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Just John

Your Favorite Fan Run-ins

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Douglas and Dreamer started brawling in the crowd, and of course this was at the height of Douglas hatred. So anyway, Douglas and Dreamer are brawling in the crowd, and I think Douglas tries to grab a chair of a fan, who keeps hold of it. Douglas starts shouting at him...and the guy lamps Douglas with the chair! Douglas just snaps and starts punching him until security get rid of him.


lol. I remember that. What made it so damn funny was that I think Douglas actually dared the fan to hit him with the chair before he got hit. I'm not saying the fan was in the right, but Shane kinda asked for that one.

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I was at a Smackdown taping (I think. Remember the "Smackdown Xtreme" show UPN did to promote the XFL?). In the ring is Austin (during his heel run), Triple H, Stephanie and Earl Hebner. Match is over and the faces have quit the area of the ring.


Dumbass fan tries to slide in the ring under the bottom rope. Well, Trips and Hebner just stomped him to death. It was friggin' brutal to say the least. Austin added in a kick or two, but Hebner did the most damage.


As a friend of mine said at the time, "Dude, you jump the barrier and you are fair game."

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Guest Choken One

Gotta be the retarded kid during shawn/austin at kotr 97...


Shawn was so awesome in his tweener role...and austin i believe flipped the kid off..

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I'm pretty sure they let hat guy in on most of the shit they would do to him.


I remember when Paul Bearer was walking to the ring to tell Undertakers HORRIBLE SECRET~! this goth chick jumped the rail and grabbed his feet to stop him. Paul looked like he was going to stomp on instinct, then saw it was a girl and just waited for security.

On a related note....


Remember the Creatures of the Night people they fed to Kama, the Supreme Fighting Machine during his Undertaker feud?


These guys in black shirts, powder makeup used to give Kama black wreaths. It was cool.


I seem to recall one of them looking similiar to Shane McMahon.

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I remember on a RAW when Paul Bearer was about to announce that the Undertaker was a murderer, a fan climbed over the barricade and went after his legs. I couldn't tell if they were tackling him or biting him. Then Jerry Lawler said all the fans in the world should be slapped just for that person. Pure gold.

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Guest The Real Nosferatu
I'm pretty sure they let hat guy in on most of the shit they would do to him.


I remember when Paul Bearer was walking to the ring to tell Undertakers HORRIBLE SECRET~! this goth chick jumped the rail and grabbed his feet to stop him. Paul looked like he was going to stomp on instinct, then saw it was a girl and just waited for security.


Then there was this one Smackdown when Piper and O'haire was jumping Hogan and this kid came in and hit them with a flag. Piper tries to kick his ass and the kids fucking leg came off!!






Wait, they did that to Mr. America. Hogan was at home collecting checks for sitting on his arse.

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Not really a run-in, but I heard a story that when Brock was still doing dark matches, one time as he was coming out, some fan threw an unopened beer can to the back of his head. Of course, Lesnar was pissed and wanted to go into the crowd and kill the guy.


Not sure if this is true and I don't know what happened after the beer toss. Can anybody confirm this and tell the full incident?

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Guest Choken One

You gotta remember Steiner beating up a fan during his roid rage days...It was a shoot from what I remember...and of course when he kicked the EMT and the guy sued...

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You gotta remember Steiner beating up a fan during his roid rage days...It was a shoot from what I remember...and of course when he kicked the EMT and the guy sued...

I'm unsure which incident you're thinking of, but Steiner did the EXACT same thing on the WCW Australian Tour of 2000.


In Melbourne, where they were recording Nitro, Steiner was outside the ring waiting for Kidman to arrive for the match. Suddenly, Steiner grabs the neck of a guy in the front row, pulls him over the rail and proceeds to beat him to a fucking pulp while security goes ape-shit trying to save the guy.


Funniest shit ever. Steiner lost it SO easily.



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Face or Heel, it is not like it's hard to piss him off.


Those 'STEEERRROOOIDS' chants at WCW events drove him CRAZY. He was completly in denial towards the fact he used drugs to bulk up to oblivion the way he has.


Either way, I'd leave THAT shit to idiotic fans who want to be killed. Steiner would tear me in half without even trying, so there is no way I'd be in on trying to piss him off.



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Guest BobBacklundRules
Not really a run-in, but I heard a story that when Brock was still doing dark matches, one time as he was coming out, some fan threw an unopened beer can to the back of his head. Of course, Lesnar was pissed and wanted to go into the crowd and kill the guy.

That reminds me of the story in one of the Mick Foley books where a wrestler got hit in the back of the head with an empty popcorn box and sold it, flying over the top rope and getting eliminated from a battle royal.


I remember a guy who had a sign on a 20 foot pole and waved it in front of the camara at a few WWF shows, or maybe it was just one show. Some wreslter broke it over his knee and the guy got carried away. Now that I think about it, it was probably a plant. I don't think it was that long ago either. Damn memory loss.

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That reminds me of the story in one of the Mick Foley books where a wrestler got hit in the back of the head with an empty popcorn box and sold it, flying over the top rope and getting eliminated from a battle royal.





^^ I would so love to have seen that.

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Not a run-in, but a great story none the less.


Outlaws vs. Taker/Austin during the July 98 Raw, night after Fully Loaded 98. Fresno, CA, I believe. Crowd is RED hot and there's about 3 beach balls in the crowd going. Match starts, and a beach ball gets pounded into the ring. Gunn and Austin are in the ring with Hebner. So what happens?


Austin looks at the ball, picks it up, and just fucking PUNTS the thing in the air and the place goes nuts. Gunn's reaction is priceless too, and then they go on with the match. It's shit like that that makes live events priceless, and pisses me off even more that they kick people out (at Backlash in Worcester, to be specific) when using a fucking beach ball.


Quit being anal..it's not like we are tossing bricks.

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Guest FrigidSoul

It wasn't a run-in but my favorite fan beat down moment would have to be when the original WolfPac went to the MTV BeachHouse. Just as they were walking to the stage area somebody threw a rock and hit Nash in the head. Nash goes completely ape shit and beats the person within an inch of their life. Hall stands there laughing and pointing at the person and Waltman doesn't know what the fuck to do. Nash beat the person up so bad that Security had to literally carry him out as he was (to quote Smokey) "Knocked da fuck out"

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