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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Rocky belittles wrestling on Letterman

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No....there's one more thing for him to do before he leaves for good...



One big ass mega J-O-B to a young wrestler at WMXX.

I doubt it, that kind of thing isn't really necessary in today's environment.


Austin got over from WM 13 while jobbing to Bret. HHH retired Foley and went over a bazillion guys and never got over.

HHH never got over? Come on... don't let the HHHate turn into just plain ignorance. I hate the guy too, but to say he never got over is ridiculous

You shouldn't worry - this hasn't been a good week for JOTW discussion-wise anyhow.

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IF the Rock does come back for one more match (and note that I said IF and not WHEN, because I don't think that it's a guarantee) I don't think that he should be forced to put someone over. It detracts from the value when it's obvious that he came back for just one match. I'd say let him get his win, let his fans enjoy it with him, and then let him go on his way. I'm a Rocky HATER and I'm saying that. Sometimes, giving the fans something to cheer for is better for business than just giving someone one win.


And if his movie career bombs, it's not like he'll be forced to go back to wrestling. Look at Steven Seagal (I think I spelled his name wrong) or Jean Claude Van Damme ... both of them are still making movies, even though the movies aren't huge hits.

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Guest nikowwf

I have 2 issues with the Rock mocking wrestling. (although he is well within his rights to do so)


1) He wouldn't be where he is without it. He wouldn't have went from canadian football washout to actor. He would have went from washout to carpenter.


2) If his acting career falters, which it may. (I'm not running to see THE RUNDOWN - it looks like USA UP ALL NIGHT fodder), all of a sudden he will have much more respect for wrestling and come right back.



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If they are going to get someone to shoot on Rock, I think it should be Stone Cold. Rock bashed him for walking away, even though Rock was away filming a movie at the time and had to come back himself to deliver the bash. I'm sure SCSA would love nothing more than to get the verbal job back.

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Guest MikeSC
Is it not obvious why?


If he's not going to wrestle anymore, he should obviously do a big job, because retiring wrestlers should always go out on their back, putting over the next generation of wrestlers.


That how, you know, you keep the business going.

Rock did that for Lesnar.


Go back and rewatch SummerSlam. Rock made Brock look REALLY good for the first time in his (Brock's) career.


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Guest Choken One

Good for the rock, He's showing that he doesn't Need Wrestling like Vince needs Rock.


He's smart to put him over wrestling and he IS but also smart to keep that fan support there, he plays it smart, playing both sides like a piano.


He went right to Hunter and went "Ha,you can fuck the bosses daughter all you want, but i'm STILL the #1 motherfucker around" and HHH knows this.


Does he have to Come back to WMXX? No but Vince will point out he is still under contract and must fulfill his obligations and Knowing the type of guy the rock is, He'll do a WM program, it's MORE attention for him. He loves knowing he can come back and ALL the focus is on him, instantly.


Will he come back and put over a Young guy like Randy Orton? A wrestling legend like Benoit?


If Wrestling was a Fairy Tale, Rock would go over his "life" long nemesis at the biggest stage...Triple H of course.


You'd think Triple H would derive more pleasure out of working with the biggest name in wrestling and hollywood then holding his vanity belt and going over an nameless faceless nobody again....


If he wanted to make Hollywood notice, shouldn't he politic himself with Rocky?


Knowing Rock, he is smart enough to play Hunter like that and will take a low card spot against fucking Spike Dudley. why? Because He is the ROCK. Anything he touches is gold and the match gains importance just by his presence.


Personally, With all the Success he has had and the great reviews he is getting for RUNDOWN, it won't bomb.


Alot of people here aren't willing to let him go...Let it go. He is too good for this circus.

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I completely agree with Choken One's statement. The Rock, as of right now, is too good for the current state of the WWE, and should let the Titanic slowly sink its way down (via the iceberg that is goldberg, and Triple H). He's establishing himself in Hollywood as an actor, and he's building a whole new career for himself. I think Rocky is seeing what Austin saw last year, in that the WWE on camera and backstage sucks monkey balls, and that he should let Vince & Triple H run it in to the ground. Austin came back 8 months later because he couldn't be away from the spotlight, will Rock do the same thing? Who knows. Right now, I wouldn't want The Rock to come back. Let him evolve in Hollywood, and hopefully he'll become even more successful.

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Guest Choken One

Difference is? The only Spotlight Austin got when he left was on Inside Edition for beating his wife...


Rock is on EVERY talk show, every hollywood show...He HAS a BIGGER spotlight then what Austin had...

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Well, yeah, The Rock has a much bigger spotlight with the mainstream media crossover darling he's become. I just meant in general terms, Austin missed being there in general, and up until late 2001, Austin was THE man, even when Rock was around. When you get down to the specifics, their circumstances surrounding both their leaves are different, but in essence are the same. I, for one, think Austin should've never taken the "Co-GM" gimmick. He jobbed to The Rock (one of his good friends) and his legacy was carved in stone basically. Now this stupid gimmick just shows Austin's weakness and how Vince kind of owns him (at this point). This is why I think Rock should not come back at all. He accomplished everything you possibly could in wrestling. He doesn't need Vince and the WWE, but the only thing I'm thinking is that Rock might come back for the fans' attention.

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Guest Trivia247

when you try to burn your bridge to a organization that helped you into your precious movie career, sometimes you screw yourself over....Unless he will have that unique 1% luck and actually get over as a serious actor in movies, he will befall the likes of Hogan.


least Ventura was smart enough to have options


Rock however if he goes down and he pisses on his wrestling past as to what got him to his point, he might not get back so easily

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Guest Choken One

He didn't piss anything away...He simply said "

I'm done with wrestling, I appreciate the fans for what they did"...so he didnt really burn any bridges...


For burned bridges, Look at Shane Douglas's record...

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Exactly. Rock does not need nor want to wrestle right now, and said so. Can you really blame him for that?

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Rock has "Walking Tall" and "Spyhunter" to work on and by the time those are done his WWE contract would be up anyway I would think.


But coming back to job to Randy Orton???

Why can't Triple H do that at WMXX since he is the golden boy of Vince and H?


I just don't see Rock coming back to JOB to Randy Orton. I'd be more likely to believe the return of the Warrior to take on Randy Orton than that.

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Guest Choken One

He also has The King Kahamuehmn Movie on slate as well...Walking Tall is almost wrapped up I thought...

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Guest vex_hecubus

Isn't this the same guy who belittled and badmouthed Austin for "walking out" on the company? And that the WWE will always and forever be "His Home"? Blah Blah Blah and add in a few "Monkey Piss'!" and "Monkey Testicles" and "What In The Blue Hells" for good measure.


Edit: I should probably finish reading through the thread first before I post, haha! Been said.


I think I smell a "Mr. Nanny" sequel in the works...*shudders @ the thought of The Rock in a pink tutu* :throwup:


I think he should job to Rodney Mack and Mark Henry...Then bring back "The Godfather" and break up the APA and get Farooq to join the gang...Reunite the Nation Of Domination! LOL!


Nation of Domination MADE The Rock...and then it DESTROY'S The Rock :P

Edited by vex_hecubus

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Guest vex_hecubus
letterman sucks. fuck the rock. conan rules

personally I think they both suck.


Letterman's like your father/grandfather on Viagra


and Conan is just a fucking mongloid leprechaun.

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I remeber when Stone Cold walked out and rock cuted a promo. He said that he will never leave the wrestling business and it's in his blood. He said he will still be saying Just Bring It when he is 50 years old and all that crap.


Now he is leaving the wrestling business like a bitch.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Why not? The stupid ass fans take him for granted anyway, and turn on him for no reason.


See: SummerSlam 2002.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

And WWE, from Vince to the announcers to the fans, will suck their cocks like the seediest whores.

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Well, the WWE IS in the demographic they want. So, why not use it when you need it?


.....man, that really made the WWE out to be a hooker didn't it?


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Interesting that someone brought up that Vince would eventually have someone bury the Rock on screen. In a Torch update this week Wade Keller speculated that HHH's cryptic "You need me more then I need you" comment as a really inside jab at The Rock. It was speculation though, and Im sure it was just HHH in business for himself rather than a green light from Vince.

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Guest Choken One

Rock needs Hunter?


So when Rock is at The Oscars rubbing elbows with the big boys...He will still pine for Hunter?

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Guest Ray
Is it not obvious why?


If he's not going to wrestle anymore, he should obviously do a big job, because retiring wrestlers should always go out on their back, putting over the next generation of wrestlers.


That how, you know, you keep the business going.

Rock did that for Lesnar.


Go back and rewatch SummerSlam. Rock made Brock look REALLY good for the first time in his (Brock's) career.


Well obviously. Rock deserves much credit for jobbing to Lesnar, but that wasn't his last match...

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Guest El Satanico

Rock can blow up the bridge and Vince will still take him back.


Regardless of what his son in law tells him, Vince knows he can't replace Rock.

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Rock needs Hunter?


So when Rock is at The Oscars rubbing elbows with the big boys...He will still pine for Hunter?

I think it was more along the lines of Rock might have said something backstage about the fans or the WWE needing him more then he needed them, and it was kinda a shot at him. Keller admitted he was just speculating though, so just take it as BS but fun to think about.

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