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Brush with Greatness

Anyone have any info on the following?

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I don't really follow any video game websites/magazines. I was wondering if anyone had any info on the following:


A Pride sequel (loved the first one - however, I want Mirko and Fedor)

NHL 2k4 (or ESPN if you will)

NHL 2004

all for the PS2


A sequel to Animal Crossing. I don't have a Cube, but I'm damn tempted to pick one up if there is an Animal Crossing sequel. I'm almost tempted to get one for the first one. I did the same thing with the 64. Waited til it was ultra cheap (think I paid 50 bucks) then I picked up No Mercy, Revenge, Wrestlemania, Goldeneye, Perfert Dark and Conker's Bad Fur Day.


Speaking of which, I heard there was going to be a Conker game for the Cube as well.

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I think ESPN and EA's NHL games are out in the next month as there was a review of the both of the XBOX versions in the lasted Xbox Nation mag.

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Guest DVD Spree
A sequel to Animal Crossing. I don't have a Cube, but I'm damn tempted to pick one up if there is an Animal Crossing sequel.

The sequel is in development, and according to rumour may take the franchise in the next logical steps - cel-shading and online play. However, as with anything Nintendo-sequel-related (Metroid 2, Mario 128, Zelda etc.) it is entirely possible it won't see the light of day on the Cube and may jump straight to the next Ninty console in 2004/5.


Speaking of which, I heard there was going to be a Conker game for the Cube as well.

You heard wrong - there is a next-gen Conker's, but it's for the Xbox; Nintendo effectively sold Rare to Microsoft, meaning that Conker's, Perfect Dark, Kameo, Banjo Kazooie and all the other Rare properties (excluding Ninendo-owned ones such as Donkey/Diddy Kong and Starfox) are Xbox-bound. Sounds like a pretty heavy blow, but since Rare were only releasing one game every two or three years, and since the primary members of the development teams who worked on their best titles (GoldenEye and Perfect Dark) have already left for greener pastures, they weren't worth keeping around, especially since Factor 5 are Nintendo's new favourite second-party.


Anyway, the new Conker game looks a lot more multiplayer-based (a la the minigames on the N64 title) and will probably be online.

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A sequel to Animal Crossing. I don't have a Cube, but I'm damn tempted to pick one up if there is an Animal Crossing sequel.

The sequel is in development, and according to rumour may take the franchise in the next logical steps - cel-shading and online play. However, as with anything Nintendo-sequel-related (Metroid 2, Mario 128, Zelda etc.) it is entirely possible it won't see the light of day on the Cube and may jump straight to the next Ninty console in 2004/5.


Speaking of which, I heard there was going to be a Conker game for the Cube as well.

You heard wrong - there is a next-gen Conker's, but it's for the Xbox; Nintendo effectively sold Rare to Microsoft, meaning that Conker's, Perfect Dark, Kameo, Banjo Kazooie and all the other Rare properties (excluding Ninendo-owned ones such as Donkey/Diddy Kong and Starfox) are Xbox-bound. Sounds like a pretty heavy blow, but since Rare were only releasing one game every two or three years, and since the primary members of the development teams who worked on their best titles (GoldenEye and Perfect Dark) have already left for greener pastures, they weren't worth keeping around, especially since Factor 5 are Nintendo's new favourite second-party.


Anyway, the new Conker game looks a lot more multiplayer-based (a la the minigames on the N64 title) and will probably be online.

But isn't Starfox 2 coming out for the Cube. I've seen the screens (which look great BTW). Isn't Rare making that for them?

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Guest DVD Spree
But isn't Starfox 2 coming out for the Cube. I've seen the screens (which look great BTW). Isn't Rare making that for them?

Well, strictly speaking, Starfox 2 is already out on the SNES. You can find the ROM without oo much trouble...


As for the GC Starfox, it's Namco who's behind the project. Because Lord knows, despite having 200 people in Kyoto R&D, and despite having opened a brand new development lab with 150 people only months ago, Nintendo still needs to license its biggest franchises out to third parties.


This "revolutionary gameplay element" for Mario 128 better be more revolutionary than a bloody water backpack...

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Actually, the Conker game coming on X-Box, Conker: Live and Uncut, is just the original N64 game with X-Box live and more of a focus on multiplayer aspects. I just thought I'd add that since Jay wasn't too clear on it.

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Guest DVD Spree
Actually, the Conker game coming on X-Box, Conker: Live and Uncut, is just the original N64 game with X-Box live and more of a focus on multiplayer aspects. I just thought I'd add that since Jay wasn't too clear on it.

Well, I said multiplayer and online, so I was nearly right!


COnker on the Xbox should be cool, but I've got a nagging feeling that this time next year (i.e. after E3 2004) we'll still only be seeing videos of Conker and Perfect Dark instead of nearly-finished builds. Rare could be such a powerhouse if they'd only crank up their production schedule.

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