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SmackDown recap is up

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Guest Retro Rob

I agree with your ideas for how the Iron Man match could have been better. I really dug the tag title match and now I have to go back and see if it was actually better than the main event.

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No argument here about that. Good match, not great. It isn't exactly going to top my personal candidates, Eddy-Benoit (Vengeance) and Angle-Benoit (Rumble).


"Is anybody else getting the feeling that we're eventually getting an Eddy-Chavo feud over the US Title? Just a thought. As much as I love this team, I'd rather see Eddy get a main event run first, but oh well."


If they're going for a jealousy thing, I don't get it, because Chavo set up the match for them to get the tag title shot, and seems to be 100% behind Eddy. So if they turn him it would be completely out of left field.


"Only a handful of problems with this one, most notably Angle refusing to take a countout when he could have earned one and Lesnar actually trying to get falls the final ten minutes when he should have had it on the deep freeze. And too much brawling. Why are two wrestlers with such incredible collegiate and/or Olympic backgrounds doing that much brawling over an hour? But I love the fact that it came down to what two athletes and what they were doing in the ring. No run-ins, no McMahons at ringside, just action (even with too much brawling). Slower than expected, so as far as Ironman Matches go, I'd put that above Bret-Shawn but below Rock-HHH."


I'd agree mostly, but did it seem to you there was too much suplexing? Where was the mat goodness, that would have been able to make for great ways to add to the psychology, give the guys a rest, and build the story?


Maybe the "heel Brock wants the title anyway he wants" story overshadowed and prevented that, but still can't help but feel it was a disappointment.

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I missed Smackdown to go see the Indians snorefest baseball game. Nice to see I didn't miss a groundbreaking ***** TV classic that I could have shown my grandchildren. Although, I might check out Velocity and tape the highlights.


Nice review.

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I'd agree mostly, but did it seem to you there was too much suplexing? Where was the mat goodness, that would have been able to make for great ways to add to the psychology, give the guys a rest, and build the story?


I'd largely agree with that, but I want to know why the fuck nobody goes for the bridge after the rolling Germans anymore. I'm guessing it's because of the neck surgeries and stuff, but that defeats the purpose of the rolling Germans to me.

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I'd agree mostly, but did it seem to you there was too much suplexing? Where was the mat goodness, that would have been able to make for great ways to add to the psychology, give the guys a rest, and build the story?


I'd largely agree with that, but I want to know why the fuck nobody goes for the bridge after the rolling Germans anymore. I'm guessing it's because of the neck surgeries and stuff, but that defeats the purpose of the rolling Germans to me.

I'd only want to see the bridge after the rolling Germans if it got a pinfall--they had a perfect opportunity here, but didn't use it.


If we saw some rolling Germans and then a KICK OUT deep into an Iron Man match, that would have pissed me off more.

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On another note, I hope to see Tazz's Keys to Victory a lot more often. Great idea, further making SD seem like a more legit, wrestling based show. Shame they didn't play much of a part in this match...

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