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So...I Saw the Jeff Hardy ROH match.

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My...god. I've never, EVER seen a crowd react like that to someone. It was almost as if he went into the ring, burned a cross, dressed in full nazi regalia and lynched someone. The worst comes when he's leaving when there's like 20 people three inches from his face screaming "FUCK YOU".


Fucking harsh.

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Jeff didnt exactly give the crowd any reason to stop either, as he was messing up left and right, and even joining in on some of the chants. It was funny hearing Gabe try and make excuses for the reaction.

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The worst comes when he's leaving when there's like 20 people three inches from his face screaming "FUCK YOU".


Fucking harsh.


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Guest Joe

I watched the match today too...There were some blown spots in the match, but IMHO it was Krazy K that was messing them up, not Hardy...


I can understand the fans disliking Jeff, but damn they really tore into him...At least he looked like he was being a good sport about it, sort of playing to it (as if it were heel heat instead of hate heat)...

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Guest bort

yes i also saw the match, thank to the capper :huh: , hardy wasnt good but it was K who was messing everything up, joey matthews was in no place to save it ethier

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Yeah, TPWW just sent me the Hardy match...fucking harsh is pretty much it.


I love how he messes up at the beginning doing his stupid entrance running thing on the turnbuckle and the crowd gets ALL over him.


And the We Want Matt chant rocks.


Edit: Krazy K was horrible in that match, but I think a lot of it had to do with Hardy's reaction.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

I am not big on any of the three in that match, but I wasn't expecting it to even be as bad as it was.....

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Guest Dynamite Kido
I wonder if they'll be chanting that to Red, Special K, and all the other daredevils when they can hardly move in 5 years...

Only if they quit the fed there in to write music and bad poetry.


I used to do spots with my bro, off a ladder.....

now I'm on painkillers and can't control my bladder.....

Jeff Hardy : 2000

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If they lose their passion for the business like Jeff did- I got the chants ready

"Lose their passion"? The guy has been brutalized so much, he can barely get out of bed in the morning. If you notice, he can't walk without a limp. He obviously can't do the same kind of spotfests that he did in 1999-2000 How does all that (and the inevitable drug problems which usually come with such injuries) translate to losing his passion?

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Jeff Hardy has admitted to losing his passion for the business and not having any interest in.


He's dogged it or looked disinterested in many matches.


I say that qualifies

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Guest Duncan Eternia

Here is what REALLY would have been great.... if ROH put the Tag Belts on Konnan and Hardy when they had that tag gauntlet in philly.

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Guest Doyo
Jeff Hardy has admitted to losing his passion for the business and not having any interest in.


He's dogged it or looked disinterested in many matches.


I say that qualifies

The same was somewhat true for Eddy Guerrero and he only got cheered.

Jeff's weird persona and female love was the main reason for ROH fans booing him I bet.

Tommy Dreamer can't really have that much passion after going absolutely nowhere

in WWE, but ROH fans love him. Yeah Dreamer always gives a good effort, but it is not

like Hardy spends five minutes working rest holds either.

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The difference between Eddy and Jeff is that Eddy went to ROH and wrestled a DAMN good match.


Mind you, Jeff tried to be better than he was becoming in WWE but the fans, who if they probably tried a Whisper in the Wind theyd probably die, booed him out of the building. And for a fan shouting 'FUCK YOU !' in his face is just poor.


But hey, who cares about that ? And then people say that Eddy was right to chase that guy ? Would Jeff had been right to smack someone in the face for screaming fuck you in his face ?

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Mind you, Jeff tried to be better than he was becoming in WWE but the fans


No he wasn't. He was just awful.


who if they probably tried a Whisper in the Wind theyd probably die, booed him out of the building.


And for a fan shouting 'FUCK YOU !' in his face is just poor.


Why? His wrestling was a slap in the face to everyone at that show- he deserved what he got.


And then people say that Eddy was right to chase that guy ?


Show me where anyone physically provoked Jeff Hardy.


Would Jeff had been right to smack someone in the face for screaming fuck you in his face ?



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Guest BionicRedneck

The people payed their money so they can shout what they want. The fact that they some of them are hypocritical, ignorant smart marks who think shat like Special K are good, is irrelevant.

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Guest OSIcon
The fact that they some of them are hypocritical, ignorant smart marks who think shat like Special K are good, is irrelevant.


I don't really hear a lot of people singing the praises of Special K. A lot of people, myself included, think they are good at what they do. Which is lots of flying around with little logic in scramble matches.


There is a difference between recognizing that wrestlers are good in a certain role and saying that they are "good" overall. As long as Special K isn't out too many times or for too long (which they sometimes are), then they are effective in putting on spot-filled matches which what they are supposed to do.


As for Hardy, I personally didn't boo him or anything right off the bat because I honestly don't have that much hatred towards any wrestler. It was really something (especially live) to see how genuinely pissed some people were at Hardy and likewise, how passionate his defenders were (and there were a few in my section pointing out the part-line that "Jeff gave five years of his life entertaining you"). I think the fans had the right to boo and jeer Hardy, though its still not the best way to handle things. If all the fans at a RAW one night decided they had enough of Triple H and just booed him out of the building, I don't think many people would complain, so I don't see what the huge deal is.


It was unnecesarily harsh but it shows how passionate the fans are about the product which is always a good thing.

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Guest Black Tiger

OMG they really tore into him, I don't have a problem with the fans booing him, they obviously didn't want him there. Now maybe if someone had jumped the rail and attacked him, or threw stuff onto him, then I could agree that it was out of line.


The fans pay their money to go to the matches, they have the right to say whatever they want, and cheer and boo whoever they want.

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Guest Deviant

Exactly, if someone had jumped the rail and punched him in the face, then that would have been the blasphemy that every Hardy defender is trying to make this out to be.


Jeff Hardy had no place in ROH, both Jeff and ROH should have known that before booking him and known their audience. Hell, we all predicted exactly what would happen before it did.


Other than that, I agree with Bob Barron 100%, I refer you to all of his comments rather than just echoing them and wasting your time.

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