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Do you just not have the MAD SKILLZ but love it?

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Ok so here I am playing Soul Calibur II in Weapon Master mode...going through the Extra Missions. And some of these are just FRUSTRATING TO NO END! ALL TAKI DOES IS BLOCK! AND BLOCK HARDCORE!


Anyways I came to the realization when I kept losing at the Extra Missions that I don't have what you would call the MAD SKILLZ when it comes to this game.

Sure I have them at most Capcom fighters...but just not at this one.

So that leads me to ask...have you ever played a game that just frustrated the hell out of you because you weren't really good at it but you kept coming back for more and more??

Or is Soul Calibur II's extra missions really that hard?

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I really sucked at all of the Fire Pro games for the longest time, and I still stuck with them all and continued to play them.


The good thing, is that one day the style and setup just "clicked" with me, and I am now to the point where I pretty much have them all mastered, to the point where I am just about unbeatable.

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Guest Sakura

I don't like it when people overrate their skills, myself included, so I don't think I have "mad skills" in any game.


But I died a ton in Splinter Cell yet kept restarting enough to beat it. That's really the last game I can remember beating that I found hard. I usually don't play hard games.

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I usuallyl pick up on thing quickly so most games I never have a chance to get frustrated. I don't play games that much though (I know, the computer animator that worked developing game characters and modeling them doesn't play games much...sad really)


I will say I keep going to the DB Swat Drill on the Madden mini-camp games and still can't get a gold trophy on the All-pro or All Madden Levels.

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I will say I keep going to the DB Swat Drill on the Madden mini-camp games and still can't get a gold trophy on the All-pro or All Madden Levels.


Tell me about it.


I used Bailey on All-Pro for more than THREE HOURS before giving up, throwing the controller on the floor, then going to grab a bite to eat. Twenty minutes later, I got the elusive gold.


Weird thing is, I got the All-Madden gold (NYG's Allen, right?) a LONG TIME before getting the All-Pro gold.

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Natsume Championship Wrestling on SNES. Also known as AJPW 2 [or 3-4] in Japan on Super Famicom. This game would kick my ass to no end in the grappling position - to the point where all I could do is dropkick guys in order to win. But, just like with Downhome, I eventually just clicked with the game and it got to the point where I would NEVER lose a grapple.

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Beatmania IIdx. The game is soo hard and I'm soo bad at it, but I love it.


And VF4 to an extent. It's way too hard for me to ever get good at, but I still like playing it.

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I don't like it when people overrate their skills, myself included, so I don't think I have "mad skills" in any game.


But I died a ton in Splinter Cell yet kept restarting enough to beat it. That's really the last game I can remember beating that I found hard. I usually don't play hard games.

Yeah what's the deal with that? Aren't you supposed to play hard games because there challenging and put you to the test? At least that's why I do it...if I can cake walk through it with my eyes closed then it's not worth my time.

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Getting my ass beat in a game by someone else only forces me to keep going...and eventually, I get good at it. The only game that I would have said with confidence that I had "MAD SKILLZ" in was No Mercy. At one point, I was untouchable.



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Guest Sakura
Yeah what's the deal with that? Aren't you supposed to play hard games because there challenging and put you to the test? At least that's why I do it...if I can cake walk through it with my eyes closed then it's not worth my time.

I don't find challenges very entertaining. Not that I want a cake walk either, but being frustrated sucks. I like games to have difficulty to where I can beat it and not die over and over again, yet there's still tension on like boss fights and stuff.


I am more interested in being imersed in a game's presentation and atmosphere and experiencing it's storyline than being challenged.

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There's a good hard, and then there's a bad hard.


Good hard is a game that increases in difficulty steadily, but gives you opportunities to get better along the way to meet the challenges.


Bad hard is relying on cheapness to challenge you, or just overwhelming odds. (Contra Hard Corp for the latter, for instance)

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I think that Soul Calibur II's Weapon Master mode relies a little on cheapness. I mean come on..."The opponent does nothing but block and you have 30 seconds to beat 6 of them!" or "You fall down and you DIE!"

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Aside from Tony Hawk's 2...


::Holds up UK Championship Trpohy::


...I have never had what you call MAD SKILLZ at any game. But Jungle Book on the Sega Master System (yes really) had me coming back to it so many times. In fact I was playing it last weekend. I've never completed it but hope to before I die...

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Guest Sakura

Contra Hard Corps is impossible but because of the music and boss design I kept coming back.

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I constantly get my ass kicked in football and baseball games, but I love a good game with friends.


Hockey games are a different story, as witnessed by my 'Bring terrible teams to greatness' in NHL 2002.

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best example of me getting frustrated with games is everytime I play against Detroit, Buffalo or Chicago in NHL 2K3, i have total lack of offence, and consistantly on the Defence Mode.


I suck at DDR, but its highly addictive.

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Guest wildpegasus

Quote AndrewTS

Bad hard is relying on cheapness to challenge you, or just overwhelming odds. (Contra Hard Corp for the latter, for instance


WP-I never found Conta to be cheap or have overwhelming odds. Guess I've played too many NES games. Kingdom Hearts would be a good example of a game that's cheap. Not as hard as Contra but cheap anyway. Still reccomended though.


Quote Sakura

Contra Hard Corps is impossible but because of the music and boss design I kept coming back

WP-It's not impossable. Remember, patterns are your friend. Personally, I had a harder time with Contra III. The bosses upon bosses at the end are tough though. Loved the final boss!

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Guest Mr. Adam

The only non-wrestling game that I have ever had MadSkills in is International Track and Field for the PSX. I even have my old ass memory card from 98 just because one day, maybe, just maybe I'll show the world EXACTLY how good I was/am.

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