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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Everyone Unite: Lets put an end to that rap music

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
Yea well, what can I say? There isn't any talent in growling at the top of one's lungs and screaming about slitting their wrist.

I could cite plenty of examples to the contrary.


Incandenza, you post in the music folder enough to be its CHAMPION, now quit pouting.

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Wow, Crucifixio Jones hasn't popped up yet and set us all straight with his be-all end-all rhetoric and lessons about how we're all wrong and ignorant.

But you guys are all wrong.

And ignorant.

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razazteca Posted on Sep 8 2003, 08:49 PM


Ozzy had big hair back then. 


Yeah but he couldn't very well be lumped in with the glam crowd.

Group Ozzy with Judas Priest as the butch metal :lol:

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Guest Plushy Al Logan
Ozzy had big hair back then.

So did James Hetfield during the Pre-Master of Puppets Metallica era.


I'll try to find some pics later.

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Guest The Old Me

Nothing wrong with some rap. I can't stand the shit from the south, but I don't get all the Eminem and 50 hate.

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You know, I'm gonna get Sparks tattooed on my back.

There are Sparks temporary tattoos available on the internet. I'm going the ironic route with my music-related tattoo by getting the "Simpsons" derived Starland Vocal Band tattoo on my upper arm.

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Everything that isn't Scarface, UGK, or associated with the Dungeon Family.

Ok but let's celebrate the greatness that was Booty Rap and the ATL sound.

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Everything that isn't Scarface, UGK, or associated with the Dungeon Family.

Ok but let's celebrate the greatness that was Booty Rap and the ATL sound.

Well, living in Atlanta, I will gladly scream "SHAWTAY...OKAYYYEEE~!!!!!" in your face a bunch of times so you can love the music.


And Booty music is only good for the videos and for the club...it should never be played anywhere else.

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Everything that isn't Scarface, UGK, or associated with the Dungeon Family.

Ok but let's celebrate the greatness that was Booty Rap and the ATL sound.

Well, living in Atlanta, I will gladly scream "SHAWTAY...OKAYYYEEE~!!!!!" in your face a bunch of times so you can love the music.


And Booty music is only good for the videos and for the club...it should never be played anywhere else.

Lil Jon and Three 6 Mafia do rule all.



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Guest The Old Me

Aint nothin wrong with a little ATLiens. I was just never a No Limit or Cash Money fan.

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Guest Anglesault
Pigeonholing rap as cop killing music would be like calling reggae dope smoking music

Or Metal as suicidal music?

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Pigeonholing rap as cop killing music would be like calling reggae dope smoking music

Or Metal as suicidal music?

Oh man, I was being rather sarcastic when I said that. I'll dumb it down for you next time.

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Metal is for 13-20 year old boys who are angry at the world.


Rap is for the same demographic but for suburbia who wish they lived in NYC.


So in general music is around to fill in the gaps of self esteem issues.

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Guest wildpegasus

"Rap is crap" -Mr. Perfect


Seriously, of course all rap isn't crap but personally I find most of it to be super annoying. Don't even know what the rappers are saying 90% of the time.

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Anglesault, you ignorant slut, you are describing 1% of the hip hop/rap community. 

Gee Banky. You say that as if your comments about metal described the whole genre, instead of just a part of it.


Personally, I think that rap fans just shouldn't talk about metal, and metal fans shouldn't talk about rap. Everyone looks much less ignorant that way.

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Personally, I think that rap fans just shouldn't talk about metal, and metal fans shouldn't talk about rap. Everyone looks much less ignorant that way.
Let the healing begin with some discussion over Linkin Park.

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Guest Flyboy
Personally, I think that rap fans just shouldn't talk about metal, and metal fans shouldn't talk about rap. Everyone looks much less ignorant that way.

Lord forbid someone be a fan of both types genre of music.

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I'm not saying that it's impossible Flyboy, (Though somewhat unlikely, as I've met very few people who liked both genres a lot) but merely claiming that people who are fans of rap tend to be ignorant of metal music, and vice-versa.


I didn't claim you couldn't be a fan of both, just that people who are only fans of one probably shouldn't judge the other.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
Metal is for 13-20 year old boys who are angry at the world.


Rap is for crackheads that will steal your shit.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
Personally, I think that rap fans just shouldn't talk about metal, and metal fans shouldn't talk about rap. Everyone looks much less ignorant that way.
Let the healing begin with some discussion over Linkin Park.

By this, I'm assuming that you think Linkin Park is a good hybrid of the two genres, which could not be more ridiculous or retarded. Any trace of "heaviness" that they might possess goes right out the window every time that Chester fag starts singing. Their riffs are exactly the same as everyone else's that's in that genre, only arranged so poorly that I don't see how anyone who enjoys good beats and production can enjoy it. THIS is the band that's for 13 year old boys who are angry at the world.


You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

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Guest Goodear

Reverend Shaw Moore: If our lord wasn't testing us, how would you account for the proliferation, these days, of this obscene rock and roll music, with its gospel of easy sexuality and relaxed morality?


Reverend Shaw Moore: Even if this was not a law, which it is, I'm afraid I would have a lot of difficulty endorsing an enterprise which is as fraught with genuine peril as I believe this one to be. Besides the liquor and the drugs which always seem to accompany such an event the thing that distresses me even more, Ren, is the spiritual corruption that can be involved. These dances and this kind of music can be destructive, and, uh, Ren, I'm afraid you're going to find most of the people in our community are gonna agree with me on this.

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Personally, I think that rap fans just shouldn't talk about metal, and metal fans shouldn't talk about rap. Everyone looks much less ignorant that way.
Let the healing begin with some discussion over Linkin Park.

By this, I'm assuming that you think Linkin Park is a good hybrid of the two genres, which could not be more ridiculous or retarded. Any trace of "heaviness" that they might possess goes right out the window every time that Chester fag starts singing. Their riffs are exactly the same as everyone else's that's in that genre, only arranged so poorly that I don't see how anyone who enjoys good beats and production can enjoy it. THIS is the band that's for 13 year old boys who are angry at the world.


You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

The rapper of the group has some flow and the fag Chester as you stated does the teen angst yelling well, so what is not to like. What is that old proverb.......the sum of the parts are greater than the whole? This applies to Linkin Park. As you can see that Linkin Park is not trying to Keep It Real nor are they into canibalism but the cut & paste of rap and metal makes a unique sound that works.


[sarcasm]Must I use this every time I am not serious[/sarcastic]?


And to Goodear was that Footloose?

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I find metal fans to be far more condecending to rap music than vice versa. Most hip-hop fans will just say, nah, I don't really like that. But the metal fans go "Oh gawd, that [insert something about bling bling, bitch ho, or some other stupid shit]. Rap is crap!!!" A quick run to the music folder will support this completely.


How's this for a comprimise. If you don't know jack shit about a subject, shut the fuck up. If you think Hip Hop is all about a 6 year old BG song then you don't need to be talking about the subject. I like metal, I like rap more.


Rap is a lyrically based form of music and I enjoy deep lyrics, therefore I tend to gravitate toward hip-hop. Metal is more of a instrumental, arrangement based form of music, so if I am looking more for the sound, then I will put on some Metal. Its that simple. They are two types of music that focus on two different things. One is no better than the other overall...yet hip-hop is better lyrically and rock is better insrumentally with a few exceptions in both sides(there are some hip-hop beats that will put alot of Rock arrangements to shame as there are some Rock lyrics that will put alot of hip-hop lyrics to shame)

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Guest The Pirate in White

I've found the complete opposite to be true, that rap fans are FAR more condescending, and tend to laugh at and mock metal, whereas most metal fans keep quiet enough. In honesty, I don't think either one is quite right, I think it depends more on the person and their individual level of tolerance.


Also, a lot of rock has meaningful lyrics, you just have to look. That which hits the mainstream is usually there due to catchy riffs and other instrumental elements, but there are a lot of bands out there who write deeper. One problem I've found is, with the emergence of groups like Nickelback and Staind (not that they're metal, but there's some crossover fans), a lot of people write off overly melodramatic lyrics as stale or outright poor, which isn't a fair assessment at all, as often times these are very well-written songs, with a message. And, of course, you get less mainstream stuff that also has good writing to it, thus the indy rock and indy metal scenes. It's all in knowing the culture and where to look.


Now, I claim to be no hip-hop or rap fan, but I know enough to know that a lot of the same concepts hold true in that genre as well. It's often a matter of looking for the good stuff, rather than waiting for it to be handed to you. I think that applies to any style of music.

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*points to music folder AGAIN*



As someone who actually listens to both rock and rap radio stations, I can safely say I have NEVER heard a hip-hop DJ say ANYTHING about Rock music. I have heard PLENTY of Rock DJs go on these long rants about how Rap isn't real music and anyone can do it.


I have heard 5 stations (FUCKING FIVE) just here in Atlanta that have made their own "Rap" song and took it around to malls and shit for people to listen to it and see if they could "fool" them into thinking it was real rap. They would have some name like "Pimp masta Bling" or some shit.


Plus, most of the older hip-hop fans were brought up on Rock music also (because they didn't show hip-hop on TV back then) which is why most of us really don't have anything to say about the rock stuff.


And I definately agree with guys like Stained and Nickelback having very good lyric but having them written off as something they just threw together to get angsty teenagers(cause god knows when Aaron Lewis writes about being a drug addicted loser that treated his wife like shit, it was so 14 year olds could relate). And yes, there are plenty of good/great lyrics in Rock music, but I stand by my statement that it is more plentiful in hip-hop. The worst hip-hop artist you can think of has at least one deep lyrical song to his credit.

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