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Round 2 Voting for Folder champions

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Movies Folder Champion Round 2 Voting

Downhome (beat Lethargic 6-3 )




Mr. Zsasz ( beat The Mighty Damaramu 8 - 1 )




Music Folder Champion Triple threat Round 2 Voting


Incandenza ( beat Kinetic 6 -3 )




CoreyLazarus (tied with AoO)




Agent of Oblivion (tied with CL)



General Chat Triple Threat Round 2 Voting


Kotzenjunge ( beat cobainwasmurdered 6 -3 )




Kinetic ( beat Lightning Flik 6 -3 )




Zack Malibu ( beat Incandenza 5 - 4 )



Please vote for one to declare the new champs of those respective folders.




New Voting


Current Events Folder Champion Round 1 Voting


Dr. Tom vs. Eric MM


Cancer Marney vs. Someguy


TheMikeSC vs. NoCalMike


DeputyHawk vs. Tyler McCelland


fkteale vs. Jobber of the Week vs. Agent of Oblivion



Love, Sex, & Dating Folder Champion Round 1 Voting


Kotzenjunge vs TexasSmallArms09


IDrinkRatsMilk vs. EricMM


stardust vs. SweetnSexyDiva


Please vote for one in each match.


Since Agent of Oblivion was allowed to advance although a tie was present in the music folder and he was also in the running for Current Events, he was put in a 3 way because of the odd number of candidates.


Thanks for voting.

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Zack Malibu

Dr. Tom

Cancer Marney


Tyler McCelland

Jobber of the Week




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Pfft.. not Tech folder.

Sorry Rant. No one else wanted it enough to vote it in. Especially after the comics folder only had one nominee, I wanted enough people to be nominated for each category. It didn't seem sensible.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
I hate the music folder so much.

But I respect your opinion, does that mean anything anymore?

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Clearly you have me defeated by a large margin, Inc. When people think "Champion of TheSmartMarks Music Folder" they think "INCANDENZA."


I happen to find it amusing that Corey and I friggin' tied. Metyl equality? wtf..


As a matter of fact, Inc, not only am I voting for you, but I'm founding the Incandenza Music Folder Victory Campaign.






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Guest Agent of Oblivion

As for the other categories..


Movies Folder Champion Round 2 Voting


Mr. Zsasz ( beat The Mighty Damaramu 8 - 1 )


Music Folder Champion Triple threat Round 2 Voting


Incandenza ( beat Kinetic 6 -3 )


General Chat Triple Threat Round 2 Voting


Kinetic ( beat Lightning Flik 6 -3 )


Current Events Folder Champion Round 1 Voting


Dr. Tom

Cancer Marney


Tyler McCelland



Love, Sex, & Dating Folder Champion Round 1 Voting





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Dr. Tom









If I may comment...that last vote was the hardest vote because I think it's a conspiracy against me...making me choose one means banishment from the other! ;)

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Gah. Why am I taking part in this? Someone slit my throat now.


Some of these choices will be made only because I *have* to pick someone.


Movies Folder Champion Round 2 Voting

Downhome vs. Mr. Zsasz


Music Folder Champion Triple threat Round 2 Voting


Incandenza vs. CoreyLazarus vs. Agent of Oblivion



General Chat Triple Threat Round 2 Voting


Kotzenjunge vs. Kinetic vs. Zack Malibu


New Voting


Current Events Folder Champion Round 1 Voting


Dr. Tom vs. Eric MM


Cancer Marney vs. Someguy


TheMikeSC vs. NoCalMike


DeputyHawk vs. Tyler McCelland (thanks for making me feel dirty)


fkteale vs. Jobber of the Week vs. Agent of Oblivion



Love, Sex, & Dating Folder Champion Round 1 Voting


Kotzenjunge vs TexasSmallArms09


IDrinkRatsMilk vs. EricMM


stardust vs. SweetnSexyDiva

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Guest Agent of Oblivion



Inc is the champion, my friend.

'Cause he'll keep on fightin', till the end..

Inc is the champion,


no time for losers, 'cause inc is the champion...


of the music folder......

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Someone break the Downhome/Zsasz tie for movies champ.



Incandenza is the MUSIC FOLDER CHAMPION, defeating CoreyLazarus and AoO by a score of 4-2-0.


Someone please break the 3-3 ties for General chat champion between KINETIC and ZACK MALIBU.



Dr.Tom advances in the Current events folder unanimously.


Cancer Marney also does.


Someone needs to break the tie between NoCalMike and TheMikeSC in the CE folder bracket.


Tyler McCelland unanimously advances in this bracket.



Someone needs to break the 2-2 tie between fkteale and AoO in the bracket.


Texas Small Arms 09 advances in the LSD category with a score of 4-2.


IDRM advances with the same score.


stardust advances with the same score as well.




Love Sex and Dating Folder Champion Round 2 Voting










Texas small Arms 09



Movies Folder Champion Rematch








General Chat Folder Champion Rematch






Zack Malibu


Current Events Folder Champion Round 2 Voting






Agent of Oblivion








Cancer Marney








TheMike SC




Tyler McCelland gets a random bye.



All of these Champions/advancements will be decided IN THIS TOPIC.


Please vote for one in each match, and limit the bullshit. You can't vote for one single person and be counted. Vote in every category or don't vote.


Voting ends Tomorrow before RAW.

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Love Sex and Dating Folder Champion Round 2 Voting


Stardust vs. IDrinkRatsMilk vs. Texas small Arms 09



Movies Folder Champion Rematch


Mr.Zsasz vs. Downhome (Not that I wanted to vote for either, mind you)


General Chat Folder Champion Rematch


Kinetic vs. Zack Malibu


Current Events Folder Champion Round 2 Voting


Dr.Tom vs. Agent of Oblivion




fkteale vs. Cancer Marney



NoCalMike vs. TheMike SC


Just a random formatting note: it's perfectly fine to list all the participants in a match on the same line. Having to remove triple spacing to make something look neat is probably more effort than this contest is worth.

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Am I allowed to vote for myself? If so, I'd like to cast my vote for me, Kinetic, over Zack Malibu, whose contributions to the General Chat folder, while more frequent, are simply not in the same stratosphere of quality as those of peak-era Kinetic. Who is me.

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Movies Folder Champion Round 2 Voting

Downhome (beat Lethargic 6-3 ) < Mr. Zsasz ( beat The Mighty Damaramu 8 - 1 )




Music Folder Champion Triple threat Round 2 Voting


Incandenza ( beat Kinetic 6 -3 ) < CoreyLazarus (tied with AoO) - Agent of Oblivion (tied with CL)



General Chat Triple Threat Round 2 Voting


Kotzenjunge ( beat cobainwasmurdered 6 -3 ) > Kinetic ( beat Lightning Flik 6 -3 ) < Zack Malibu ( beat Incandenza 5 - 4 )



Current Events Folder Champion Round 1 Voting


Dr. Tom < Eric MM


Cancer Marney < Someguy


TheMikeSC > NoCalMike


DeputyHawk > Tyler McCelland


fkteale - Jobber of the Week > Agent of Oblivion



Love, Sex, & Dating Folder Champion Round 1 Voting


Kotzenjunge > TexasSmallArms09


IDrinkRatsMilk < EricMM


stardust ...> SweetnSexyDiva (Flipped a coin)

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Love Sex and Dating Folder Champion Round 2 Voting




Movies Folder Champion Rematch




General Chat Folder Champion Rematch




Current Events Folder Champion Round 2


Agent of Oblivion

Cancer Marney


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Love Sex and Dating Folder Champion Round 2 Voting


Stardust vs. IDrinkRatsMilk vs. Texas small Arms 09


Movies Folder Champion Rematch


Mr.Zsasz vs. Downhome


General Chat Folder Champion Rematch


Kinetic vs. Zack Malibu


Current Events Folder Champion Round 2 Voting


Dr.Tom vs. Agent of Oblivion




fkteale vs. Cancer Marney




NoCalMike vs. TheMike SC




Tyler McCelland gets a random bye.

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Current Events Folder Champion Round 2 Voting


Dr.Tom vs. Agent of Oblivion




fkteale vs. Cancer Marney




NoCalMike vs. TheMike SC




Tyler McCelland gets a random bye.

*looks for his own name*


So does this mean I get an automatic bye into the finals? Or this a race for 2nd place?

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