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Metal Ed

The Mullets

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I know a lot of y'all probly expect me to come in here and talk about this show like it's the best thing since "Cops" or that one show where the dude gets hit in the nuts with a frisbee, but I really don't think it's worth a damn. I was really stoked for this shit, too. I saw the commercial when I was watchin wrestling a few weeks back and thought "Damn, dude! That looks like my kinda show!" I mean, it's got all the ingredients: A coupla hard rockin dudes, some good looking chicks, roofing, probly some bitchin music...how could it go wrong? So I got all nice and comfy on my Miller Lite blow-up chair, I put on my beer hat, I pulled out a coupla "Mullets Rule" signs I made just for the occassion, and I got primed for what I figgered was gonna be a viewing experience that would rock like no other. What I got was a gross misrepresintation of me and a lot of other hard rockin' folks like me. I mean, these dudes...they're stupid! Shit, Metal Ed ain't no genius or nothin. I dropped out after 7th grade and didn't never look back and I really only learned to read because Penthouse was gettin so many damn letters in it, but even I look like some damn Harvard pussy compared to these two dudes. Another thing I ain't too happy about is them casting that chick with the big boobies who used to be married to the dude from "Smoky and the Bandit" as those dudes mom. Now, I been around enough Mullets type dudes to know that ain't none of their moms look like that. My buddy Matt's mom got a peg leg and about twelve wooden teeth, fer instance. I ain't even gonna get into her hygiene. So while that shit may make for some interesting storylines and a coupla decent boob shots, it just ain't true to life. What I figger is they got a buncha college boys who ain't never listened to no skull crackin' metal shit in their lives to write this show and they just ran with a buncha preconceeved notions that just ain't true about dudes with mullets. How's some damn Frappucino drinkin' dude who's drivin around in his BMW and probly turning the water off when he brushes his teeth gonna know what it's like to be Metal Ed? I couldn't write no damn TV show about what it's like to wear a Cardigan sweater, and this is pretty much what that's like. So I figger what I'm gonna do is, first thing tomorrow morning, I'm gonna drive on up to UPN headquarters and start cracking some damn skulls until they take this shit off the air and replace it with something decent. Like another episode of "The Parkers," fer instance. I think that one big chick's kinda cute.

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Guest El Satanico

Everyone bow your heads in honor of Metal Ed's passing


:plays the funeral march:


I said bow your fucking heads!


YOU WILL RESPECT METAL ED! If you don't there will be some skull cracking 'round here.

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Guest Boo_Bradley

Watched it tonight Roddy Piper and Joyce Brothers guest starred...


I chuckled a few times


J.Peterman made 0 appearences


Piper had a stuntman do his over the top rope bump for him...that was sad.....

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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood

I was so psyched when I saw METAL ED~! back, and you fuckers killed him!



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Did anyone watch it last night? I did not (baseball), but my digi-guide (while I was channel surfing during commercials) said it was about backyard wrestling.


As if backyard wrestlers needed any worse of a reput.... oh, nevermind.

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Guest Boo_Bradley

They impressed me by calling all the moves correctly, mentioning in ring "psychology" (sp?)

and talking about Flair back in '86.


You all need to learn the basics of pro wrestling... Where's my barbed wire bat?

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