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Guest thrall585

I'm wondering how exactly "the legend lives on"? By getting the crap kicked out of you by Mark Henry?

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Man oh man, they just can't stop with the religious connotations and HBK can they? Though, this is a small step... last I checked his "crucifix pendant" was the biggest affront to his religion that he could purpetrate.




Isn't it some sort of sin for those christian's if they defile the cross?

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Wait till Sweet Chin music becomes Sweet Hymn Music

Or his top rope elbow becomes the Wrath of God


Why don't they just give him Dvon's Smackdown music and get it over with?

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Guest nikowwf

why is the shirt sacrilegious? it looks to me like a fish with the words HBK in it?



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Guest nikowwf

hmm...explain Jesus fish please.


(Sorry, im not doubting you, just not catching the reference)


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Guest Ram

The Greek letters of 'P' over the letter 'X' means 'Christ'. It resembles a fish, so the symbol of Ichthys is just a representation of Christ. It's often associated with the time Jesus made enough bread and fish for thousands when there were only a few.


There's also a version of the Ichthys with 'DARWIN' written inside. So it's not really an important symbol. Just one usually associated with Christianity. ;)

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What is Nash then?


The Holy Ghost.

This needs a shot of that Starrcade 98 video package where you can see Nash's head in the clouds.

Isn't that his natural state?

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That's it.


Basically if you don feel like clicking on the link. The Greek Word Ichthus means fish, but it's also an acronym for "Jesus Christ, God's Son, Savior."


Basically between this and putting HBK's name on the cross it looks like HBK is trying to say he's Jesus.

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Here's the heavenly clouds of Nash that I was talking about earlier:




For whatever reason right after the Eddy/Kidman match, they just put up this slowmoving video of Nash's head in the sky, like he just died. *sniff*


By the way, I still don't think this shirt is as bad as FSKULLCK FEAR.

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Guest RollingSambos

Who cares? There is no God and organized religions are a JOKE for the weak-minded.


HBK is more of a god than Jesus Christ. :) I mean, he gave us Mind Games.

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Guest RollingSambos

Jesus may have turned water into wine, but Shawn carried Kevin Nash to *****. I'd like to see Jesus pull that off. Besides, if you want to get all religious on us, there is a forum for it.


This Christianity garbage is just like taking a really loud shit in a crowded public restroom...nobody wants to hear that. It's 2003.


This forum is about wrestling, not, "Ohh, there's a religious symbol on an WWE T-shirt, I have no life so I'm gonna be offended and whiiine about it!"


Fuckin' mental cases.

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Guest RollingSambos

I dunno, but I'm gonna go watch Shawn Michaels when he did DX crotch chops and burn a Bible while I'm at it.

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This needs a shot of that Starrcade 98 video package where you can see Nash's head in the clouds.




Edit: Shit, beat me to it!

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Guest hosserific

i think the boston archdiocese should counter-sue the wwe after allegations that priest molested mark henry

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Guest RollingSambos

The Boss appears to be cast in a heavenly light in that signature...bah God, as a Christian (a.k.a. Asshole) I'm offended. Damn you, Springsteen, damn you to the fiery lakes of Hell!!!

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