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Just saw Flair/Sting, Clash of the Champions 1

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I think it's a little overrated from the reputation it has, but it's still an incredible match and I would say a really good match for babies of the "attitude" era to check out in wanting to get into some older stuff.


For an interesting bookend to that match, check out Sting and Flair vs. Funk and Muta from Halloween Havoc '89.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

The rest of Clash I is a great show. You get an awesome Midnight Express/Fantastics brawl and the Horsemen taking on Luger and Windham.

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Guest Choken One

This match is equal to what Rock did for Brock last year...Total Star Making Match...This one was just longer and a little better...

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

I like it, but it's overrated. I'd definitely call it ****, but any higher than that is too much.


Flair/Steamboat is, of course, overrated. It's a great match, ***** to be sure, but i've others MUCH more (Bret/Owen at WM10 comes to mind first). Great, but not the fucking match which all others should be judged...unless Flair or Steamboat is in that match.

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Flair/Sting from Clash I is "Flair carries babyface "x" to a great match. It is formula and no more than ***1/4. They use the same sequences over and over.


MX/Fantastics and Horsemen/Barry and Luger smoke the main event for quality and heat.


As for Flair/Steamboat vs. Hart/Hart.....Flair/Steamboat is better hold for hold and Hart/Hart doesn't come close move for move to 4/16/94 Williams/Kawada or 6/3/94 Misawa/Kawada or 11/20/94 Toyota/Kong or 11/30/94 Guerrera/Misterio Jr. to name a few.



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Guest Choken One

Once Again The whole insistance on using dates is just ludicrous...


Notice NA matches don't need to have a date stamped next to it and yet Puro matches do? Just one of those annoying things about eliteish Puro Fucks.

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"Once Again The whole insistance on using dates is just ludicrous...


Notice NA matches don't need to have a date stamped next to it and yet Puro matches do? Just one of those annoying things about eliteish Puro Fucks."


That's mature.


Flair/Sting is 3/27/88

Flair/Steamboat have 2/20/89, 4/2/89, and 5/7/89.


But feel free to flame and not talk about the matches and instead cry about dates.



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Guest The Decadent Slacker

Therein lies the beauty of opinion, Tim: everyone has one.


Dating shit is useless. I mean, unless it's something like WM 12 or Starrcade '89 or Clash 26 or something, the actual date it was held is of no use. Even in Puro, I just would want show names & the year or number (New Years Giant Series '97), not the exact date. It's not like I'm studying for a standardized test on pro wrestling history.

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Guest Ray

Perhaps some are jealous of those who remember dates easily...




I don't think Flair-Sting is ****. Too repetitive. Sting does a poor job of killing time with long, boring headlocks/bearhugs. Then he no-sells several times for his comebacks near the end. Fun match at times, but overrated.


By the way, I just watched Tsuruta vs Misawa 9/1/90, Misawa/Kobashi vs Kawada/Taue 12/3/93, and Kroffat/Doug Furnas vs Kikuchi/Kobashi 5/25/92, which killed this match. ;)

Edited by Ray

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Perhaps some are jealous of those who remember dates easily...


By the way, I just watched Tsuruta vs Misawa 9/1/90, Misawa/Kobashi vs Kawada/Taue 12/3/93, and Kroffat/Doug Furnas vs Kikuchi/Kobashi 5/25/92, which killed this match. ;)

Now that's funny.

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The rest of Clash I is a great show. You get an awesome Midnight Express/Fantastics brawl and the Horsemen taking on Luger and Windham.

these matches are overrated.

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This match is equal to what Rock did for Brock last year...Total Star Making Match...

But it's overrated.

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Hart/Hart doesn't come close move for move to 4/16/94 Williams/Kawada or 6/3/94 Misawa/Kawada or 11/20/94 Toyota/Kong or 11/30/94 Guerrera/Misterio Jr. to name a few.



All of the above: overrated.

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By the way, I just watched Tsuruta vs Misawa 9/1/90, Misawa/Kobashi vs Kawada/Taue 12/3/93, and Kroffat/Doug Furnas vs Kikuchi/Kobashi 5/25/92, which killed this match. ;)

Dare I say, overrated.

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This thread is overrated.

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Guest Choken One
This match is equal to what Rock did for Brock last year...Total Star Making Match...

But it's overrated.

and that might be your opinion but it's still a Star Making match notheless.

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I don't think Flair-Sting is ****. Too repetitive. Sting does a poor job of killing time with long, boring headlocks/bearhugs. Then he no-sells several times for his comebacks near the end. Fun match at times, but overrated


I agree on the repetitive statement. Sting gives Flair about 50 hiptosses the whole match! Not a big moveset, huh? Not that I wanted him to bust out 1,000 holds or anything but still. I had high expectations for this match before I ever saw it because of all the reference but it really dissapointed and bored me.

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Guest Choken One

It made PERFECT since for Sting to do the move that many times...remember the sell was he was just a young kid...so wouldn't it make sense he would be clueless what to do and would repeat things thinking "hey it worked fine last time"...


so in this match, repetitiveness can be a good thing for the psychology.

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I have that match, as well as the rest of the Clash, on tape somewhere. I haven't watched it in years, but I do remember the Sting/Flair match and that 10 minute (not sure how long really) long headlock Sting has Flair in is just too long.

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Dating shit is useless. I mean, unless it's something like WM 12 or Starrcade '89 or Clash 26 or something, the actual date it was held is of no use. Even in Puro, I just would want show names & the year or number (New Years Giant Series '97), not the exact date. It's not like I'm studying for a standardized test on pro wrestling history.

Thing is though, LOTS of japanese shows don't have a specific name. Take Misawa/Kobashi vs. Kawada/Taue 6/9/95 match for example. It's one of the damndest things I've ever seen. Maybe the single greatest tag match, ever. But the show it was on didn't have a name. It's just "that 6/9/95" show. Now, keep in mind that that particular matchup has happened at least four or five times that I can remember, usually on shows that, say it with me, had no name. That's why they type out the dates like that, because they have to.

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

There stands one of the few reasons i'm not a puro nut: I like easy to manage dates on easy to manage shows. I just hate thinking when it comes to wrestling.

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Guest Black Tiger
Therein lies the beauty of opinion, Tim: everyone has one.


Yeah, and everyone has an asshole too................


It's easier in puroresu to distinguish using dates because every show doesn't have a name to go by. Also the big puroresu singles and tag matches don't take place as often as the big matches in the US do. If I want to know about Misawa vs Kawada from 1994 then right off the bat it's easy to figure out that I'm either talking about their 1994 Champion Carnival draw or their 6/3/94 Triple Crown match. If I want to know about Hart vs Hart from 1994, I could be asking about WrestleMania X, Summerslam, or any of their fifty some odd house show matches (some of which I hear great things about like their Iron man match)

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