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Could you pass 8th Grade Math?

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Btw, I didn't use a calculator, either.

You figured out the square root of 520,000 without using a calculator?


Color me impressed.

Numeric approximation

There you go. It's the same way I did the which-one-is-bigger problem. I'd get an answer that was quite close to being correct, and then look for the answer that was nearest it in value.


One of my old math teachers gave me a good way to approximate square roots, and I've used that on the rare occasions I've actually had to do any work with square roots.

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I read the first question and honestly just didn't give a fuck anymore. I guess thats what the real world has taught me.

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One other problem overall I have with this...multiple choice math tests?! How many people here had multiple choice math tests?

Well, strangely enough, the math dep't at the ju-co where I used to work for had universal College Algebra exams that had 25 MC questions and 5 open-ended.


I thought it strange too though

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I got a 10/10 without a calculator as well. I did some similar stuff in the college math course I took last year though, so it was pretty fresh material for me.


On the subject of multiple choice math tests I actually had a class in 11th grade where we took those. In 10th grade we took a class called Integrated Mathematics 3, the way to choose your next years class was supposed to be if you had an A you took Applications of Functions and Trigonometry, if you had anything else you took Integrated 4. I had a middle B mainly because I did no homework. I took Integrated 4 because that's what the teacher said I should take, but it turned out that most people, even the people with low Cs and even a couple with high Ds took the Applications class and I was stuck with a bunch of retards taking multiple choice tests. Oh well, looks like the joke was on the other kids, I got a 102%.

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One other problem overall I have with this...multiple choice math tests?! How many people here had multiple choice math tests?

Actually, for as long as I know, it's been multiple choice.


At least on the diploma exams and exams in general in High School.


Weird, do they know we be lazy or what?

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I have just dropped Maths for my final year of High School. My last three tests were 3%, 5% and 19%, and though it does appear I am improving, I fear the improvement is not enough. I am downright bad at Maths. And I did not use a calculator for this test.


How the hell did I get 10/10? I failed Years 8 maths (along with every year after that).

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