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The OAO NFL Week 3 thread

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They were passing fine in the second half and they passed better than Buffalo. They had a lead in the 4th and Buffalo's defense was clearly wearing down, so they let Ricky grind it out and eat the clock.


Miami was playing ball control and it worked extremely well. I don't know the official TOP, but Miami held a big advantage.

The Dolphins had the ball for about 41 minutes, which is unreal, and you're not gonna lose too many games having the ball that much.

Especially when the other team gets under 100 yards.



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That's the Bledsoe that always shows up when there is no threat of a running game.


Travis Henry has proven on many occassions to be a mental midget...but now it's affected his play...


Look at last week when the Jags respected the run...and Bledsoe threw the lights out.


They need to get Henry right mentally QUICK.


I think it was Rasmus who asked after week 1 why the Bills drafted Willis McGahee...


well...I'll break it down:


1. The first thing Travis Henry did after rolling into Buffalo was have sex with a 15 year old girl he picked up at a gas station.


2. You can't have a ball control offense (that GM Tom Donahoe has obviously been building) when your RB puts the ball on the ground 11! times in a year.


3. Travis had to take a one year extension on his rookie contract...AFTER MAKING THE PRO BOWL...because he needed the small signing bonus to make it to camp...as he was BROKE.


4. I don't know if anyone has seen the ESPN insider article about Travis and his mental state after the Willis pick...but it's needless to say that the pick isn't what made him wrong mentally...he was already wrong and the fact that he can't handle the pick only furthers the point.


If you didn't read the article...it included stuff like:


Travis goes around asking his friends on the team whether he'll be here next year.


He even asks the interviewer what he thinks Willis has that he doesn't.


His mother saying that she hopes this is Travis' last year with the Bills, because he didn't deserve what they did to him...



Well...what in the hell did the Bills do to him? They took the best player on the board...a guy who if he heals (and all the talk then and moreso now is that he will) would have been a top 5 talent...for a team picking in the 23rd slot...that was built to not get near a top 10 pick for the next few years...it was easily understandable...


and that's without taking into account the 11 fumbles and questionable character of Travis.


Henry was supposed to be the key guy this year...but that's not going to happen until he removes his head from his ass and starts playing like he actually wants his job.



On the plus side cartman, Milloy had 11 tackles.

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1. The first thing Travis Henry did after rolling into Buffalo was have sex with a 15 year old girl he picked up at a gas station.

I've been to Buffalo a few times ... and nothing I've done has been as fun as knocking boots with a 15 year old.

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Crazy or not, I think that Henry would look pretty good in a Pats uniform next season. The Patriots could use a real back (no offense to Kevin Faulk, but it's obvious the team has no faith in him as a #1 back) and it would add another level to the burgeoning New England/Buffalo rivalry.

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Guest TDinDC1112

It is reassuring to me as a Bills fan to know that my offense had less than 100 yards and the team was only down by 3 points on the road against a very good team with 2 minutes to go in the game. Everyone kept saying how great of a game Ricky Williams had. Any NFL Running Back who has 42 carries BETTER have 160 yards rushing, or something is wrong. I think the Bills are still going to win the division. Last night showed me if nothing else, the Bills' Defense is for real. They almost single handedly won the game.

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THAT was the Bledsoe I know :)


But I guess I should start rooting for the Bills now since the Pats are apparently DOOMED this year.

Cartman, maybe its been discussed already in the other Patriots thread, but perhaps Colvin brought the injury bug curse with him from Chicago, because you're right, that's a shitload of injuries so early.

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Guest El Satanico
It is reassuring to me as a Bills fan to know that my offense had less than 100 yards and the team was only down by 3 points on the road against a very good team with 2 minutes to go in the game. Everyone kept saying how great of a game Ricky Williams had. Any NFL Running Back who has 42 carries BETTER have 160 yards rushing, or something is wrong. I think the Bills are still going to win the division. Last night showed me if nothing else, the Bills' Defense is for real. They almost single handedly won the game.

No...all that game showed was that both offenses played sloppy in the first half. Both defenses may have played a part in it, but both offenses were sloppy.


It's much too early to make predictions with that Division.

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The Dolphins didn't look sloppy...they looked conservative.


When they tried to make a big pass play...they were picked...but since the Bills offense couldn't do anything against the Dolphins D...they never had to do anything but pound Ricky.


His YPC weren't lights out...but after 40 minutes on the field...he kept getting longer and longer runs on the tired D.


Before the half they put up Ricky's stats and he had around 2 YPC...by the end of the game he had 3.6

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What had Smith accomplished in the game to that point?


In a Yahoo league, I needed Elam and Smith to combine for 22 points for the win. Without looking at the score, am I in decent shape so far?

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Man gotta love missing a linemen standing a foot in front of you and punching the ref instead.

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In the WDI league?


He hadn't registered a point yet. You're going down, I'm afraid.

Oh c'mon - 22 points for Elam isn't out of the question!


What's that...the two extra points he has already, and... seven field goals. :(

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That was pathetic. Brown drops a pass, Rice drops a pass, they couldn't even get a yard after the blocked kick.


And before that, Buchanan has a beautiful run up the sidelines to put em in great field position, and they have to settle for a FG. That should ahve been 14 points right there, instead they get a massive three. How lame.

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Guest Flyboy
The Raiders look bad already.

At least they did not lose to the... CARDINALS. And I hate the Raiders.

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Guest Flyboy
What's wrong with Jerry Porter again?

Sports hernia. He's out until probably mid-October.

... Damnit. *goes to find a subtitution for him in fantasy football*

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