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One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread

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The New York Yankees are the Triple-H of Major League Baseball. With their money, they buy their way to the top and, when they face trouble, they just use more money to get what they want, although it might have a negative effect on the rest of the sport.

I keep forgetting about George's mind control powers.


You know, the ones he uses to stop the other 29 owners from spending money or selling the team to someone will


How exactly does he activate them?

If other teams (not all. Admittedly, some owners are just greedy) don't have the money, how can they be expected to spend?


And just because you CAN piss away all your money in a pathetic attempt to win doesn't mean you should. I could take my next door neighbor - a senior citizen - and push him face first into the cement. I COULD do it, but I don't.


There comes a time when Georgie Boy has got to realize that this sport needs to be about competition. He's destroying the sport by doing this every year. How could you not see this? If i was a Minnesota fan, I would be EXTREMELY pissed off right now. They don't have a quarter of the resources the Yankees do. How is this good for the sport?

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Choken, I think most people have a problem with the way the Yanks are run, not because they think that wanting to win is bad, but because of how it's done.  Instead of building up some of their own talent,

Like Pettite, Jeter, Soriano, Johnson, Posada, Rivera or Williams?

7 out of how many?


And we already went over ther Soriano case. Not exactly a home-grown talent.


Amd it's not really fair to include Johnson on the list, if we're going over GOOD players. Giambi is the star first-baseman that Georgie Boy pissed away money to get. Johnson is just on first because Giambi sucks a big one in the field. Johnson is strictly average.

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Guest Choken One
Choken, I think most people have a problem with the way the Yanks are run, not because they think that wanting to win is bad, but because of how it's done.  Instead of building up some of their own talent, they go out and buy the biggest names out there, so it's not like they're really earning the wins, but rather, just buying them. 


Don't get me wrong, if they've got the money, they should invest in a winning team, but the way the Yanks are built every year, it's almost like they're buying a championship, instead of really working for it. 


Winning is obviously an important thing, but going absolutely apeshit when the most minor thing goes wrong is just insanity.  I guess that's just because big Stein keeps dumping millions into making the "best" team out there everywhere, and rarely coming out of it with a championship to show for it.

rarely? Hasn't he won 4 in the last 7 years? That's not reall RARE.


That's pretty damn good percentage right there

For all the money he's spending to buy a team that's made to win RIGHT NOW, they should be winning it every year.

Just to bring in a Comparison...


Hendrick Motor Sports pay well over 50% more then the average team in Nascar and Have five championships in the Last 10 years...(4 for Gordon and 1 for Lobonte)


Do the other owners bitch? No, at least not at Hendrick's specifically...why because there is Jack Rousch who buys up all the young talent just like Atlanta, Boston etc...and yet for the last 12 years...he can't get it done dispite having equal income as Hendrick...



It's about getting the RIGHT people and that's what the Yankees do...

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Guest Anglesault
The New York Yankees are the Triple-H of Major League Baseball. With their money, they buy their way to the top and, when they face trouble, they just use more money to get what they want, although it might have a negative effect on the rest of the sport.

I keep forgetting about George's mind control powers.


You know, the ones he uses to stop the other 29 owners from spending money or selling the team to someone will


How exactly does he activate them?

If other teams (not all. Admittedly, some owners are just greedy) don't have the money, how can they be expected to spend?


By selling to someone who will.


There comes a time when Georgie Boy has got to realize that this sport needs to be about competition


So he should fire everyone and put out a team of monkies next year, to ensure that his team sucks and someone else will win.


Shrewd business move.

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They don't have a quarter of the resources the Yankees do. How is this good for the sport?

Because...people want to See the Yankees in the series...nobody gives a Fuck about teh Red Sox and their curse SHIT...Yankees are run better then Any other team...NASCAR is going to Upstage MLB in the next three Years anyway...

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Guest Choken One
There comes a time when Georgie Boy has got to realize that this sport needs to be about competition


So he should fire everyone and put out a team of monkies next year, to ensure that his team sucks and someone else will win.


Shrewd business move.

That's pretty much been the method to the Cincy franchise the last 6 years...

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Guest Anglesault
Choken, I think most people have a problem with the way the Yanks are run, not because they think that wanting to win is bad, but because of how it's done.  Instead of building up some of their own talent,

Like Pettite, Jeter, Soriano, Johnson, Posada, Rivera or Williams?

7 out of how many?

Take those seven off-specifically Andy, Derek and Mo- and what the fuck do you have?

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So he should fire everyone and put out a team of monkies next year, to ensure that his team sucks and someone else will win.


No, but maybe he should focus more on growing the farm system instead of looking for a slew of big names to sign each year. Those big signings don't seem to work out a lot of the time, either, so I fail to see the purpose in doing it each year. It'll be interesting to see what he does after this season, with Clemens retired, and Wells and Pettite possibly on their way out.

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The New York Yankees are the Triple-H of Major League Baseball. With their money, they buy their way to the top and, when they face trouble, they just use more money to get what they want, although it might have a negative effect on the rest of the sport.

I keep forgetting about George's mind control powers.


You know, the ones he uses to stop the other 29 owners from spending money or selling the team to someone will


How exactly does he activate them?

If other teams (not all. Admittedly, some owners are just greedy) don't have the money, how can they be expected to spend?


By selling to someone who will.


There comes a time when Georgie Boy has got to realize that this sport needs to be about competition


So he should fire everyone and put out a team of monkies next year, to ensure that his team sucks and someone else will win.


Shrewd business move.

You have a habit of putting words in people's mouths. Color me shocked.


Making teams competitive means that you might not have to necessarily pick up that multi-time All Star who's a free agent because you have more than any other team already. It means putting unestablished players from the farm system on the field, building them up, letting them get a chance to play and prove themselves. You'll still have Jeter, Giambi, Soriano, Matsui...the draws....and then you'll be building up new players at the same time. Win-win situation. Certainly seems like a shrewd move to me.


But wait, then the Yankees MIGHT NOT WIN ! OH MY GOD !! WHAT A HORRIBLE POSSIBILITY ! How can all these front-running Yankee fans live ?!?!


The Yankees isn't about making the team better for the fans, or for the benefit of baseball. It's a big egofuck for Georgie Boy because he gets to win and win, over and over. Anybody who can't see that is just blind. And then, years later when he sells the team because he wants to give up the stress, the Yankees will be screwed over because they have all these old players and didn't take the time to build up anybody But by then, all these baseball fans might just not give a damn anymore.

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I wonder how many people are catching onto The Czech Republic's last couple of posts in this thread.  I know I have.

It'd be a lot easier if there was just a damn sarcasm button on the board.

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I wonder how many people are catching onto The Czech Republic's last couple of posts in this thread. I know I have.

TCR: "I should make a gimmick poster called "Choken Two" so we can have double the post-whoring and twice as many miscapitalized words."


Rest of Board: "NO!"

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Choken, I think most people have a problem with the way the Yanks are run, not because they think that wanting to win is bad, but because of how it's done.  Instead of building up some of their own talent,

Like Pettite, Jeter, Soriano, Johnson, Posada, Rivera or Williams?

7 out of how many?

Take those seven off-specifically Andy, Derek and Mo- and what the fuck do you have?

Looking at this season? From Opening Day....Well....
















-and whoever I forgot.


Wanna play *COUNT THE ALL-STARS* ? Not everybody there is great, or even good - but Georgie Boy didn't know that when he was wildly pissing his money away or trading away prospects for money and established stars - just because he can.

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Guest Anglesault
So he should fire everyone and put out a team of monkies next year, to ensure that his team sucks and someone else will win.


No, but maybe he should focus more on growing the farm system

I don't disagree.


I also don't have a problem with big signing big stars.


BTW: Is George also barred from trading?


The Yankees isn't about making the team better for the fans, or for the benefit of baseball. It's a big egofuck for Georgie Boy because he gets to win and win, over and over


As opposed to the owners who want to lose.

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Guest Choken One

would you rather have a ego fuck that wants to win and give your city a winner or a ego fuck that wants to pocket his own profits and then blame the fans for not winning because they dont come to the games...when they charge 50% more then the value...

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would you rather have a ego fuck that wants to win and give your city a winner or a ego fuck that wants to pocket his own profits and then blame the fans for not winning because they dont come to the games...when they charge 50% more then the value...

Again with this argument? You act as if it's every single team in MLB that does this, when it's clearly not.


I'll repeat myself again. Just because you HAVE the money to buy an All-Star doesn't mean you SHOULD. How soon until Steinbrenner ships $250 million to San Francisco, demanding Barry Bonds in return. Don't be shocked if it happens. We can solve this with a *gasp* Salary Cap - but then Yankee fans will start screaming about how unfair it is and how if this happens, the apocalypse will surely follow......even though it works for the other sports already.


And please, PLEASE, don't say Steinbrenner is giving the city a winner. He is doing it for absolutely nobody else's benefit but himself.

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Guest Ghettoman

I'm trying to figure out whats the bigger assumption, the end of your post or this:


but then Yankee fans will start screaming about how unfair it is and how if this happens, the apocalypse will surely follow

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Always important to get that first run, especially with someone like Prior on the mound. Little disapointed they could only get one out of it, but everyone hit the ball hard, even if it was for an out (Ramirez and Simon).

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Guest Choken One

well they stranded two...oh well...Prior should be able to work with just one run.


I'd Mark if this is just a 0-1 game tonight.

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A few points to respond to carious points made on this thread, regarding the Yankees.


1. I hate the Yankees.


2. With that said, they compete in a free market system. There is NOTHING stopping the other 29 teams from doing the same thing the Yankees are doing? Want to spend alot of money? Try using your business sense to build more revenue streams, like the Yankees have done. They have an advantage because they play in New York? Well then what's wrong with the Mets?


3. The home grown player argument doesn't really work, as most teams would've lost those players to free agency by now.


4. EVERY dynasty has been built on a team's farm system. The Yankees stunk until they got a solid base of players from the minors. The Yankees will struggle to compete in the coming years as their players age.


5. The Yankees are good for baseball. They're like a monster heel in wrestling, who everyone wants to see defeated, and its all the more satisfying when they actually lose.

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Al's got a point in that the Yanks have become like these monster heels over the years and if the Cubs make it into the series, it'd be much like your good old fashion Monster Heel vs. Extreme Babyface.

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What kind of farm system does New York. supposedly have?


Also, I think if the Yankees win this year. They won't add alot of payroll, maybe even lower it slightly. They won't start making drastic changes until Joe Torre retires, or quits. Than Willie Randolph will be left with a gutted roster, and Steinbrenner can fire him.

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would you rather have a ego fuck that wants to win and give your city a winner or a ego fuck that wants to pocket his own profits and then blame the fans for not winning because they dont come to the games...when they charge 50% more then the value...

You act as if every other owner is Carl Pohlad. In the end, it's a business, and you have to run it as such. Pohlad is an extreme case, but you have to make the bottom line look good at some point, or people will start asking questions.


Here's a news flash...THE YANKEES TURN A PROFIT. Yes, they can afford to spend between $150 and $200 million on salaries, and still turn a pretty decent profit. Why? Because they take in more money from TV rights than the bottom ten teams combined. Their cable contract pays for their players, and the rest is just gravy. Name one other team that has the ability to do this. This is WRONG.


There needs to be real revenue sharing in baseball, and soon, or the current situation will just get worse.

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What kind of farm system does New York. supposedly have?


I'd rate it a C. They have a few decent prospects in the system, but they've traded many of them. The Yankees seem very hesitant to give any of their minor league starters a rotation slot, relying instead of veterans.

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