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Comments of the STORM

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Nice to see Dace take the pinfall for a change :) every loss of ours so far it's been the Maori taking the three.


I'll give the match a proper read through AFTER I install the new Hard Drive.Which could take anywhere between a week and a millenium with me owning KOTOR.

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Double Jeopardy vs Nathaniel Kibagami


Thought it might be an idea to comment on at least one match, since you know, I never do. And what better one to review than the match written by the two men that Dante and I will be facing at the PPV? Firstly, the wheel of weapons was very amusing to me but the result (that being Cyclone Comet’s chair) would have gone over better if you had included Comet’s reaction to this. A hilarious bit of commentary could have taken place here, with Comet not being afraid and stepping up etc, etc, you get the point. No selling a freakin’ powerbomb... from Show!? Jesus Christ, I dislike no selling characters and well, no selling in general. OOOOOOOOOOH! Quiz just pushed Comet off of his chair! That’s totally not cool! I expect Cyclone Comet to deal out some JUSTICE later in the match up, and if he doesn’t, you guys suck. The chair-assisted Double Dare is very cool, by the way. In fact, the move itself gets the approval of Crow. Previously, I said I dislike no selling, but here with the trash can lid it works very well... because it’s a fucking trash can, like a wrestling trash can lid does anything. And the follow up to this is brilliant because I didn’t see it coming, Show caught Quiz from the Fall Away Slam! That’s great but you should have put over the fact that Silent LAUNCHED him, thusly making the spot a bit more realistic. The steel tipped cane... fucking mark out.


“The crowd ROARS their approval, not unlike that of a fellated tiger.”














Fucking hell... three times to the crotch? You sick fucks. No matter how much of a hard cunt ANYONE is, one hit to the balls is enough to drop ‘em. But that said, you’re putting Kibagami over as a fuckin’ machine.


“I told you, Comet! These two men, despite their appearance, know what they’re doing in the ring at all times. They’re not the Tag Team Champions for nothing, after all.”


“Bobbo, they haven’t even defended those titles yet!”


That’s true, you fuckin’ slackers. :D TAAAAABBBBBBLLLLEEEEEEEE! The airplane spin into the table was rad, and the spot where Kibs gets out of the pinned down predicament to avoid the perfect moonsault is solid and works in the match. Curt Hennig neck snap is always a good thing to see and having Show continue on the assault and get the cane, only to have Kibagami to catch it right before it hits his face AND then getting some sweet testicular revenge is a nice sequence and I applaud it. Oooooh and Quiz comes back in a knick of time! The action outside of the ring with Quiz was very good and you made good use of the WHEEL OF WEAPONS~! Back inside the ring, I am SHOCKED, fucking SHOCKED that you used the hangman! PERFECT choice of move especially after the drop toe hold onto the neck - this is playing up worker history at it’s finest, folks. Christ almighty, he’s not going to throw the fucking stairs at Kibs in the hangman!? FUCK! What!? No, why let him get out of the move! I WANNA SEE A WRESTLER DIE ON TV!


Hmm... the finish. Seems a little rushed. Personally, I would have drawn out the finish a little bit, making Kibagami’s comeback much more intense and getting the crowd involved so much that they think the face is going to close the match... but THEN JUST HAVING THE HEEL SNEAK IT! Nevertheless, the ending is solid and works, so it’s forgiven. Overall, whilst I’m not a fan of handicap matches, I thought this one was quite good. The action was clear and handled well and I applaud yall on a good match. One last thing, no Cyclone Comet justice!? YOU SUCK!

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So it's 2:15 in the afternoon and I've just posted the winning world title match.


This isn't because I'm lazy. Well, not *entirely*. It's because I've been working on marking this thing for the last two hours. Last night I read them and thought, nah, I'm still a bit tipsy, there'll be a more clear winner in the morning. But there wasn't. On initial impressions, I couldn't pick a winner. On a 55 point scale the matches *tied*. So I went back, read them again, and created a new point system. And they frickin' tied AGAIN. I took a shower, came back, and looked them over one more time, and in the end just had to give it to the match with the slightly better fundamentals and clearer writing. IT CAME DOWN TO SENTENCES, PEOPLE! INDIVIDUAL SENTENCES!


All I can say is wow, congratulations to the man whose match is on the show, and jebus, will the other guy please post his match because it is also outright remarkable. Two excellent writers taking two entirely different approaches to the match wrote each other to a near push to top off an excellent, excellent show.


Card will be up sometime soon, but for now, please enjoy the second stellar show in a row. Keep an eye out for the impromptu match-up. And check out those promos! Dayum!

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Guest Fire and Knives

I haven't had time to read the show due to work, but I'll make an effort to do some commenting when I get home tonight. My thanks to Mike and SS for writing their finish to accommodate my storyline on the day of the show. More thoughts when I can think clearly, which is to say, not right now.



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I'd like to start out by apologizing to everyone for the shite I had to turn in; I'm basically unable to write during the week, and that was a desperate attempt to avoid a double no-show.


I'll try to comment on the other matches later.

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Guest Goodear

Sorry Thugg, I actually took a few days to not stare at a computer for 12 hours. Next thing you'll know I'll be like be able to touch women and stuff. But don't worry, when I get home and after I put some work into the tag match and if I still have energy I'll look over the stuff you wrote or pertains directly to you.


Now make some comments yourself. :)


EDIT: Christ that sounded surly... let me add happy faces.

Edited by Goodear

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Guest Suicide King

Beat me to it Ejiro. ;)


And where are your comments Thuggers? Hmm? ;)


Anyway, I very much enjoyed the show. The main event was rather enjoyable, and I found the promo sequence (written by thugg and stevens) to be very good as well. And of course I approve of those since once again King will come out on top, all because the faces are busy having pissing contests. ;)

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Well, hey now. This is the first I've been online.


Storm rocked once again with an incredible title match and losers bracket final. Massive props to Apostle for getting as far as he did, and even more massive props to Judge and Craven for establishing themselves as serious World title contenders. The SWF ownership storyline has been compelling; however, with a swerve seemingly on every show, it's becoming a little hard to follow. But maybe that's just me.

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I had started writing up some comments on the promos the other day, but I accidentally closed the window on those, so let's do them again.


First off, the big angle over the commisionership. Right now, the main thing that this angle has going for it is its unpredictability. Right now, you have four main players in this feud. First off is Grand Slam, who's the uber-face, who just got injured at the hands of Bastion, who is a big guy, leaning heel, who's attacking everyone in sight who says something bad about Thugg, who's a face, but at odds with the other face in Stevens. Then, you have King, who's the evilest of them all, and watching the three other people just destroying each other (typical King at its best). My character is also in there, and he's stuck between Thugg and Mark, who are both good friends of his. Right now, the angle is really heating up, and I'm really not sure where it's going next. But due to it being an angle involving Thugg and a couple of old Carnies, I'm sure there's a big swerve somewhere down the line. As long as it doesn't involve King pulling a prank and getting Thugg and Mark married in Vermont, it's all good.


The other big angle going on is the huge Wildchild/Ejiro/Johnny angle. Personally, I think Ejiro writes the best heel character in the fed outside of King, so I'm really digging everything he's done. I've been watching Ejiro and WC going at it since they were JL'ers when I ran it, and they have a great, great chemistry together. Plus, Dangerous' new character is most certainly bizarre, but it seems to be working in the context of this feud. Ejiro helping Duran to beat his little manservant WC is great, and the reactions are spot-on. Another thing: The "F-U FASAKI!" chants are great. It's nice to see some custom chants like that, since it really personalizes the character. I'm hoping Ejiro breaks Thoth's record with the US title, just so he can keep doing the whole "Super American" gimmick, which is insanely good at getting heat (it worked great for Kurt Angle, and now it's working great for Ejiro). Then, we have Ejiro offer up WC as a prize alongside the US Title, which is incredible as well. It's gonna make for some great storylines if WC ends up indentured to a few other people. I'd love to see Dangerous and Fasaki trade the US Title back and forth, just to see WC's reactions. I do get the feeling that a triple threat is coming up fairly soon, though. And I'd like to see if these guys, particularly Dangerous, remain in some form of a feud with Bastion and Thugg. Should make for some great storylines heading into Genesis and beyond, which is what the fed needs more of.


There we go. See, someone cares about angles! Keep these promos coming, guys. I'm enjoying this fed a lot more than I have in a while right now (even though we have that worthless Flesher as a paper champ), and I really hope this trend is gonna continue on past Genesis.

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Guest Goodear

Okay, here we go... here here we go.


Bastion kills 'Grand Slam' and I'm all ... errrr.... this feels a little too soon after bringing Stevens back just last week in order to combat with King. But after careful consideration I'm getting the feeling that Stevens will get a sustitute and we'll end up with at least two guys in the ring that will be active. The question immediately turned to what King is going to do about that and if he has a hired gun ready and willing to jump in the ring as well. Also, I wonder if Thugg is going to create a tweener faction to fight both face and heel sides and the potential of the angle leaps off the charts. I want long-term ramifications people!!! LOooooong term.


Bastion also goes on to kill Johnny D in convincing fashion but I think you would have done Dangerous more of a favor by not killing his finisher. I think you're treading a risky ground with Bastion where you don't want to wander from incredible monster to COMPLETELY UNSTOPABLE YOU AREN'T GOING TO WIN monster... which is a stuble difference but one takes all the fun out of the match. But for a first time effort with the character I can see why you would want to establish him more with an effective beat down. I just don't want to have to sever Bastion's spinal cord to get a one count if you get what I'm saying.

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Getting ready for two a days has taken up my time. That and I wanted to see how many people would comment before I did... so yeah, if somebody tosses me a match, I should be able to comment. And if it's not too much trouble I'd like to whore out my board promos because more replies would stroke my ego.

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Aside from my praise-spewing at the goodness of the world title matches, I liked the rest of the show quite a bit too. The Judge promo to the start the show was CRUCIAL, getting him a character direction that calls back to a bit of his original intensity and really helps redefine him as a singles wrestler. God bless both him and Ejiro for not going Jannetty on us after the end of their tag title reign. Between this and the dickishness + screw over Apostle finish of the tourney match, I think he has a great chance of going the distance and winning the tournament. I'm jazzed for either Craven or Judge vs. Tom, and I'm especially intrigued by the fact that either of those contenders, with the momentum they've got, could conceivably play the bigger heel in the Genesis match than Taamo himself. The tournament has really worked out well this year and I'm glad to see it.


The Johnny/Bastion interactions were a bit weird to me. I guess it was just odd that a guy who seems to be moving up got his ass beat...but he still came out looking pretty good, so. I did like that it got Johnny some more backstage facetime, because he's become one of my favorite characters to just see doing stuff, whether it's smoking cigarettes, complaining, or chatting it up with management. In-ring wise it looks like Bastion's not too far from the Thugg tree, if notably more aggressive than Happy Huggable Thugg. Thugg's encouragement of Bastion is a bit scary and much more interesting than the two faces fully united go after King thing. With Bastion beating the crap out of Mark (in a truly harrowing promo, yay wife on the cell phone), it looks like we're getting some direction towards what the final G4 setup is gonna be.


Also after re-reading all these WC/Duran/Ejiro/Johnny promos and the story within the match itself, I realize I probably should have booked a Duran/Ejiro vs. WC/Somebody tag match to capitalize on that...but I think the undercurrents of this entire story will keep these guys going for a while. And like TBS, I'm really loving it as more elements get added carefully without overdoing anything. My only question is who's gonna get the match at the PPV--right now I could see either Johnny, Ejiro, or Duran squaring off with the Bahama Bomber at the big show. No complaints here, though: I like all those match-ups.


One more sling of thoughts before I step out and let other people talk a bit: nice handicap match. Preserved Kibs' toughness, made DJ look good, and definitely kept up the "Double Jeopardy is a great tag team and your only way to stop them is to separate them" idea. I like it very much and am looking forward to see if Crow/Crane can give them what they've got coming to them come Genesis. I think, on paper, this card might end up looking even better than G3, or should at least come close.

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I just wanna say something real quick about the Bastion/Johnny match. Initially I planned to make Johnny look real good...basically having him display his great arsenal of offensive moves, but having Bastion no sell a lot...I was going to sell JOhnny's moves with the commentators, basically holding onto the notion that Johnny is an animal...just look at his moves against the monster....but goddammit...Bastion is just a beast. The end was to have Strangler come down in defense of Mark and give Bastion two chairshots and leave. Bastion would then do the sit up thing (ala Kane) and Strangler will be like WTF on the stage. Bastion would then hit his finisher on Johnny and win. Initially, Johnny would have gotten in TBS's face as to why he's at the ring and being all proud saying that he's kicking Bastion's ass...and Strangler would knock him down or something like that...allowing Bastion to catch him as he was getting up for the finisher.


However...someone waited until Friday at noon to start writing the match (and still none of the promos written), so I did what I could. I didn't have time to write the match like I planned, so I just tried to make JOhnny look as good as possible while also making Bastion look like a monster all in the span of 3 hours. It was a struggle the whole way...and I think that was one of the worst matches I've written (second to my ICTV title violent spot fest against Axis and Chris Storm a long time ago). I know that had JOhnny written, I'd have lost with that match...which made it easier to flub the match like I did. So....sorry JOhnny if I made you look bad...I'm going to be thinking about how we can get you some face back...


The angle's got so much into it right now...it's hard even for us to follow. Mark and I are spending a lot of time talking about things...it's rough. It'll pay off in the end, and I'm glad to see that most people understand what's going on...or, at least Strangler and Edwin do...and I think Ejiro's got a good sense of the direction so far. As far as the amount of twists go....well, we're at the whim of time on this one....ideally, we'd like to have dragged this out longer and have more time between swerves, but we just can't for certain reasons...so, we're forced to bring it in very quickly. And, as you can imagine with me and Mark at the helm....there's even more twists to come.


Oh...and yeah...after I posted that above, I was like....doh...I'm gonna get reamed for not commenting myself. But I was on the way out the door, so I couldn't do it.


I haven't read everything, but by god...world title match...holy cow...what a match!!! I'm all kinds of impressed. Although, Tom's always impressed me....one of three people I'm afraid of in the fed....and he's who I fear the most. I skimmed Strangler's match....and Jesus...talk about close. I didn't put my marking strategy to it, but off the top of my head....it would have been impossible to determine a winner. So, good work to both of you...I'm curious as to what this does to the Genesis main event.


Da "didn't think he made Johnny look that bad" H

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Guest Suicide King

Va'aiga, your promo speaks for itself. There is no in depth character development, there is no pathos. Just an angry man in a monster truck. It's beautiful.

Edited by Suicide King

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Danny ordered a Limo with custom Mag 7 livery and a swimming pool? Well he deserves all he gets then.

Well, we sorta tried to make it look like ours, you know, but whatevah [/lame attempt at trying to coverup].It's all paid for by the SWF, right?

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