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Rush Limbaugh quits ESPN

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Guest Just J

Rush did add a pretty good edge to the show. And those comments weren't bad at all. He was right in what he said. People are just stupid about stuf like this.

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Rush did add a pretty good edge to the show. And those comments weren't bad at all. He was right in what he said. People are just stupid about stuf like this.

Still waiting for someone to say HOW he was POSSIBLY right.



Did Kurt Warner get press because he was white? Rich Gannon from last year...it had to be him being white. Or Bret Farve from the packers don't suck days. Must have been his whiteness. Tom Brady? ANY TEAM THAT WINS GETS THEIR QB FOCUSED ON.


Is it not the norm for a successful team to have thier quarterback focused on unless they have a ungodly great defense(or a ungodly great running back like Ricky Williams or Priest Holmes)?

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I think he was reffering to African-American QB's in general.

Yeah, he was. But the point is that they aren't pushed anymore than anyone else. Name one black QB who was being pushed to the moon when his team was losing. It doesn't happen.


THe only thing they would say about Dante last year was how many INT's he was throwing and how he might need to go to the bench. Haven't heard a positive Kordell statement in 3-4 years. Donavan has been catching shit this year when the Eagles started off slow. Jeff Blake isn't getting love in Zona, neither is Brooks in NO.

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Its funny because McNabb led his team to NFC Championship game two year in a row. Black and White QB's get praised when their team is winning and get criticize if their teams losing, Like FOX blasted Gannon last week for his tirade on Monday night Football. I think Rush is spouting off at mouth as usual because if the NFL wanted blacks really successed every team would be starting a black QB no matter how bad he is, I don't hear or see features on Tony Banks, Akili Smith, Jeff Blake, and Kordell Stewart these days. Unless their teams are winning.

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I don't think that ALL black quarterbacks get the media blowjob, but I do think that the ones mentioned in this thread have.


McNair = one SB appearance, zero wins, yet portrayed as superhuman by the ESPN crew.

McNabb = zero SB apperances, got to the NFC title games as much b/c of D and the Duce as himself.

Culpepper = zero SB appearances, too lazy to check back how many NFC title games he's appeared in. I think it was proven that Moss and company have as much to do with their success as he does. It's not like the team suffered w/o him on Sunday.

Vick = too early to list, but still zero SB appearances.


Ripper, of the 4 QB's that you mentioned, three have won Super Bowls, two have gotten there and lost, and Gannon got there once. So, the weakest rep from your list has done as much as the strongest from the other. And neither Brady nor Gannon have gotten the media blowjob that McNair, McNabb, Culpepper and Vick have gotten.

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Guest Just J
I think he was reffering to African-American QB's in general.

Yeah, he was. But the point is that they aren't pushed anymore than anyone else. Name one black QB who was being pushed to the moon when his team was losing. It doesn't happen.


THe only thing they would say about Dante last year was how many INT's he was throwing and how he might need to go to the bench. Haven't heard a positive Kordell statement in 3-4 years. Donavan has been catching shit this year when the Eagles started off slow. Jeff Blake isn't getting love in Zona, neither is Brooks in NO.

Mike Vick.


He isn't even playing and the media can't talk about the Falcons without talking about him.

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Don't give me Mike Vick. If Mike Vick was white and did the things he did last year, he would get the praise. People aren't fawning all over him, because he is black. When you are the most exciting player in the league, you usually get some pub.

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Well, In Vick's case thats because no one has seen a player of his stature or ability. White QB's get the same amount attention when doing well as a black QB. Kurt Warner won the Superbowl it was considered the "Heartwarming story of the year" the made or in talks of making a tv movie based on his story. Tom Brady led his team to the superbowl it was"He was a backup that came in relief to led the Pats to the SB." Jake Plummer aka "the next Montana" was getting alot of praise when he first came into the league and his Zona teams didn't go nowhere. No matter if your a Black or White QB that is on a winning team or a exciting player they'll get attention.

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"McNair = one SB appearance, zero wins, yet portrayed as superhuman by the ESPN crew."


I don't take McNair's history into account because until two years ago he wasn't great. But he has become a great QB/leader. What did he have, like a 94% completion rate last week.


"McNabb = zero SB apperances, got to the NFC title games as much b/c of D and the Duce as himself."


True, but as already stated, when a team gets to two straight conference championships without a legendary D or some other story, it is going to be viewed as the QB leading a team to the game.


"Culpepper = zero SB appearances, too lazy to check back how many NFC title games he's appeared in. I think it was proven that Moss and company have as much to do with their success as he does. It's not like the team suffered w/o him on Sunday."


I don't think anyone has handed him a great QB label or really given him a blowjob. People acknowledge he can make plays, but hasn't been the greatest passer.

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Guest Just J
Don't give me Mike Vick. If Mike Vick was white and did the things he did last year, he would get the praise. People aren't fawning all over him, because he is black. When you are the most exciting player in the league, you usually get some pub.

The thing is that every African-American QB to come to the league is hyped to be a great QB. But Vick is the only one that merits that title. Ripper wanted me to name one and I did. But yes, Vick does deserve the hype.

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Im about to turn the Tables on this:


Peyton Manning: Gets alot media hype as the next great QB, has many INT's as TD's and his teams only get to the playoffs hasn't won a first round game yet.



Drew Bledsoe- Gets alot of hype as well, have gotten to the Superbowl once and was hurt the year that they did won a superbowl when Brady took over.



Jake Plummer: Was billed as the Next Montana, has alot of comeback victories. Led his team to one playoff appearance while in Zona, and rest of those years on bad teams.

Edited by ant_7000

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Don't give me Mike Vick.  If Mike Vick was white and did the things he did last year, he would get the praise.  People aren't fawning all over him, because he is black.  When you are the most exciting player in the league, you usually get some pub.

The thing is that every African-American QB to come to the league is hyped to be a great QB. But Vick is the only one that merits that title. Ripper wanted me to name one and I did. But yes, Vick does deserve the hype.

But he was hyped because he could run a 4.3 40 and and throw the ball with some real velocity. And they talked about Vick, he wasn't really hyped his first year when he was playing behind Chandler.


Kurt Warner was hyped to death by week 3 of his year before he won the superbowl. Brady was hyped as soon as he took over the Pats. Jake Plummer gets love despite sucking all to holy hell for years now.


Steve Mcnair led the Titans to what, a 11-1 record to close out last year? If he wasn't black are you saying that they would have ignored that? McNabb, 2 Title games in a row. Are you honestly saying that the reason that there are stories on him is because he is black and not because his team is WINNING.


Once again. NAME ONE BLACK QB THAT GETS HYPED THAT TEAM ISN"T WINNING GAMES. You would get just as far as you would naming white QB's that get hyped when their team isn't winning.


ANd while you are at it, name a white QB that doesn't get media attention when his team is winning. If you are trying to claim that there is some media bias towards black QB's and getting them press, you have to show that whites aren't getting the same. It simply is not true.

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Guest MikeSC
Funny how the only people who have Freedom of Speech are Blacks.


If Rush was a black man saying that the media favors White QB's doing well then it would get brushed off like bad dandruff.


But when some white guy says something about blakc it's national news.


Rush is 100% right on what he said too...and I don't agree with much shit he says.



I remember when Isaiah Thomas said the same thing about Larry Bird and no one raised a eyebrow at all...









Instead of throwing out that "Blah blah blacks can say anything" you want to cite a example of it. What Rush said was stupid and full of shit, and he would have eventually gotten canned for it.


I guess no one praise Rich Gannon last year for his QB performances? No one said a word about Kurt Warner when the Rams were on top? Ramsey isn't being praised for the good job he is doing now at all is he.


On every team that doesn't have a monster Defense like the Bucs or the Ravens from a few years back, the QB is the one praised in victory and critisized in defeat. McNabb just so happens to have the highest yards per rush average in NFL history, happens to have been the starting QB on a VERY successful team for the past few seasons... Wow...the only reason he possibly would get press is because he is black. Bullshit.

Rush was RIGHT about McNabb. That's the sad thing here.


The Eagles D WON those games, not him.


God knows they didn't exactly fall apart when he was hurt.


Nor when his BACKUP got hurt.


If it was THAT offensive, why didn't Irvin or Jackson mention it, since I doubt Irvin liked him anyway? I thought we might have gotten to the point where a black QB can be criticized as being horribly overrated (as Warner also looks like he was very overrated -- God knows Bulger plays better).


...I've heard sportscasters bitching that nobody will take a stand like Cosell used to. Rush just showed you why they won't.

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Guest MikeSC
Rush did add a pretty good edge to the show.  And those comments weren't bad at all.  He was right in what he said.  People are just stupid about stuf like this.

Still waiting for someone to say HOW he was POSSIBLY right.



Did Kurt Warner get press because he was white? Rich Gannon from last year...it had to be him being white. Or Bret Farve from the packers don't suck days. Must have been his whiteness. Tom Brady? ANY TEAM THAT WINS GETS THEIR QB FOCUSED ON.


Is it not the norm for a successful team to have thier quarterback focused on unless they have a ungodly great defense(or a ungodly great running back like Ricky Williams or Priest Holmes)?

Don't remember them being called great or listed as great (though Warner had stats that WERE incredible at the time).


And if somebody said that they were overrated --- as McNabb clearly is --- then I would hardly criticize.


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If he wanted to call McNabb overrated, say so. But to say he is overrated because he is black is the ignorant part of the statement. Mcnabb is a QB that puts up good numbers on a team that has gone to the Championship game 2 years running. What QB wouldn't get the praise. Black, white, it doesn't matter, that is the nature of the game and you are completely ignoring the obvious history of it if you say other wise and say that race is a factor in it.

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Guest MikeSC
If he wanted to call McNabb overrated, say so. But to say he is overrated because he is black is the ignorant part of the statement. Mcnabb is a QB that puts up good numbers on a team that has gone to the Championship game 2 years running. What QB wouldn't get the praise. Black, white, it doesn't matter, that is the nature of the game and you are completely ignoring the obvious history of it if you say other wise and say that race is a factor in it.

Everyone called Dilfer and Brady good stories.


I've not heard ANYBODY calling them "great" QB's.


McNabb is a good QB. Not great. But he doesn't deserve the fellatio the media gives him.


Again, how great can a QB be if the team doesn't miss a beat when he goes down, as Donovan did last season?


And it's not like Syracuse was world-beaters with him as their starter.


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If he wanted to call McNabb overrated, say so.  But to say he is overrated because he is black is the ignorant part of the statement.  Mcnabb is a QB that puts up good numbers on a team that has gone to the Championship game 2 years running.  What QB wouldn't get the praise.  Black, white, it doesn't matter, that is the nature of the game and you are completely ignoring the obvious history of it if you say other wise and say that race is a factor in it.

Everyone called Dilfer and Brady good stories.


I've not heard ANYBODY calling them "great" QB's.


McNabb is a good QB. Not great. But he doesn't deserve the fellatio the media gives him.


Again, how great can a QB be if the team doesn't miss a beat when he goes down, as Donovan did last season?


And it's not like Syracuse was world-beaters with him as their starter.


Are you purposely missing the point. I am not calling into question wheter or not McNabb is overrated. That isn't the issue that Rush is being taken to task over. He stated that Donavan is overrated BECAUSE he is a black QB, completely igoring the fact that there are numerous reasons that he would be overrated including his numbers and his teams success.

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Guest MikeSC
If he wanted to call McNabb overrated, say so.  But to say he is overrated because he is black is the ignorant part of the statement.  Mcnabb is a QB that puts up good numbers on a team that has gone to the Championship game 2 years running.  What QB wouldn't get the praise.  Black, white, it doesn't matter, that is the nature of the game and you are completely ignoring the obvious history of it if you say other wise and say that race is a factor in it.

Everyone called Dilfer and Brady good stories.


I've not heard ANYBODY calling them "great" QB's.


McNabb is a good QB. Not great. But he doesn't deserve the fellatio the media gives him.


Again, how great can a QB be if the team doesn't miss a beat when he goes down, as Donovan did last season?


And it's not like Syracuse was world-beaters with him as their starter.


Are you purposely missing the point. I am not calling into question wheter or not McNabb is overrated. That isn't the issue that Rush is being taken to task over. He stated that Donavan is overrated BECAUSE he is a black QB, completely igoring the fact that there are numerous reasons that he would be overrated including his numbers and his teams success.

Brady never got the praise as a "great QB" that McNabb got.


Dilfer never did, either.


I don't doubt that his skin color might well have played some role in the praise he got. It wasn't the sole reason, but let's not pretend that it didn't have any impact.


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"I thought we might have gotten to the point where a black QB can be criticized as being horribly overrated"


And we have reached that point.


Look at it this way. Put two announcers together.


Announcer A: "I think McNabb is showing that he was overrated the last couple of years and didn't contribute as much to that team as we all though."


OK, someone might not agree, but that is a valid opinion.


Announcer B: "McNabb is overrated and the reason he was given the praise is because he is black."


You don't see the difference between those two statements?

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If he wanted to call McNabb overrated, say so.  But to say he is overrated because he is black is the ignorant part of the statement.  Mcnabb is a QB that puts up good numbers on a team that has gone to the Championship game 2 years running.  What QB wouldn't get the praise.  Black, white, it doesn't matter, that is the nature of the game and you are completely ignoring the obvious history of it if you say other wise and say that race is a factor in it.

Everyone called Dilfer and Brady good stories.


I've not heard ANYBODY calling them "great" QB's.


McNabb is a good QB. Not great. But he doesn't deserve the fellatio the media gives him.


Again, how great can a QB be if the team doesn't miss a beat when he goes down, as Donovan did last season?


And it's not like Syracuse was world-beaters with him as their starter.


Are you purposely missing the point. I am not calling into question wheter or not McNabb is overrated. That isn't the issue that Rush is being taken to task over. He stated that Donavan is overrated BECAUSE he is a black QB, completely igoring the fact that there are numerous reasons that he would be overrated including his numbers and his teams success.

Brady never got the praise as a "great QB" that McNabb got.


Dilfer never did, either.


I don't doubt that his skin color might well have played some role in the praise he got. It wasn't the sole reason, but let's not pretend that it didn't have any impact.


And I am saying that it didn't have ANY impact. Can you honestly say you believe that if a QB without a monster defense put up the numbers that Donavan has, and the team has the success that the Eagles have had they wouldn't be praised and, in your opinion, overrated just as much if he was white. Peyton Manning hasn't done the shit that Donavan has, and it took about 3 years of first round collpases before people stopped praising him. Yet I don't see anyone claiming it was because he is white.


Donavan is a very good quarterback on a team that has traditionally done very good. THAT is why he gets the press he gets. Winning QB's get press, losing ones don't...or if they do it is negative and that goes for every single QB in the league, black or white.

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Actually, I think McNabb is a better QB than Dilfer and Brady. The Eagles D did contribute to their success but McNabb should get some credit as well, I mean he did throw 4 TD's in one gam despite playing with a broken leg last year. Rush should have said McNabb was overrated, and leave it at that. I haven't heard McNabb was considered a great QB neither. I always hear he's a good QB.

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McNabb: Highly hyped Eagles #1 pick. Loads of talent.


Brady: No hype 6th round pick. No hype because marginal talent.




Which is the great story and which is "holy shit, we knew that guy was gonna be awesome!!"


McNabb has carried the Philly offense on his back for years now, even IF they had a great defense. You can't win with one facet of the ball clicking and the other floundering, Baltimore Ravens aside (and they still had Jam Lewis).


The race issue is asinine, case-in-point Kordell Stewart.

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I looked up McNabb's stats he has 77 career QB Rating which isn't bad at all.


99 Phi: G 12, QB Rating 60.1, comp pct 49.1, pass yards 948, TD's 8, and Ints 7.


00 Phi: G 16, QB Rating 77.8, Comp pct 58, pass yards 3365, TD's 21, and ints 13


01 Phi: G 16, QB Rating 84.3 Comp pct 57.8, Pass yards 3233, 25 TD's, and 12 ints


02 Phi: G 10, Qb Rating 86.0, Comp pct 58.4, Pass yards 2289, TD's 17, and int's 6


03 Phi: G 3, QB Rating 51.1, comp pct 49.5, pass yards 506, TD's 0 and Int's 3


Yea, I guess McNabb doesn't deserve any press because the way he put up numbers in the past 3 seasons are awful and carrying his team to the NFC Championship game 2 twice in a row doesn't mean nothing neither. :lol:

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Guest El Satanico

McNabb is a good player, and just because the team didn't lose a step with the backup and third string QB starting doesn't make McNabb less of a player.


It just means the team was a well oiled machine that had good coaching and backup QBs that knew the system well.

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