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Steve J. Rogers

The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

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Yes, if you have a VCR :P


Here's a spoiler most of you will probably hate:


Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

Angel will have sex with Eve in the Episode "Life of the Party." The Catch: they are under a spell inadvertantly caused by Lorne.
Edited by Lil Naitch

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That's the same thing they did with Cordy and Angel in that (horrid) episode with the ballet or opera or something. So either this is ingenius storytelling, or just lazy.

That from season 3?

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Yeah, it's called "Waiting in the Wings" and was written by Joss.






Angel: Oh yeah, yeah. I saw their production of Giselle in 1890 -- cried like a baby. And I was evil!


Angel: Back in the day, I'd always get box seats... or just eat the people who had 'em.


Angel: I think I'm gonna have to go with my patented Sudden Burst of Violence.


Angel: Gunn, these guys are tight, and you're gonna be tripping out.

Gunn: Don't be using my own phrases when we've lost the trust.



Lorne: Go to sleep/ lullaby/ you've been fed and you're sleepy/ you'll be with/ Uncle Lorne/ who in no way resents not being asked to go to the ballet/ and is certainly/ not thinking/ of selling you to the first vampire cult that makes him a decent offer...


Wesley: (about the ballet troupe) So what are we thinking, vampires?

Cordelia: Well, they're not a deeply tanned bunch.

Gunn: That would explain the precision and the athleticism. I mean, some of those jumps were... You know, I was cool before I met y'all

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Guest EQ
Angel: Oh yeah, yeah. I saw their production of Giselle in 1890 -- cried like a baby. And I was evil!

HAHAHA! I barely remember the episode, but this quote is pretty funny

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I remember reading that it was the best season. But can it top season 4?


Doubt it. I will find out in Novemeber when TNT has reruns.

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Depends on if another network picks it up.


I was watching the eps. that details Angel/Darlas relationship, and introducing them (and Dru) to Spike for the first time. That's a really fuckin good episode, rich with character development.

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Depends on if another network picks it up.


I was watching the eps. that details Angel/Darlas relationship, and introducing them (and Dru) to Spike for the first time. That's a really fuckin good episode, rich with character development.

Is that "Darla?"


I am watching the span of episodes from season 4 with the Beast. They are SO much better than the Jasmine arc, but whatever.

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Um, err...


Darla is really hot in these Angel eps. I dunno why they didn't do a scene with her and Kate (Lilah, at this time, was lacking the Fox-Appeal she had in later seasons)


Reading the eps. guide, this is a really good time in Angel's history IIRC.

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Eh, Julie Benz didn't do much for me. I never thought she was that good of an actor.


I liked the fact that the Master was the one who sired Darla, it was an interesting tidbit.

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In one of the trailers for tonight's episode, when they mention the "mature content", they show Fred in the shower...maybe we will see Amy Acker nude instead of, or in addition to JM nude.

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Guest stardust

I haven't seen the Amy Acker trailer but in the trailer the local WB affiliate just showed, James Marsters is indeed quite nude (so it appeared), so double nudity. I can hear the fangirls plotting their fanfic as I type this...

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I'm disappointed we saw more of nude Spike than we did of nude Fred, but I figured that'd happen anyway.


Anyway, good to see Spike kicking ass again.




"Look, Angel's getting some! Good for you, mate!"

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Guest stardust
"Look, Angel's getting some! Good for you, mate!"

I laughed for a good three or four minutes after hearing that. Plus, the look on Angel's face was priceless.


As for this week's episode, good ep, and I for one had no problem with there being more Spike nudity. *grin* It does kinda suck that Fred wasn't able to make Spike corporeal, but since he's learning how to touch things and pick up objects, things could definitely get interesting, I think.

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I really enjoyed that episode, more than the other three so far. I was hyped when they were hinting that it was the reaper. Some cool, creepy stuff.

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I was totally diggin that episode. Really well done. A different "Feel" from all the others.


1)Not enough EVE, c'mon, how can I judge the foxy if the foxy is not on TV long enough to foxy it up? EH?


2)While it was a Spike-centric eps. and they tend to not-be-as-good-as-they-should-be-given-that-other-one, this one was real good and managed not to overload us on the Spike-quotient.


3)Spike and Angels convo was fucking fabulous. After watching the season 2 eps. where Angel/Darla/Spike/Dru wreck house in the flashbacks, its fun to see it continue-on. And the lil snips at each others "style" - that kinda stuff is what makes this show so enjoyable. I was waiting for the forehead jab, but it never came.


4)"He goes to hell" "Yeah" "Kinda figured that" reminds me sooo much of "She's a robot" and I love it. They build up all this pressure on Fred and .... I love it.


5) Reaper was a good villain, over-the-top in a subdued way. Cool way of building up to it, explains Spike's situation rather well and gives a lil bit of closure.


6)"Welcome to hell" = Great line.


7) Charles Gunn Uber-Lawyer RULES.


8) Is this "let's give Lorne 5 seconds a screen time going to be a running joke? Now that Spikes deal is done, let's give the other players more ice time, okay?


9)Ditto with Wes. He is turning back into bookworm Wes, which sucks. He still has the grizzle, so why not make use of it??? DAMMIT WHERE ARE MY EXTENDO WEAPONS!?!


10)Why couldn't they have done a shower scene with Lilah? It was kinda hard to see Fred behind all those droplets of water vapour ;)

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I thought tonight's episode was fantastic. We got more insight into Spike's condition, and to why he has been fading away all the time. Since the Reaper isn't around anymore, it would seem that Spike won't be fading away anymore.


I also loved the whole bit when Fred was telling Gunn and Wes about Spike going to hell. The music was all sad and deep; then Wes and Gunn were just like ya, we figured.


The episode was pretty good at the doing the whole horror thing. Seeing somone like Spike freaked out really shows that he was scared of something. It was good acting by James too, just shows how good of an actor he is.


Plus it looks like Spike will be able to fight now. If he can pick up a cup, I believe he will be able to throw a punch or two. I am sure that felt so good for him to hit that guy, he hasn't been able to do that for a long ass time.


His age is showing a lot know though; he doesn't look that young anymore. Granted when he first was on Buffy he was 34, but he is just looking older.


I liked how when they were looking up the stuff about the dark soul, some of it was written about Angel. "I didn't even have a soul yet." That had me laughing pretty good.


There wasn't enough of Lorne this episode. If memory serves me correct, he was only in 3-4 scenes the whole episode. He is one of my favorite characters on Angel, so it kind of disapoints me. Since he is the one who is throwing the Halloween party next episode, I believe we will be seeing more of him.


Next weeks episode looks good, it looks to be very humorous. "Look, Angel's getting some! Good for you, mate!" That line had me rolling on the floor, not only because it was funny, but because Angel looked like he was giving it to her doggy.

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Guest stardust

One thing that ticked me off, though, was that while they were explaing who the Reaper was and his association with Wolfram and Hart, my friggin roommate started talking on the phone in Taiwanese so I couldn't hear the TV hardly at all and kept missing stuff. Grrr.

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6)"Welcome to hell" = Great line.

I second that. That punishment is probably one of the worst things in the whole world. Can he even die? He will actually die of boredom, or go insane, whatever happens first.

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