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Guest rawmvp

Explain THIS TO ME

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Don't listen to him. I'm offering my services for FREE, here. normally, when you want to ask someone an astrological question, and have it answered fairly properly, it'll cost you about $4.99 a minute.

Samples are free. It's not a lot of info but it'll probably be enough.

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Guest rawmvp

So I apply gel to my hair and wear my leather jacket. I carpool with my friends to a designated destination (about 30 min away from school) and I arrive there with a red rose in my pocket, and a general idea of what to say.


I wait for her to come.


I wait more.


I wait longer.


Fuck. She didn't show today.


Probably an early thanksgiving vacation, because 1/3 of the class didn't show either.


Fuck. Fuck. Eh, whatever, I still know what I have to do.


Sorry guys, but this was out of my control.


OH, and BTW, I'm not a gimmick poster, WJM.

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Guest rawmvp

I should've been a little clearer about the "designated location." It was our 4th Biology Excursion that's required by all students to attend and not voluntary.

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Guest rawmvp

Yeah, next Monday. I'm just as pissed as you are. I finally wanted to get some clarification and peace of mind about this thing, but I'll have to fucking wait.

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Guest rawmvp

Why do you doubt it? I was ready to DELIVER today; I was dressed to kill. I was ready to go through with this.

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Why do you doubt it? I was ready to DELIVER today; I was dressed to kill. I was ready to go through with this.

Yes, I will now refer to hitting on women as "DEILIVERING!"


Okay, so that was funnier to me than anyone else.

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Guest Olympic Slam
So I apply gel to my hair and wear my leather jacket. I carpool with my friends to a designated destination (about 30 min away from school) and I arrive there with a red rose in my pocket, and a general idea of what to say.


I wait for her to come.


I wait more.


I wait longer.


Fuck. She didn't show today.


Probably an early thanksgiving vacation, because 1/3 of the class didn't show either.


Fuck. Fuck. Eh, whatever, I still know what I have to do.


Sorry guys, but this was out of my control.


OH, and BTW, I'm not a gimmick poster, WJM.

Bummer about her not showing maybe next time......wait, a red rose? If that was intended for her then...... *grabs rawmvp's nose and sticks it in the rose* No! No! Bad! No! We don't do that! *hits rawmvp in the head with a rolled up newspaper*No!


No love stuff! Just ask her to do something like you'd ask a friend to do something. Hell, take her to that new Looney Tunes movie. Remember, attraction isn't made from reciting lame poetry, giving gifts, or throwing praise her way. Attraction is created when the girl says "gosh darn it this guy is just really fun and interesting to be around, in fact I wanna be around him as much as I can because he makes my life more exciting." Just work on making this equation simple for HER: YOU = FUN. You're not going to woo her into your web of love with corny lines and needlessly expensive dinners. Start creating an aura of attraction. There's a reason girls go for jerks with fast cars and bad attitudes; they're exciting and have an aura of danger about them. Its all about creating attraction. Less like Romeo, more like James Bond.



Of course ALL of this is easier said than done. Nothing is easy, afterall

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Guest rawmvp

It's a good thing you told me. Maybe her absence today was a blessing in disguise; if she came I would have definitely given her the rose.


You're absolutely right. However, I think the leather jacket and gelled hair was a nice touch and should be repeated the next time I see her. I suppose I should just ask her in a friendly, yet nonchalant manner, if she would like to "hang out." That way, I suppose she won't feel intimidated or threatened, right? And, I'm guessing any outpouring of emotion on my part will jeopardize my chances, as well. So, with that said, I'm gonna play it cool.


I suppose I could be like James Bond, but the epitome of coolness to me is Johnny Depp.

Edited by rawmvp

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Guest Olympic Slam
It's a good thing you told me. Maybe her absence today was a blessing in disguise; if she came I would have definitely given her the rose.

The rose would have been DEATH. You dodged a major bullet there. Stuff like that supposedly scares the bujesus out of chicks. You might as well have given her a rotting fish; you'd end up in the same position in the end.


I can definitely see the girl's perspective on that sort of thing. Its like a professor saying "we're having a comprehensive final exam tommorow with 100 short written questions, an essay and a lab portion" as opposed to "we're going to take a test next class." Its the same thing for the teacher, it just doesn't sound as scary and intimidating to you the student. Roses, candy, flowers, and expensive gifts before there's a relationship is like saying "we're having that final exam, now!"

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
Why do you doubt it? I was ready to DELIVER today; I was dressed to kill. I was ready to go through with this.

Yes, I will now refer to hitting on women as "DEILIVERING!"


Okay, so that was funnier to me than anyone else.

Your next name is Mr. McFeely.

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It's a good thing you told me. Maybe her absence today was a blessing in disguise; if she came I would have definitely given her the rose.


You're absolutely right. However, I think the leather jacket and gelled hair was a nice touch and should be repeated the next time I see her. I suppose I should just ask her in a friendly, yet nonchalant manner, if she would like to "hang out." That way, I suppose she won't feel intimidated or threatened, right? And, I'm guessing any outpouring of emotion on my part will jeopardize my chances, as well. So, with that said, I'm gonna play it cool.

Wow. He's finally realized what we've been trying to tell him for 9 pages.

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It's a good thing you told me. Maybe her absence today was a blessing in disguise; if she came I would have definitely given her the rose.


You're absolutely right. However, I think the leather jacket and gelled hair was a nice touch and should be repeated the next time I see her. I suppose I should just ask her in a friendly, yet nonchalant manner, if she would like to "hang out." That way, I suppose she won't feel intimidated or threatened, right? And, I'm guessing any outpouring of emotion on my part will jeopardize my chances, as well. So, with that said, I'm gonna play it cool.

Wow. He's finally realized what we've been trying to tell him for 9 pages.

I'm surprised he hasn't accidently said "Have a nice day!" or "Bang-bang!" to the girl yet considering he still has Mick Foley in his avatar.

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Why do you doubt it? I was ready to DELIVER today; I was dressed to kill. I was ready to go through with this.

Yes, I will now refer to hitting on women as "DEILIVERING!"


Okay, so that was funnier to me than anyone else.

Your next name is Mr. McFeely.

You'll have to explain this one, I don't get it.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Heathen, did you never watch Mr. Rogers?






You were probably one of those fuckin' Captain Kangaroo kids.

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I never watched Captain Kangaroo. I never even heard of it until I was seven. I was a Mr. Rogers kid (just forgot what the delivery dude's name was) until they went to puppet land, then I turned it off. I hated those damn puppets.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

What? That's ludicrous meow. The trolley was a fucking pimp. On dubs.

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I fucking hated puppet land too, and I always thought Mr. Rogers was a little iffy. "Oh, look at that nice old man who lives alone and loves children. Why don't you go spend the day at his house?"


Captain Kangaroo was lame, and I always thought Mr. Green Jeans was trying too hard.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
I liked the trolley, but puppet land needed to be wiped out by a puppet fireball or something.

Why do you insist on destroying my last pleasant memory of childhood?

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I liked the trolley, but puppet land needed to be wiped out by a puppet fireball or something.

Why do you insist on destroying my last pleasant memory of childhood?

Because we have our little quasi-feud going at all times, remember? Sheesh, am I the one who's going to have to pick up the antagonistic slack now?

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