScHoFf Is GoD!!!

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Ok...question. How far can this kid go? Can he live up to the expectations put on him, and get to the levels of say Owen Hart? (I think Bret's out of reach for almost anyone.)


I'm not sure personally. Dames' seems to like him, but it's gonna be tough to break through right now. Especially conidering the Harts' history with the WWE, the only truly global company around.

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