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Kurt Angle Mark

Eddie Guerrero get into a confrontation with a fan

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Wait, am I a pussy for pointing out what Eddy did was against the law? And thus deserves some sort of punishment. He shouldn't be put on a pedestal because he's a fucking pro wrestler. Or because he's a recovering alcoholic. I'm not saying he should have stricter punishment, I'm just pointing out the facts. You attack someone physically, you run the risk of facing assault charges. Throwing a drink in someone's face is provoking them, but provoking someone isn't against the law. You call someone a pussy, and then they kick your ass, they can't say "well, judge, he prokoked me by calling me names". Same for pouring a drink on someone ... it's NOT an excuse to physically assault someone.


And, Ripper, you ask about if someone pulls the clothes off a girl. That's against the law. I'm not enough of a law-buff to know the terminology, but I'm pretty sure it's sexual assault. So, it's not comparable to pouring a drink over someone's head. Furthermore, if that happened in real life, and the girl's friends or boyfriend beat the snot out of the guy, they'd STILL be potentially facing assault charges. Regardless of the fact that the guy deserved it.


If I'm a pussy for pointing out the, uhm what's the word, LAWS that this country has, so be it. Would I be tempted to do the same thing as Eddy did? Yes. And is there a chance that I would act on this temptation? Yes. But if I did act on them, I'd have to be willing to face the charges.

It's been awhile since I've been to a wrestling event, but do they still have the verbage on the back of the tickets that talks about not interfering with the wrestlers, blah blah whatever it said? Basically you lose your rights when you violate the terms that you agree to when you purchase the ticket. (also not a legal eagle, just know some basics)

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Wait, am I a pussy for pointing out what Eddy did was against the law?  And thus deserves some sort of punishment.  He shouldn't be put on a pedestal because he's a fucking pro wrestler.  Or because he's a recovering alcoholic.  I'm not saying he should have stricter punishment, I'm just pointing out the facts.  You attack someone physically, you run the risk of facing assault charges.  Throwing a drink in someone's face is provoking them, but provoking someone isn't against the law.  You call someone a pussy, and then they kick your ass, they can't say "well, judge, he prokoked me by calling me names".  Same for pouring a drink on someone ... it's NOT an excuse to physically assault someone. 


And, Ripper, you ask about if someone pulls the clothes off a girl.  That's against the law.  I'm not enough of a law-buff to know the terminology, but I'm pretty sure it's sexual assault.  So, it's not comparable to pouring a drink over someone's head.  Furthermore, if that happened in real life, and the girl's friends or boyfriend beat the snot out of the guy, they'd STILL be potentially facing assault charges.  Regardless of the fact that the guy deserved it.


If I'm a pussy for pointing out the, uhm what's the word, LAWS that this country has, so be it.  Would I be tempted to do the same thing as Eddy did?  Yes.  And is there a chance that I would act on this temptation?  Yes.  But if I did act on them, I'd have to be willing to face the charges.

It's been awhile since I've been to a wrestling event, but do they still have the verbage on the back of the tickets that talks about not interfering with the wrestlers, blah blah whatever it said? Basically you lose your rights when you violate the terms that you agree to when you purchase the ticket. (also not a legal eagle, just know some basics)

You lose your rights to attend the entertainment, be it a sport, or sports entertainment, or music, or whatever. Basically, you break the rules and they'll kick you out. You don't lose your rights not to get your ass kicked, even if you deserve it.

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Anything that is not against the law, you can do to policemen and they can't arrest you. Now go pour a beer over his head and see if he says "Well, thats not against the law...I can't do a thing." What if the guys pissed over the baracade on him. Would you still be calling for a fine. Him pouring a beer over his head is PHYSICAL provacation, and Eddie is within his rights to protect himself afterwards.


I will continue to say this, anyone that says that if they were just sitting at their job and someone poured a beer over your head, you would do the same thing.

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I will continue to say this, anyone that says that if they were just sitting at their job and someone poured a beer over your head, you would do the same thing.

And if any of us did, we'd most likely be suspended - if not fired. And potentially face charges. I'm not saying that I wouldn't have at least smacked the taste out of the guys mouth, I'm just saying that I'd be breaking the law once I did.

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There may not be a certain law against throwing something or spitting on someone, but there is a law they can hit you with.


Disorderly Conduct.

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Guest Coffey

Taking your cock out and pissin on some dude would require you to expose yourself, which is illegal.

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Now, I'm not saying suspend Eddy, or de-push him. But a fine? Yes. Some form of community service? Yes. But to say that he was right for doing what he did is a joke.

That would be an acceptable punishment since Eddy's rich and his matches usually are a community service. I also think that if that drunk moron filed a lawsuit, then Eddy should countersue the guy for pain and suffering because of the alcohol.

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Guest Stunt Granny

The guy who poured it was an idiot, yes. But Eddie should have kept his temper in check. Leaving a match in front of thousands of people to go beat up a fan who pissed you off is very, very unprofessional IMO.

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nl5xsk1, I'm beginning to think you were the guy that poured the beer on Eddy that night. Your posts just continue to be reasons on why the guy shouldn't have gotten punched. He did something outrageously asshole-ish by pouring beer into a recovering alcoholic's mouth, then probably laughed about it with his friends. He then got a few shots laid out on him, which he deserved. I could understand if Eddy took a knife and stabbed him a few times - yes, that's pushing the limit, of course. But he got a beer thrown in his face while he was trying to entertain and if the guy had to get roughed up to learn a lesson, so be it. What Eddie did is perfectly understandable and normal - and hell, he should be applauded for it. I would be saying the same thing right now even if it was Fuck Goldberg or Triple H(well, maybe not him) if they got the same treatment. The lesson here is real simple, folks. Tell the guy to keep his beer in the god damn cup, and he won't get the taste slapped out of his mouth. Seems like a simple rule to me.

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Guest wildpegasus
If I'm a pussy for pointing out the, uhm what's the word, LAWS that this country has, so be it. Would I be tempted to do the same thing as Eddy did? Yes. And is there a chance that I would act on this temptation? Yes. But if I did act on them, I'd have to be willing to face the charges.

We have to remember that this happened in Canada and not the United States. The laws may be different here. I don't know if they are but it's something to keep in mind.


One other thing we have to remember is that if Eddie doesn't do anything to protect himself he himself is setting a dangerous example by showing that anyone can abuse the wrestlers and get away with it. If everyone sees that this nonsense isn't going to be put up with than hopefully the next person who wants to assault a wrestler will think twice about it.

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nl5xsk1, I'm beginning to think you were the guy that poured the beer on Eddy that night. Your posts just continue to be reasons on why the guy shouldn't have gotten punched. He did something outrageously asshole-ish by pouring beer into a recovering alcoholic's mouth, then probably laughed about it with his friends. He then got a few shots laid out on him, which he deserved. I could understand if Eddy took a knife and stabbed him a few times - yes, that's pushing the limit, of course. But he got a beer thrown in his face while he was trying to entertain and if the guy had to get roughed up to learn a lesson, so be it. What Eddie did is perfectly understandable and normal - and hell, he should be applauded for it. I would be saying the same thing right now even if it was Fuck Goldberg or Triple H(well, maybe not him) if they got the same treatment. The lesson here is real simple, folks. Tell the guy to keep his beer in the god damn cup, and he won't get the taste slapped out of his mouth. Seems like a simple rule to me.

Nope, it wasn't me that threw the beer. With the cost of buying a beer at a sporting event, it's not cost effective to throw one. I'm just trying to point out a fact that most other people were ignoring ... It's against the law to assault someone, especially for something like pouring a beer over their head.


Someone being an asshole ISN'T a reason to assault them. If that was the case, there'd be assaults everywhere, everyday. Some highschool kid cut me off on my way to work this morning, and flipped me off when I blew my horn at him. Would I have been right to cut him off, pull him out of his car and beat the tar out of him? He WAS being an asshole. And I pray that you're kidding or exaggerating when you say that less than a stabbing would have been acceptable.


I will have to say that wildpegasus pointed out something that I don't think had been considered ... it might be different in the Great White North. Can anyone that's from Canada confirm/deny if the laws are different?

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Screw what is right and what is wrong. Sometimes a motherfucker just needs the shit kicked out of them.

My, my...somebody got bullied at school, didn't they? It's a shame that not everybody has the enlightened outlook on life that you do, my friend. Funny thing is, our beer-pouring fuckwit in the audience probably had a very similar thought process in his head: "I think this guy should have beer poured on him, fuck the consequences!"


Anything that is not against the law, you can do to policemen and they can't arrest you. Now go pour a beer over his head and see if he says "Well, thats not against the law...I can't do a thing."
Any policeman worth his salt will haul you in for disturbance of the peace or something, what he won't do is start flailing punches at you.


I couldn't agree more that the guy was clearly a total cockmuncher, and I probably would have had a pop at him myself had I been in Eddie's shoes. But like nl5xsk1 said, an action being morally justifiable does not make it legal, or correct. Eddie was out there in front of a crowd and should have sucked it up and carried on with his job.

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Screw what is right and what is wrong. Sometimes a motherfucker just needs the shit kicked out of them.

My, my...somebody got bullied at school, didn't they? It's a shame that not everybody has the enlightened outlook on life that you do, my friend. Funny thing is, our beer-pouring fuckwit in the audience probably had a very similar thought process in his head: "I think this guy should have beer poured on him, fuck the consequences!"


I was far from bullied in school. I said the guy deserved to get his ass kicked. How am I just like him, genius?


I couldn't agree more that the guy was clearly a total cockmuncher, and I probably would have had a pop at him myself had I been in Eddie's shoes. But like nl5xsk1 said, an action being morally justifiable does not make it legal, or correct. Eddie was out there in front of a crowd and should have sucked it up and carried on with his job.


I love how you say you would have "popped" him (who talks like that anyway?) but Eddie should have sucked it up. Plus, the crowd didn;t seem to upset by the incident since they were chanting Eddie's name afterwards.

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This was a slap in the face to recovering Eddie and the FANS should have beat this guy down, not Eddie.


This guy is a prick and Eddie should have had every right to beat him down. I don't know if he does but the guy needed it.


And how much you want to bet the guy was drunk anyway?

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I said the guy deserved to get his ass kicked.

No, you said: "Screw what is right and what is wrong. Sometimes a motherfucker just needs the shit kicked out of them." (and who talks like that, anyway?) - I was equating this statement with the mentality of the (presumably) drunken idiot, who probably thought something along the lines of "Screw what everybody else thinks, sometimes a motherfucker just needs beer poured on their head."


I said I would probably lash out at someone who poured beer over me because I'm not infallible and I would likely lose my temper if that happened. And I would feel morally justified, too. But (and this is the clincher) if I was doing my job at the time - and being paid a pretty packet to do it, let's not forget - I'd feel pretty lucky not to be fired that night. If you do a job that involves interaction with the general public, be it shop worker, bouncer, pro wrestler, whatever...you have to expect that a proportion of those people are going to be assholes. It's a shame, but that's life. I don't blame Eddie for one minute for doing what he did, but that doesn't mean he shouldn't be punished for it.

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See, here is the running bullshit from the asshole defenders. POURING A BEER OVER SOMEONES HEAD IS PHYSICALLY ASSAULTING THEM. Physical provacation is a reason to defend ones self and thats the bottom line.


Someone flipping you off is not the same as someone PHYSCIALLY PROVOKING YOU.


You are governed under certain rules when you attend a private event. If you violate these rules, the ruling party has the rights to remove you from the premises. Eddie, being a employee has every right to be the one to do it.


I don't know the laws here, but in no way shape or form did Eddie break a law if this happened in the US so you can toss that out the window.


Plus like another poster said, the precedent that fans could get away with physically assaulting wrestlers makes a dangerous work environment for the rest of the wrestlers.


And yes, if you go up and start pouring liquids on a cops head while laughing, that will be seen as a act of aggression towards a officer and he will beat the ever loving piss out of you until you get your hands behind your back. Go ahead...try it.

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Well I'm glad you're so well informed as to know exactly where the line is drawn as to what is and isn't physically provoking someone. And I'm intrigued by your use of the terms "defend oneself" and being "removed from the premises". The guy had started to run away, how exactly was Eddie still defending himself when he pelted after him and repeatedly punched him? And don't tell me that is any sort of definition of removing someone from the premises.


By your logic, Eddie was being physically assaulted and therefore well within his rights to physically assault the guy back? So...it would have been OK if the guy had pulled a knife and stabbed Eddie in return, yes?


Oh, and if some copper beat the shit out of me just because I'd poured a beer on him, I would get a good lawyer and CLEAN UP, believe you me.

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