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TOAO NFL Season Opener Thread

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

what I learned


1. Between tonight and the video awards, Britney has cemented her place as one of the all time bad lip synchers.

2. Lisa Guerrero is alarmingly unattractive for someone replacing Melissa Stark.

3. Patrick Ramsey's wife needs serious dental work.

4. These teams aren't very good.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Yeah the Jets looked terrible. It was funny hearing Madden suck up to Vinny all night when he was throwing 5 yd. passes for 3rd and 9s constantly.

Hell I could probably manage to pass for 105 yds. in an NFL game.

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what I learned


1. Between tonight and the video awards, Britney has cemented her place as one of the all time bad lip synchers.

2. Lisa Guerrero is alarmingly unattractive for someone replacing Melissa Stark.

3. Patrick Ramsey's wife needs serious dental work.

4. These teams aren't very good.

1. Didn't see the pre game stuff, I wished the game was in Philly so the fans could boo another pop icon they way they did Destiny's Child at the NBA Finals a couple years ago. Memo to NFL: We want football, not Britney. If we wanted Britney we'd go on the internet and download her pics.

2. The new rules about the injuries mean less sideline reporting so I guess you won't have to worry about seeing Lisa G much. I think she looks pretty good but didn't look that hot tonight.

3. Could be worse. Wait until you watch a St. Louis game and showing Brenda Warner every time Kurt throws a pass.

4. I agree. The Skins are all right at best. They gotta learn how to finish drives. But there's something to work with - they don't look as bad as last year. The Jets...uhm someone tell their recievers to look for the first down marker, then turn around in front of it. Defense looks decent, but that O sucks when Martin is shut down.

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The Redskins looked like a steaming pile of crap in the 2nd half, and had it not been for the fact that the Jets were playing like 2 steaming piles of crap for most of the game, they would have lost this game.


I seriously hope no one thinks that the Redskins can all of a sudden beat the Falcons next week. Thats not gonna happen..

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1. Glad I missed it

2. Lisa is better than Eric Dickerson, but of course everybody is.

3. It's a work in progress

4. Abraham had a good game other than that the Jets S-U-C-K. The Redskins are average at best, their suckatude will be measured in the game vs Dallas and how well they do against the the common opponet the Falcons.

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Guest El Satanico

The Redskins are improving, but no this won't be a consistent year for them. Ramsey will take the fans on a roller coaster ride this year, but he has the talent to become a good QB.


It's just going to take him time to get there. Next season he should have all those "rookie problems" sorted out.

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The Skins basically dominated the Jets. This game would not have been close had that fucking fumble by Vinny been called correctly and had the Skins not made 2 stupid turnovers. If you look at the stats, The Skins basically pushed the Jets all over the field, but had little to show for it because of TYPICAL YOUNG INEXPERIENCE, however once this team gels, watchout. Right now is just a preview of how good they can be in 2004. Curtis Martin held to 44 yards after all the experts predicted him to have a field day, hahahaha. Skins D was a terror. Worst thing was lack of pass rush. The pass rush fucking sucked which will hurt against better QBs. The Skins need to either work out a better rotation, or just fucking Blitz Lavar up the middle instead of from the outside in order to penetrate. Skins cannot allow guys like Collins/Brady/McNabb etc....30 fucking seconds to find someone that is open.


Ramsey is gonna be great.

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Guest El Satanico
Ramsey is gonna be great.

I concur


From what he showed in this game, I have no reason to not expect him to become a good QB...in time.


He'll struggle some this season for sure, but what inexperienced QB doesn't?

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Random observations:


1. Ladell Betts > Trung Canidate. I think they'll be sharing time a lot, considering Spurrier's tendency to go with the hot hand.


2. The Jets' ability to always come up one or two yards short of the first down is pretty remarkable. And not in a good way. Actually, you have to give some credit to the defense there, too. Sure, the receivers should run routes that go past the sticks, but the defenders know where the first down is, too.


3. I have no idea why the Redskins took Coles out of their offensive gameplan in the second half.


4. I also have no idea why they let the clock run out like they did at the end of the first half. Up 13-7, getting the ball back with 1:15 on the clock and two time-outs, I think you HAVE to push the ball upfield and try to score.


5. Vinny still throws a decent ball, but it looked like his rust showed in a lack of timing with his receivers.


EDIT: 6. Lisa Guerrero looked like a fucking HAG. I thought she was OK from her run on BDSSP, but she looked horrible last night. And she was no great shakes with the mike in her hand, either.


And to answer a few other points...

Curtis Martin is not washed up.

The Jets are definitely on the downside of suck.

Anyone who thinks a classic like "Dream On" is a song that Eminem did should be pecked repeatedly by rabid ostriches.

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Guest El Satanico
Anyone who thinks a classic like "Dream On" is a song that Eminem did should be pecked repeatedly by rabid ostriches.

It actually wasn't random

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It's good to see that I'm not the only one who's down on Lisa Guerrero - she's not that attractive and she seems kind of phony (like when you're drunk and you talk ... very ... slowly ... and deliberately ... to not ... slur your ... words - except she's not drunk, she's just worried about saying something incorrectly).


Of all the better looking - and better speaking - women that they could have gotten to replace Stark, why did they choose Guerrero? (I mean, Sam Ryan already works for their company, and is much hotter)

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Guest El Satanico

I googled her and I think it was just a bad day. She doesn't look nearly that bad in pictures I found on google. Of course I wouldn't call her amazingly hot, but she looks like a MILF.


It was storming that day so maybe the moisture in the area reeked havoc on her hair and makeup.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Ramsey still needs a lot of work.


He completely fell apart after he threw the INT.

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Guest El Satanico

Yeah of course he needs work, he's still a young inexperienced QB. The important thing is he showed he has the tools to be a successful QB.

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He needs work, sure, however the O-line was very incosistent in pass protection last night. The kid has poise and pocket presence however, and he showed he has heart & guts with two key plays. The 48 yard pass to Coles with a player ready to clothesline him(which could have easily been a TD pass, had Ramsey had better pass protection), and taking off on the 24 yard run when he knows that is not a strength of his.


I am just glad it seems Spurrier finally gets it. When your running game works, USE IT DAMMIT.

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Guest El Satanico

I think Spurrier showed that he learned alot last year.


He didn't yank Ramsey out in the second half, seems to respect NFL defenses more, used running consistently, didn't try winning the game with the air attack when it wasn't working.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

So is it safe to assume that Candidate lost the starting job to Betts last night?

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Guest Choken One

u'd think but with Spurrior who knows...By Week 8, Bruce Smith might just be the starting FB.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

It didn't make sense that Candidate was the starter but they didn't run him consistently until the 4th. But Betts did move the ball a lot better than Candidate.



I also think it's safe to say Conway was wasted money for the Jets since it seems that Vinny has no interest in throwing to his side of the field.

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I am thinking Betts may start for Canidate by Week 4, if not sooner.


I just had to mention that Santana Moss's name was mentioned maybe twice all night. That was because Champ Bailey was wearing him like a fucking T-shirt. Vinny wouldn't dare throw at him all night.


*here's hoping that the Skins can re-sign Bailey in the off season*

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Guest El Satanico

The Redskins having good corners combined with Vinny having no experience outside of practice with Conway took them out of the picture.

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Trung Candidate looked to be having a little trouble finding the holes. Also he was signed primarily because he can catch the ball as well as run. He may turn out to be a Ricky Waters type of RB, that is actually better in short yard catches than running from behind the line of scrimmage. Ladel Betts is more of a pure RB, that is strong and tough, he is more of a prototype of Stephen Davis.

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And she was no great shakes with the mike in her hand, either.

On that note, I have to bring up her big mistake last night, when she was interviewing Patrick Ramsey soon after the game ended.


I have got to wonder how the hell someone can make a mistake like that twice. I also wonder what Ramsey was thinking when she asked that question a 2nd time.

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I am thinking Betts may start for Canidate by Week 4, if not sooner.


I just had to mention that Santana Moss's name was mentioned maybe twice all night. That was because Champ Bailey was wearing him like a fucking T-shirt. Vinny wouldn't dare throw at him all night.


*here's hoping that the Skins can re-sign Bailey in the off season*

yep, even Curtis Conway had what, ONE CATCH? Besides that one play where Fred Smoot was playing too deep Smoot had one hell of a game too. Cherbet was the only reciever to get any attention, and that was probably because he was being covered by a safety, or #3 CB all night long.


The safeties we have now are solid, probably not quite PLAYMAKER status, but they are definately solid. They swatted balls away that would have been catches, and they made GOOD TACKLES, wow it has been so long since I(being a Skins fans) have been able to be happy about the play at the Safety position.

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Guest Boo_Bradley
And she was no great shakes with the mike in her hand, either.

On that note, I have to bring up her big mistake last night, when she was interviewing Patrick Ramsey soon after the game ended.


I have got to wonder how the hell someone can make a mistake like that twice. I also wonder what Ramsey was thinking when she asked that question a 2nd time.


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And she was no great shakes with the mike in her hand, either.

On that note, I have to bring up her big mistake last night, when she was interviewing Patrick Ramsey soon after the game ended.


I have got to wonder how the hell someone can make a mistake like that twice. I also wonder what Ramsey was thinking when she asked that question a 2nd time.


After the game ended, Lisa Guerrero was interviewing Patrick Ramsey, and she asked him a question, which was obviously intended for someone like Lavernaues Coles or some other player that had come over to the Redskins from the Jets.


The question was "How does it feel to be playing against your former teammates?"


Ramsey asked her to repeat the question, then she asked it again.

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