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Rush Limbaugh quits ESPN

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Guest MikeSC
You guys are right about the media giving a blowjob for anyone who is black. That's the only reason that they're praised. In fact, the worst case of all is this guy who has the biggest mouth, talks a lot of shit, and can NOT back it up on the field. He's extremely offensive, and simply put he's an ass. He was called the prototypical football player BEFORE HE PLAYED A FUCKING DOWN! He can't perform when it counts, has other guys whom are better than him at the position yet get no praise simply due to the fact that they're of different skin colour, or simply because they're not as LOUD~! as he is.


Yeah, I would say that JEREMY SHOCKEY only gets all this hype due to his skin colour, and that if TONY MOTHERFUCKING GONZALEZ was white that he would be the fucking man at tight end. I mean really.


In terms of Shockey, 100% correct. He has the benefit of playing in NY (and God knows nobody can overrate like New Yorkers) and being an "attractive" white guy (as opposed to, say, John Rocker). He has gotten infinitely more press than he deserves --- and him being a white guy, honestly, has a lot to do with it. The NY press (most of the country really doesn't think he's THAT good) fellated the man, and his skin color had something to do with it.


Gonzales is hurt more by KC being a small market than anything. Stick him in NY and you'd see a star along the lines of Jeter. If I wanted an NFL player to market my crap, he'd be one of the FIRST guys I'd take.


Of course, those quarterbacks only get that airtime because they're black. It has nothing to do with the fact that they're exciting, and that at the times of their media hoopla they had the most potential surrounding their future. I mean really, a quarterback is bigger than the opposing linebacker and can hang with a few running backs and BEAT most tight ends in a foot race, and you think Daunte gets the praise because he's black?


Nigga please.


Rush didn't say he got attention because he was black. He said he got SO MUCH PRAISE because the media and the NFL desperately wanted a black QB to succeed.


And Donovan got WAY more praise than he deserved.


Just in terms of black QB's, I'd put Jeff Blake (who always plays well, just for usually really bad teams) on his level and keep both solidly behind McNair.


Culpepper is just too iffy for me.


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I remember a few years ago Jason Sehorn was the only starting white cornerback in the league. Now that he sucks, there's no one else left. That's just insubstantial information though. I'm sure that stat will change in like a few years, although I don't what could attribute to such a thing. I mean, John Lynch and Adam Archuleta are two of the best safeties in the league...

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I'll make a statement equal to Rush's that is, IMO, accurate.


Jeremy Shockey wouldn't be a story if he wasn't any of the following:


1. A white Tight End

2. Playing in the biggest market in the league

3. Could keep his mouth shut.



None of those have anything to do with playing ability...but they are the reasons he's a story.


Does the league pull for McNabb because he's a black QB?


The answer: Not since Mike Vick came around.

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You guys are right about the media giving a blowjob for anyone who is black. That's the only reason that they're praised. In fact, the worst case of all is this guy who has the biggest mouth, talks a lot of shit, and can NOT back it up on the field. He's extremely offensive, and simply put he's an ass. He was called the prototypical football player BEFORE HE PLAYED A FUCKING DOWN! He can't perform when it counts, has other guys whom are better than him at the position yet get no praise simply due to the fact that they're of different skin colour, or simply because they're not as LOUD~! as he is.


Yeah, I would say that JEREMY SHOCKEY only gets all this hype due to his skin colour, and that if TONY MOTHERFUCKING GONZALEZ was white that he would be the fucking man at tight end. I mean really.


In terms of Shockey, 100% correct. He has the benefit of playing in NY (and God knows nobody can overrate like New Yorkers) and being an "attractive" white guy (as opposed to, say, John Rocker). He has gotten infinitely more press than he deserves --- and him being a white guy, honestly, has a lot to do with it. The NY press (most of the country really doesn't think he's THAT good) fellated the man, and his skin color had something to do with it.


Gonzales is hurt more by KC being a small market than anything. Stick him in NY and you'd see a star along the lines of Jeter. If I wanted an NFL player to market my crap, he'd be one of the FIRST guys I'd take.


Of course, those quarterbacks only get that airtime because they're black. It has nothing to do with the fact that they're exciting, and that at the times of their media hoopla they had the most potential surrounding their future. I mean really, a quarterback is bigger than the opposing linebacker and can hang with a few running backs and BEAT most tight ends in a foot race, and you think Daunte gets the praise because he's black?


Nigga please.


Rush didn't say he got attention because he was black. He said he got SO MUCH PRAISE because the media and the NFL desperately wanted a black QB to succeed.


And Donovan got WAY more praise than he deserved.


Just in terms of black QB's, I'd put Jeff Blake (who always plays well, just for usually really bad teams) on his level and keep both solidly behind McNair.


Culpepper is just too iffy for me.


I don't know about that. Minnesota is a small market and Cris Carter got plenty of attention (I don't use Moss because he gets attention for shit he does OFF the field for as much as he does on it). All the great Bills players of the early nineties. The Triplets in Indy. I have no clue why Tony gets so little attention, and it's not just from the fans and popular media but also from football critics. Everyone mentions Priest and Trent in KC, but no Tony. He deserves respect, but doesn't get much attention because he's quiet. In my opinion anyway. I still like his commercial with NFL/United Way. "Tony has good hands...on the field."


If any other quarterback took a team from 3-13 to two NFC Championship games, with NO big stars on their offense other than the quarterback, and NO constant starters, they would get praise regardless of race. The fact that he's black is hardly an issue. Jeff Blake put up some good numbers but let's face the facts, he's too streaky and dependant on the rest of his team. Donovan also outmatches him as far as intangibles go. Oh yeah, if you want to make sure that race isn't an issue, can you please not obviously use a BLACK quarterback to compare him to? Compare to anyone in general, just follow your own criteria. The way you grade them it's like you have a seperate list for black quarterbacks. It raises questions. Regardless, Blake is far behind Mcnabb, and his time is done. He doesn't have much left in him. Mcnair is ahead of Mcnabb, but Mcnabb's time hasn't come yet. Mcnair has had the same system and workhorse running back (until recently) for like eight years, he's had it easier than any other quarterback in the league.


Regardless of his ability on the field, when you can run like a running back and are built like a linebacker, along with the ability to throw the ball fifty yards, you will be hyped. It would be the same for Drew or Peyton if they could do it too. Admittedly, Culpepper makes some REALLY bad decisions sometimes, and is all raw talent. If the core of the Vikings stays intact and their defense proves to be in it for the long term, within the next five years they should win a Super Bowl. Hell, they're early contenders this year.

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But they're safeties -- all they do is wait for a receiver to unexpectedly run into their zone and BAM.


Cornerbacks have a much tougher time, and I think on defense there’s no more difficult a position...

Actually, safeties are generally the captains of the secondary, as they command the DB's. Obviously though, cornerback is generally harder to play as far as actual skill and physical ability is concerned, but it takes a leader with football smarts to be a safety.

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McNabb was also th best of a crop of QBs that ended up being busts.  Compared to Smith, Couch & McNown, McNabb is fantastic.

The amazing QB Class of '99.


Remember how much they booed Donovan? I bet it's still in the back of his mind...

Yeah. Class of 83 it aint.

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I hated the Eagles last year, most overrated team in the league at the beginning, until they started to impress me more towards the end of the year.


Rush is gone! Great now just get rid of the worthless Michael Irvin and put somebody competent in his place and I'll be happy.

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Guest MikeSC
McNabb was also th best of a crop of QBs that ended up being busts.  Compared to Smith, Couch & McNown, McNabb is fantastic.

The amazing QB Class of '99.


Remember how much they booed Donovan? I bet it's still in the back of his mind...

Remember Donovan and his agent claiming that the Eagles were racist during his initial contract discussions back in 1999, eventually backing off and all but admitting it was just a negotiating ploy?

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Guest MikeSC

I will go ahead and defend Rush now, because people apparently ignored what he said on the show up til this past Sunday.


3 weeks ago, he defended black head coaches. Peope forget about that.


He's also said that the media over-hyped Testaverde and Warner, so it's not like he's giving whites a free pass.


The NFL has a real problem now. Their asinine minority-hiring program has created a racial situation in the league that wasn't there previously. Blacks are going to be given interviews SOLELY to placate the rules (heck, the Lions should have been PRAISED for not putting on a dog-and-pony show).


And, for what it's worth, even salon.com defended Rush, saying statistically, McNabb isn't much better than Brad Johnson --- yet Brad doesn't quite have the same press, does he?


Any idea as to why?


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The NFL has a real problem now. Their asinine minority-hiring program has created a racial situation in the league that wasn't there previously. Blacks are going to be given interviews SOLELY to placate the rules (heck, the Lions should have been PRAISED for not putting on a dog-and-pony show).

Funny thing is I remember last season James Brown, that old Uncle Tom, said last year the same things Rush did regarding that stupid NFL policy of forcing each team to interview at least one token minority candidate.


(I heard that the Lions did try to line up some token minority candidates for their coaching vacancy but they all refused because Steve M. was going to get the job anyway...)

Edited by kkktookmybabyaway

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Guest JMA

You have to wonder if Rush would still have a job even if he HADN'T made the comments (seeing as how his alleged addiction was revealed so soon after).

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Well they gave Michael Irvin a job and he was a freaking crack head.

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I will go ahead and defend Rush now, because people apparently ignored what he said on the show up til this past Sunday.


3 weeks ago, he defended black head coaches. Peope forget about that.


He's also said that the media over-hyped Testaverde and Warner, so it's not like he's giving whites a free pass.


The NFL has a real problem now. Their asinine minority-hiring program has created a racial situation in the league that wasn't there previously. Blacks are going to be given interviews SOLELY to placate the rules (heck, the Lions should have been PRAISED for not putting on a dog-and-pony show).


And, for what it's worth, even salon.com defended Rush, saying statistically, McNabb isn't much better than Brad Johnson --- yet Brad doesn't quite have the same press, does he?


Any idea as to why?


Brad Johnson has a historically great defense that will be a thing that history will talk about. Mcnabb doesn't.



And once again, no body took RUsh to task about the minority coach hiring thing at all. No one would take him to task about calling Donavan overrated. That isn't even a issue.


But it is BULLSHIT to say that the press is giving him a free pass because they want to see a black QB succeed when there are over half a dozen cases in the league RIGHT NOW of black QBs that play like crap and are constantly called crap and there is a obvious precedent of ANY QB that would put up the numbers and results that McNabb has would be praised.

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You have to wonder if Rush would still have a job even if he HADN'T made the comments (seeing as how his alleged addiction was revealed so soon after).

Until I see some sort of bona fide proof that he actually IS a drug addict, then I'm just going to ignore it. I don't listen to Rush or claim to know about/agree with much of anything he's ever said, but anyone who takes a story that was revealed in the NATIONAL ENQUIRER at face value is a blithering moron.


That said, even if he is an addict or has been in the past is really irrelevant, and it has no bearing on his inability to discuss football. If I was ESPN/ABC management, I don't think I'd fire him for it, unless it is an ongoing problem and there were potentially serious legal consequences that could result.


And, for the record, I don't know if Rush is right about McNabb or not. Maybe he is, maybe he isn't. But the shitstorm this has created is ridiculous. ESPN knew what they were getting when they hired him; it isn't like he hasn't said something controversial before.


I would say that it's just the liberals looking to drag Rush down, but that wouldn't be fair because several of the liberal people I associate with think it's completely ridiculous as well. I think the only reason it's getting so much press is because he said it on a national TV show that people of all political leanings watch, as opposed to his radio show where his core audience is most likely those who are more likely to agree with him. Thus, he "offended" more people.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

I think the funny thing is that no one in the studio even agrued that exact point with him and that it took over 2 days for there to be any uproar over it.

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Guest MikeSC
You have to wonder if Rush would still have a job even if he HADN'T made the comments (seeing as how his alleged addiction was revealed so soon after).

I love that you just seem to accept what National Enquirer says as gospel.


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You have to wonder if Rush would still have a job even if he HADN'T made the comments (seeing as how his alleged addiction was revealed so soon after).

I love that you just seem to accept what National Enquirer says as gospel.


Actual media outlets are jumping on it too, though. Sad seeing as a fucking tabloid is the basis for it.

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Guest MikeSC
I will go ahead and defend Rush now, because people apparently ignored what he said on the show up til this past Sunday.


3 weeks ago, he defended black head coaches. Peope forget about that.


He's also said that the media over-hyped Testaverde and Warner, so it's not like he's giving whites a free pass.


The NFL has a real problem now. Their asinine minority-hiring program has created a racial situation in the league that wasn't there previously. Blacks are going to be given interviews SOLELY to placate the rules (heck, the Lions should have been PRAISED for not putting on a dog-and-pony show).


And, for what it's worth, even salon.com defended Rush, saying statistically, McNabb isn't much better than Brad Johnson --- yet Brad doesn't quite have the same press, does he?


Any idea as to why?


Brad Johnson has a historically great defense that will be a thing that history will talk about. Mcnabb doesn't.



And once again, no body took RUsh to task about the minority coach hiring thing at all. No one would take him to task about calling Donavan overrated. That isn't even a issue.


But it is BULLSHIT to say that the press is giving him a free pass because they want to see a black QB succeed when there are over half a dozen cases in the league RIGHT NOW of black QBs that play like crap and are constantly called crap and there is a obvious precedent of ANY QB that would put up the numbers and results that McNabb has would be praised.

The media cannot attempt to claim that somebody like Akili Smith is great --- so they don't try. There is only so far that they can go.


But the moment they find an above-average QB --- like Donovan --- and he has a defense that makes his teams win --- as it did in Philly --- they will all but root him on. They gave him considerably more praise than they did Johnson, and both QB's were easily replacable. The press wanted a white QB to win because a) they are laden with white guilt and b) Jesse Jackson et al have been raising hell about the "lack of black QB's" for years now (as it stands now, they are OVERREPRESENTED as a percentage of the population).


I will say, again, Brad Johnson does not get ANY NEAR as much praise, and his numbers are VERY comparable. Philly's "D" was as good as Tampa Bay's has been the past 2 years.


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Guest MikeSC
You have to wonder if Rush would still have a job even if he HADN'T made the comments (seeing as how his alleged addiction was revealed so soon after).

I love that you just seem to accept what National Enquirer says as gospel.


Actual media outlets are jumping on it too, though. Sad seeing as a fucking tabloid is the basis for it.

I will go ahead and ask---


Let's say that this is true.




Honestly, WHAT is the story here?


I don't buy the story (Enquirer doesn't work for me as a source), but IF IT'S TRUE --- what makes this a major story? Rush had serious ear problems that might have hurt like hell and, like Favre, he might have gotten addicted to pain killers. It's not exactly unheard of and it never seemed to affect his work.


At what point should one ask where does the media's pursuit of a story end and their desire to destroy a man begin?


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I will go ahead and defend Rush now, because people apparently ignored what he said on the show up til this past Sunday.


3 weeks ago, he defended black head coaches. Peope forget about that.


He's also said that the media over-hyped Testaverde and Warner, so it's not like he's giving whites a free pass.


The NFL has a real problem now. Their asinine minority-hiring program has created a racial situation in the league that wasn't there previously. Blacks are going to be given interviews SOLELY to placate the rules (heck, the Lions should have been PRAISED for not putting on a dog-and-pony show).


And, for what it's worth, even salon.com defended Rush, saying statistically, McNabb isn't much better than Brad Johnson --- yet Brad doesn't quite have the same press, does he?


Any idea as to why?


Brad Johnson has a historically great defense that will be a thing that history will talk about. Mcnabb doesn't.



And once again, no body took RUsh to task about the minority coach hiring thing at all. No one would take him to task about calling Donavan overrated. That isn't even a issue.


But it is BULLSHIT to say that the press is giving him a free pass because they want to see a black QB succeed when there are over half a dozen cases in the league RIGHT NOW of black QBs that play like crap and are constantly called crap and there is a obvious precedent of ANY QB that would put up the numbers and results that McNabb has would be praised.

The media cannot attempt to claim that somebody like Akili Smith is great --- so they don't try. There is only so far that they can go.


But the moment they find an above-average QB --- like Donovan --- and he has a defense that makes his teams win --- as it did in Philly --- they will all but root him on. They gave him considerably more praise than they did Johnson, and both QB's were easily replacable. The press wanted a white QB to win because a) they are laden with white guilt and b) Jesse Jackson et al have been raising hell about the "lack of black QB's" for years now (as it stands now, they are OVERREPRESENTED as a percentage of the population).


I will say, again, Brad Johnson does not get ANY NEAR as much praise, and his numbers are VERY comparable. Philly's "D" was as good as Tampa Bay's has been the past 2 years.


That is horseshit. Johnson gets less press because he A: Spent years wallowing in mediocrity B: Has a defense that gets more press than the rest of the league.


McNabb has better numbers than Elway and alot of those other "great" QB's their first 4 years, he has the all time highest per rush average, carries a offense with no big time performers besides him, and is on a successful team. And Peyton Manning was STILL getting more press than him before last year. And he has been getting cruxcified in the press this season for the rough start, just like any QB would have.


Are you honestly saying that if Donavan was white, he wouldn't get the press with the same numbers he has now?

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Brad Johnson has a historically great defense that will be a thing that history will talk about. Mcnabb doesn't.



And once again, no body took RUsh to task about the minority coach hiring thing at all. No one would take him to task about calling Donavan overrated. That isn't even a issue.



The media cannot attempt to claim that somebody like Akili Smith is great --- so they don't try. There is only so far that they can go.


But the moment they find an above-average QB --- like Donovan --- and he has a defense that makes his teams win --- as it did in Philly --- they will all but root him on. They gave him considerably more praise than they did Johnson, and both QB's were easily replacable. The press wanted a white QB to win because a) they are laden with white guilt and b) Jesse Jackson et al have been raising hell about the "lack of black QB's" for years now (as it stands now, they are OVERREPRESENTED as a percentage of the population).


I will say, again, Brad Johnson does not get ANY NEAR as much praise, and his numbers are VERY comparable. Philly's "D" was as good as Tampa Bay's has been the past 2 years.


Brad Johnson gets press coverage as much McNabb, But, Johnson's past teams haven't won neither, and he still got attention for his big numbers when he played for Minnesota and Washington. How can the media ignore Johnson when he threw 4000 yards in a season? When was Jesse Jackson complaining about the lack of black QB's?

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When was Jesse Jackson complaining about the lack of black QB's?

I remember him shooting off his mouth about this a long time ago. Then all of "those" quarterbacks came into the league and JJ has shifted focus from shaking down the NFL for kickbacks to his mistress, love child and "non-profit" organizations regarding black QBs to shaking down the NFL for kickbacks to his mistress, love child and "non-profit" organizations regarding black coaches/administrative workers.


Because that's what *Insert-name-of-oppressed-group* leaders do...

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^ I don't remember him making a statement about it. Sounds like someone's reaching, Like *insert insecure conservative Groups* do.

Edited by ant_7000

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I always thought of McNabb as a playmaker more than a standard QB. Sure his passing numbers aren't so legendary, but his ability to make plays more than compensates for that, no? I figure that's why he got the press.


As an aside, does anybody know what happened to Sterling Sharpe? I'd rather see him on the show than Irvin, who can't seem to string a coherent sentence together without waving his arms and getting into Steve Young's face. I don't think Tom Jackson likes him, either.

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Stolen from the Sports Guy on ESPN.com ...


"While arguing that Donovan McNabb was overrated -- a point also made in this column just last week -- Rush Limbaugh claimed that the media was pushing for a black QB to succeed, so they pumped up McNabb and made him seem better than he really was. This wasn't much different than Isiah Thomas claiming that Larry Bird would be "just another good player" if he were black, was it? Didn't think so. But everyone let Isiah off the hook, while Limbaugh has been barbecued for a solid week. Go figure. I'm not saying he didn't deserve it ... it's just interesting, that's all."

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Johnny Cochran was talking about this what last fall or in the spring. Pushing for extra draft picks for hiring black head coaches or something like that.

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^ Cochran was pushing for Black coaches to get a chance to be interviewed, NOT hired. Thats why Lions got fined because they didn't interview a black coach and that was because Steve Murrucci (sp?) was already a shoe in as coach.

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