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And it's time for another update from...


Marney's DNC Ticker


Howard Dean: way up (strong, energetic, confident, straightforward, almost magnanimous. Sounded very patriotic note when he mentioned "the respect America is owed.")

Al Sharpton: up (witty and surprisingly pleasant, played race card less often than expected; sounded almost balanced and sane at times)

Dennis Kucinich: up (unrepentant, unashamed, and unapologetic, but still in Dean's shadow)

John Edwards: up a bit (fairly classy, but still undistinguished; starting to give a single-issue candidate impression. Also loses points for a truly godawful tie)

Dick Gephardt: down a bit (stumbled a few times, called on hypocrisy, looked weasely and boxy at the same time)

John Kerry: down (stiff, waxy performance, waffled almost constantly in the face of direct questions; called on hypocrisy)

Bob Graham: down (pompous and unconvincing)

Carol Moseley-Braun: down (merely ridiculous, unsubstantial)

Joe Lieberman: way down (at least in part because of his support for Israel, and his unpopularity on this issue will seriously damage the Democrats in 2004; also looks petty and peevish, not to mention slow and tired, next to Dean. Pity he still makes the most sense)

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Howard Dean: way up (strong, energetic, confident, straightforward, almost magnanimous. Sounded very patriotic note when he mentioned "the respect America is owed.")

Seriously, I'm starting to understand why people like Tyler can become so enraptured with him. He's a very good speaker, and he makes substantial points on substantial issues, even if he usually reaches the wrong conclusions. He looks serious and he makes people take him seriously. It'll be easy to take him apart on the issues, but based on personal charisma alone (absolute, though, not relative) I'd much prefer to run against Lieberman, Graham, or Gephardt.

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Guest JMA

Is anyone else wondering how FOX NEWS scored a debate with the Dem candidates?


Random Guy: Because d00d. NOBODY ELSE WOULD TAKE THEMM!!!!1111 LOL!!!111


Anyway, kudos to the candidates for braving the pundit infested waters of Fox News. I would've checked it out, but I make it a point not to watch Fox News for ANY reason. I see Dean getting the nod from the DNC (and rightly so). But I have the distinct feeling this election will be just like Clinton vs. Dole (only with the parties switched).

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Is anyone else wondering how FOX NEWS scored a debate with the Dem candidates?


Random Guy: Because d00d. NOBODY ELSE WOULD TAKE THEMM!!!!1111 LOL!!!111


Anyway, kudos to the candidates for braving the pundit infested waters of Fox News. I would've checked it out, but I make it a point not to watch Fox News for ANY reason. I see Dean getting the nod from the DNC (and rightly so). But I have the distinct feeling this election will be just like Clinton vs. Dole (only with the parties switched).

The difference is that Dean is a fairly likeable guy and doesn't speak about himself in the third person.



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Guest JMA
The difference is that Dean is a fairly likeable guy and doesn't speak about himself in the third person.



Don't get me wrong, I like Dean and will probably vote for him if he gets the nomination. I just don't like his chances. It's not going to be easy to beat Bush. Although, I would enjoy it if Dean did start speaking in the third person. :)

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Nationally Lieberman is ahead I think, but that is because on a national level he is the most recognizable for obvious reasons. I wish the Dems would just narrow it down to three, and have Al Sharpton just drop out and run as an Indy.

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I think the country is split pretty evenly right now just like in 2000. It will probably be close. The only question is who will sway the fence-riders, Bush or the Democrat, or an Indy candidate.

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Congressional Black Caucus Institute?...

That is funny for some reason.

All the pretty ladies love the Black Caucus.


Now that THAT low-brow but inevitable joke was made, it's time for...


JOTW's Politician Rating Thingy (like Marney's but built in secrecy without U.N. oversight using uranium purchased in Africa)


Mosley-Braun: Thumbs In The Middle (she seemed articulate every time but once but her political talk was usually of less substance compared to her race pander. I've heard better from her better)

Al Sharpton: Thumbs up (best slams of the night, rambled less about race than Mosley-Braun [or at least it felt like it], is certainly a charismatic guy although I don't think he's convinced many that he's a safe choice. Minus points for buying into Gray Davis' vast right-wing conspiracy bit.)

John Edwards: Thumbs Down (said almost nothing new compared to last debate. Lost in the crowd.)

John Kerry: Thumbs In The Middle (guy was asked less questions than everyone else but did nothing to stand out until closing comments. Failed to address opinions of Bush tax cuts when others did.)

Dennis Kucinich: Thumbs Up (Sure he's the farthest left of the bunch, but he expressed his opinions, stood by them, and didn't get busted on them by the others, so it's a success)

Bob Graham: Thumbs Down (Lost in the crowd. Got going once and then the LaRouche people made their first interruption)

Dick Gephardt: Thumbs Down (Didn't show the spark he did last time when he hammered on the miserable failure lines to a great pop. Crowd just didn't seem interested. Slightly busted by Kucinich.)

Howard Dean: Up (Never lost control of the whole thing. No-sold the smear attempt by Lieberman.)

Joe Lieberman: Gold-Plated Thumbs Down "I Ain't Got No Friends Award" (The LaRouche stuff is near irrelevant as they interrupted him before he could get going. Was nearly booed for the Isreal stuff)


Dean re-earned the respect I lost when he talked about the illegals and their liecense, Gephardt disappointed me when he didn't have nearly as much energy as he did last time (he does have quite a voice for campaigning now though) and I'd actually like to see Sharpton take some time off from the activism stuff to persue a political talk show. He's pretty humorous and puts an "every guy can understand this" spin on the left, which could stand to be simplified on many positions. He actually held his ground against Shawn Hannity shortly after the debate and even got Hannity to concede on the racial stuff.

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Well, seeing that this is an election that's ages away, looking at the competition, and I find the issue more of a state issue than a federal issue, I really can't fault THAT much a guy from an east coast state who's used to people on the OTHER border airing his opinion on an issue he probably hasn't followed since it's origin (i.e. how this bill has LESS security than the one Davis refused to sign pre-recall and how that's an obvious sign of desperation.)


It was a foolish move, but in all fairness I really can't say that endorsement makes him irresponsible as President.

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Guest jpclemmons
ANOTHER LaRouche supporter. WTF? They have more than two?!?

Its like a cult. He's more nuts than Howard Dean. :lol:

:lol: have you read that guy's pamphlets?? I see LaRouche supporters all over my college.

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