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Zack Malibu

Just talked to Shelton Benjamin

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So I'm sitting here, bored as all hell at work (and not feeling well either), when I start helping out the other guys on the phone, taking orders, etc. So who calls up and orders a Deluxe Replica of the Smackdown Tag Team Title?


Shelton F'N Benjamin.


I wasn't about to go into mark mode on the phone, and the conversation didn't stretch beyond small talk and taking the order, but still it was pretty damn cool. And it turns out that Haas called here about 2 weeks ago and ordered a belt as well.


I love my job.

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Guest Anglesault

Someone lost the tag belts!


Haas and benjamin ordering? They left them in an airport.


Or, they're losing soon and want a souvenier

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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620
So I'm sitting here, bored as all hell at work (and not feeling well either), when I start helping out the other guys on the phone, taking orders, etc.  So who calls up and orders a Deluxe Replica of the Smackdown Tag Team Title?


Shelton F'N Benjamin.


I wasn't about to go into mark mode on the phone, and the conversation didn't stretch beyond small talk and taking the order, but still it was pretty damn cool.  And it turns out that Haas called here about 2 weeks ago and ordered a belt as well.


I love my job.

Why would he order a replica of the title from where ever you work. Not to mention, why he would order one period.


Just durious...

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Or, they're losing soon and want a souvenier

That's what I had thought too, lol.


It's not the first time wrestlers have called to get some of their own merchandise, but save for the time Raven called up for a US Replica (and no I didn't get that call either, though I did get Nova and Tommy Dreamer wanting to order their own ECW figures) it was the coolest.

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Why would he order a replica of the title from where ever you work. Not to mention, why he would order one period.


Just durious...

Because I work for the WWE in the capacity of a licensee, and manufacture said replicas.

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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620

Why would he order a replica of the title from where ever you work.  Not to mention, why he would order one period.


Just durious...

Because I work for the WWE in the capacity of a licensee, and manufacture said replicas.

Ahhhh! That's pretty cool. And I meant curious. :lol:

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I want an angle where its found out that WGTT lost the belts somewhere and have been parading around with fake ones.


That would be funny.

True story. Back in 2000, we were going to a Monday Nitro here (during the Sullivan Era, pre New Blood) when Jarrett was the champ. Backstage access, the works. So WCW calls us about a half hour before we're to head down there, and tells us to take a US Replica with them. Apparently the belt was left behind on their tour of England the week previous, and they needed the belt for Jarrett to come out with.


I have no idea if they ever recovered it, or used a replica from that point on.

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Normal shipping will arrive within 7-10 days max.


EDIT:And in the case of an emergency (such as loss, etc.) I'm sure they would have phoned us to FedEx something to them ASAP, a la what WCW did. So I assume it's for his own personal collection.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist
I want an angle where its found out that WGTT lost the belts somewhere and have been parading around with fake ones.


That would be funny.

True story. Back in 2000, we were going to a Monday Nitro here (during the Sullivan Era, pre New Blood) when Jarrett was the champ. Backstage access, the works. So WCW calls us about a half hour before we're to head down there, and tells us to take a US Replica with them. Apparently the belt was left behind on their tour of England the week previous, and they needed the belt for Jarrett to come out with.


I have no idea if they ever recovered it, or used a replica from that point on.

You know, I say this a lot, but everyday, we get more and more reasons for why this company doesnt exist anymore

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He probably wanted a replica so he can remember the first WWE title he ever won, numerous WWE superstars have replica belts in their home to remember title wins.

Exactly...I remember on the first episode of Confidential that Trish has a replica of the Women's Title in her house.

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Guest Choken One

I remember reading that Bret actually took the IC title that was is and gave vince a replica...

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Guest Anglesault

How do we know for sure that it's Shelton?


Did he call you a nigger for no logical reason?

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He probably knew because of shelton's freakishly deep voice.

That, and when you order something like a replica, we have to have the order sent to the billing address of the cardholder. So between the deep voice, the belt he was ordering, and the billing address being in Minnesota, I'm pretty sure it was "the" Shelton.


EDIT: and for those who don't know, I work for Wrestling Superstore.

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Guest Anglesault
He probably knew because of shelton's freakishly deep voice.

That, and when you order something like a replica, we have to have the order sent to the billing address of the cardholder. So between the deep voice, the belt he was ordering, and the billing address being in Minnesota, I'm pretty sure it was "the" Shelton.


EDIT: and for those who don't know, I work for Wrestling Superstore.

I still think the ultimate conformation would have been.


Zack: Thank you and your order will arrive shortly


::sounds of things being thrown around the house::


Shelton, Furious: Who's your nigga now, huh?

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I talked to Shelton too. This was before the SD is El Paso started, he said he was going to kick Bradshaw's ass if he kept talking shit. :lol:

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HAAHAHA NOT funny, Rico


What? It really happened? Besides, I thought it was funny hearing from him since you obviously could tell he's pissed about being called Shaniqua with a wig.

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Guest Coffey

Zack, how much are the replica titles? Are they exact scale? I assume they are available to the public?

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