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Guest Wildbomb 4:20



I go to sleep, 8th inning, Sox still have the lead, figure it's automatic from here. And...SURPRISE~! the bullpen blows it. What was the interference call? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?


Still...I'm skipping class for Game 2. Oh hell yes. Sox NEED to win.

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What was the interference call?

I think it was Terrence Long at bat and somebody stole second base. Long took the pitch on a 3-2 count and either thought it was ball four and was trying to throw his bat back to the dugout or knew it was strike 3 and started to head towards the dugout but basically he walked in front of the catcher who couldn't make a proper throw to second. They called it a strikeout on Long and a interference out for the runner.

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Guest Wildbomb 4:20
The Sox are done. They blew one of Pedro's starts, and they couldn't afford to do that.

Jumping off the bandwagon already. Holy shit. It's one game. Timmy Wakefield can throw 200 pitches if he needs to AKA NO BULLPEN.


We split in Oakland, and come through at home. Easy enough. Pedro will throw game 4.

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Heh, I went to bed right after the Cubs blew it. My night was ruined and thus, I was in bed at 10:30 for the first time since I was 7-years-old. I'm not surprised the Sox pen blew it, they did all season, so why not now? Lord knows the Cubs' pen had that theory.

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The Sox are done.  They blew one of Pedro's starts, and they couldn't afford to do that.

Jumping off the bandwagon already. Holy shit. It's one game. Timmy Wakefield can throw 200 pitches if he needs to AKA NO BULLPEN.


We split in Oakland, and come through at home. Easy enough. Pedro will throw game 4.

Jumping off the bandwagon? Fuck that. I don't care about the Sox; I've been a Cubs fan since I was 4. And I don't care who wins the A.L, so long as it isn't the Yankees.


After blowing Pedro's start, I know I'd be pretty uneasy about having to rely on TIM WAKEFIELD to win a game to have a prayer in this series. I'm not saying it can't happen, but when you're pitching Tim Wakefield and the other team is countering with Barry Zito, well, I think you have reason to be nervous.


It's good Pedro's throwing Game 4 and all, but two things:


1. Game 4 means jack squat right now. You better find a way to win Game 2 and/or 3, or else Pedro pitching in Game 4 won't matter.

2. What happens when Pedro saves your ass in Game 4, but then you have to win Game 5 back in Oakland? Wakefield? Lowe, on the road? Hmmm....I'd be worried.

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I don't care what happens now...all I know is that I will enjoy every second of Saturday night's game as I sit in the Green Monster seats.


My girl won the rights to buy them this morning, I love her so much :)

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Wow, the Sox look simply awful so far. That was a terrible inning, with Wakefield throwing some 40 or so pitches and having his defense behind him fall apart. 5-0 gonna be tough to come back against.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Man it's got to suck to go so late last night and be ready for a game early the next day.

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*watches the game*


Well, there's always next year my fellow Boston fans.


Oh, and I'm glad Manny is earning his 20 million whatever a year BY LOOKING AT THE FUCKING BALL AND STRIKE OUT.


Great job.


Sigh...this team has broken my heart more times than any girl will..and I'm only 17.

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Well I'm not even going to talk shit because as an A's fan I know this story too well and I'm not gonna get really excited until they win a 3rd game. I think Game 3 is almost as an important for the A's as it for the Red Sox just so the A's get rid of any mental block they might have when it comes to finishing a series. If they finish it off Saturday I think they can win it all.


I will say this that it brings a smile to my face all those "experts" on ESPN picking the Red Sox and seeing 90% of the people here picking the Red Sox. Good pitching beats good hitting most of the time and that that was definently the story today.

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Guest Bobby Cox is God

Come on Twinkies......we love you.


BTW, it wasn't so much the Sox today as it was Zito's curve. It was totally nasty today, and Zito was just on.

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Yeah, once Zito got going, things looked mighty bleak for the Sox. The inning where they scored their sole run may have been their best chance to get back into the game, but Manny took them right out of the inning. The Sox just had no defense today, as evident by the scoring of five runs with only two hits in the inning. I'd say it's just about over and the Sox will be the first ones to be eliminated. Sorta odd how so many of these superstar hitters look like nothing once the games are postseason ones.

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Sorta odd how so many of these superstar hitters look like nothing once the games are postseason ones.

That's because:


Playoff pitching > Good hitters


It's true 90% of the time. That's why Cleveland never quite got over the hump and won a world title; their pitching wasn't quite as capable as their foes'.

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Guest Bobby Cox is God

Thank God, I'm so tired of hearing about how everything revolves around pitching. Someone finally points it out.

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Okay how about this good pitching and good defense beats good hitting and bad defense? That was something that wasn't pointed out by the "experts" before the series is that the A's are the much better defensive team.

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To add. You can give up as many runs as you want and still theoretically win. You can't win a damned thing if you don't score any.


Baseball is simple. 50% hitting. 50% pitching/defense. Good teams have both.

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Guest Bobby Cox is God

And Alk to think when I first met you, I thought you were one of the mutants that hung outside Vet staduim asking for handouts.


Ah, it's refreshing to know I'm not the only one who uses Win Shares either :D

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Guest Bobby Cox is God

It's funny that the Red Sox and A's are built so similar. Both have sabermetrical GM's so Theo is basically a high dollar verision of the A's.

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Guest Bobby Cox is God

I'll take some heat for this, but I think J.P. is the best of the bunch.

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This series has been mostly the Sox kicking themselves in the ass and the A's capitalizing. To wit, if Manny had brought one, just ONE run in when the bases were loaded early in Gm. 1, we wouldn't have had the Game That Wouldn't Friggin End. And today, with Todd "Wants to Be on Marv Albert's Lowlight Reel" Walker's IDIOTIC play today and Manny pretty much blowing that play in the outfield.

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Guest Bobby Cox is God

Fish game on now....top of the 1st not much going on...anyone watching it?

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