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Guest rawmvp

Explain THIS TO ME

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Some of it was fine, but the abuse shit and the teary-eyed kiss and the hair and jacket were right out of a cheesey romance novel.

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But seriously, Romeo probably was just like "Hey Juliet....come to the window girl, its cold as shit out here" and shakesphere added the "What light through yonder window breaks".

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For the next 7 minutes we engaged in passionate kissing, as tears started welling up in both of our eyes. She stops in the middle of our makeout session and softly mutters, "I've had feelings for you since last semester...I felt conflicted though, I've had this boyfriend for two years...so I felt apprehensive about opening myself up to you...I wasn't sure if I should be with you or not...I'm not a cheater, and I like to think I'm loyal, but I'm just really confused about this because I have really strong feelings about you." I was stunned; I never expected anything like this from her, but suffice to say, her exposition definitely clarified her mixed, and overly subtle messages in the past few months. I responded with, "Well, your feelings are perfectly justified, as are mine. I mean, how do you know if your boyfriend is truly the ONE for you if you haven't seen the other guys?...you shouldn't think of me as a threat, but a second option ... now you'll have two choices as opposed to just one." She hugged me really tight and alluded to the possibility that she's not happy with her boyfriend. She admits to me that she's painfully shy and timid, and as a result, guys will readily manipulate and take advantage of her -- she specifically cited her boyfriend. After a few more minutes of kissing, she asks me to leave before her parents come home from work. I happily complied.


Today, as I entered the classroom, I found myself -- as did she -- more enamored than I've ever been before. Who knew my curious staring, perseverance, and interminable time spent on a message board discussing this matter would take me THIS FAR!? Just before class starts, she turns to me and drops a bomb, "I just wanted to let you know that I ended my relationship with my boyfriend last night...I pick you." At this point, I felt like running around the campus in utter ecstasy. I quickly console her and reply with, "Now we can enjoy each other's company without any more worries...what you did took a lot of courage." I couldn't withhold my exuberance any longer, so I ran out the door and literally took a victory lap around the fucking campus -- and it's a big one, too. When I returned, we officially exchanged home numbers and made a date for this Saturday. In her words, "This Saturday, pick me up...7:30...my house...you know where it is." I smiled so wide that you wouldn't believe it.



That happened to me TWICE just like that...TODAY!!!



Except music swelled from nowhere when it happened to me.


Otherwise congradultions on your joy and happiness and stuff.

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I couldn't withhold my exuberance any longer, so I ran out the door and literally took a victory lap around the fucking campus -- and it's a big one, too.



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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood
I got teary-eyed because it's been a long-ass journey; this thread is proof of that. I never in my wildest dreams imagined I would get the girl, but the hand of fate struck, and here I am: perplexed, happy, surprised and shocked. Suffice to say, I was experiencing many mixed emotions, as well.

Dude, no offense, but if you considered this a "long-ass journey" and emotional hardship, I'd REALLY hate to be around you when you get out of that sheltered Berkley Bio Dome and have to deal with real life and real hardship.

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Guest Dids

I think his writing is horrible- yet I believe this happened- or at least I really want to believe it happened.

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Guest Dids

The boyfriend part?


I think the girl might have been fucking with him- or was just scared. The boyfriend out of nowhere who gets dumped the next day seems unlikely- but these are obviously both crazy people we're dealing with.

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And remember she was also "abused" by this boyfriend that she just dumped to date him. That right there makes me skeptical of this whole thing.

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Guest Dids

I don't think you're getting his part.


He assumes she was abused because:


A- he didn't like fact that she had a boyfriend and was trying to project negative things towards said boyfriend.


B-he needed a way to explain to himself why she'd dumb her boyfriend for him.


He never said that she said he was abusive. He said that he thought he was the type. That's just the same wild imagination that had him thinking the girl wanted him 'cause she looked at him once. The fact that he happened to be right doesn't mean that it'll happen again. He's still a crazy person, he just found a person equally crazy.

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She's just foreign and bought the cheesey romance novel shit. No self-respecting American would fall for that lame ass shit.

Yes, because Lord knows "foreigners" have no common sense. It's wonder that they manage to put their shoes on in the morning, let alone ya know, have adult feelings and relationships.

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Guest Dids

That's OK, I assume she's from Texas- they're different from the rest of a America anyway.

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She's just foreign and bought the cheesey romance novel shit.  No self-respecting American would fall for that lame ass shit.

Yes, because Lord knows "foreigners" have no common sense. It's wonder that they manage to put their shoes on in the morning, let alone ya know, have adult feelings and relationships.

Because in America, we put on our shoes, in other coutries, shoes put on you?


Thats....thats all I got.




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She's just foreign and bought the cheesey romance novel shit.  No self-respecting American would fall for that lame ass shit.

Yes, because Lord knows "foreigners" have no common sense. It's wonder that they manage to put their shoes on in the morning, let alone ya know, have adult feelings and relationships.

Looks like someone got hot while reading this thread...

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Guest stardust
That's OK, I assume she's from Texas- they're different from the rest of a America anyway.

"Texas: It's like a whole other country."

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That's OK, I assume she's from Texas- they're different from the rest of a America anyway.

"Texas: It's like a whole other country."

Damn you Texans! And damn me for living in Texas Jr.!

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Guest stardust
That's OK, I assume she's from Texas- they're different from the rest of a America anyway.

"Texas: It's like a whole other country."

Damn you Texans! And damn me for living in Texas Jr.!

Oklahoma is nowhere near the greatness that is Texas.


You do know that the only reason Texas hasn't broken off and floated into the Gulf of Mexico is because Oklahoma sucks so much, right?





























Yes, that's a really bad joke. But I couldn't pass it up for reasons unbeknownst to me.

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Guest rawmvp

Update: Today, she said "hi." The inflection of her voice was really jovial, too. This was accompanied by a pleasant facial expression in the form of a wide grin, but not TOO WIDE like the joker. I replied with "hey" and then she went back to her NEW seat which is now directly in front of me. What does all of this mean? She wants me BAD. Oh, my bad...were past this now :lol: This belongs on either page 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 or 11, take your pick.


Anyway, this Saturday night we had our first real date. As I'm driving to her house, I notice that my car is running out of gas. Because I didn't want to be late for the date, I said the hell with it and kept on driving to her home, which was only a few blocks away at this point. I still didn't want to bombard her with lovey dovey mush, so I decided not to bring any flowers or chocolates or anything romantic. As I walk up to her porch, I ring the doorbell, and notice a stout Russian man scurry to the door with a curious expression on his face. He opens the door and is aghast to see a young adult adorned in white t-shirt, black leather jacket, black levi's, black biker gloves, and greased hair with a single strand of hair cascading down his forehead a la Scott Hall. The young adult, if you haven't guessed, is me. At this point, he asks me in a thick Russian accent ala Nikolai Volkoff, " Please, please...no solicitors, young man...don't you see sign?" I start giggling and politely say, "Sorry for the confusion, sir, but I'm Natalie's date for tonight...I'm picking her up." Father says, " You picking WHO up? MY Natalie? I don't think so!" I still think he's bewildered and oblivious, so I rebut with, " I'm pretty sure I have the right house...you are Natalie (insert last name)'s father, correct? Well, I --her date-- am here to give her a good time." Father says, " Yes, Natalie is my daughter, but she's out with her boyfriend right now." I swallow my heart and whimper, " Are you sure?...I think your mistaken because ---"

At this moment, Natalie appears from behind the door, pats her dad's shoulder, and says, "Oh Papa" followed by loud fits of laughter by the both of them. I laugh along, as well, and say, "You got me!"


We start walking away from her driveway as her father wishes us a good time. Since I'm a chivalrous being, I open the door for my date before I get behind the wheel. I put the key into the ignition and, unsurprisingly, discover that the car doesn't start because it's out of gas. Natalie quips, "You did this on purpose, didn't you?" With a perturbed grin on my face, I try to start the car several times, but to no avail. At this point we start laughing our eyes out for about 2 minutes. As the laughter subsides, we are both met with an aura of stunned silence. After about 25 seconds, I make a move to kiss her and we start rolling around like a bunch of wild savages. At one point, I cut my lip on the door handle -- that's how VIGOROUS it got. Tears didn't well up in our eyes this time, but that didn't stop us from the passionate kissing that ensued for what seemed like hours (1.5 hours to be exact). As were rolling around as lithely as we could, her BUTT accidentally honks the horn really loud, which prompts us to both flee my 1987 Mazda coup so as to not arouse the attention of her father or the other neighbors. Unfortunately, just as we approach my car again, her father flings open the front door, and observes the surroundings, prompting us to quickly kneel beside my car (luckily the father never paid attention to the car that I arrived in). After escaping this predicament, we make-out for another 35 min. in my car before deciding to end the date prematurely. As I accompany her back to her doorstep, Natalie skulks inside her home and motions for me to come in. I'm like, "Whoa, are you sure your father isn't gonna bust out his belt and whip me?" Natalie: "No, you have the perfect excuse -- your car won't start so you have to stay the night till the morning." With a gleeful grin on my face, I slowly proceed into her home and follow her up into her bedroom. As I'm getting ready to make myself comfortable on her bed, she quickly exits (to presumably get more "comfortable") and arrives with spare blankets. She points to the floor, and with a very wide smile says, "You're sleeping on the floor tonight" I don't say anything, but my incredulous expression says it all, causing her to say, "You didn't actually think I was gonna ---- on the first date, did you?" I respond with, " OH, of course not!"


As it turned out, her parents were totally cool with me staying the night. Understandably, however, the father insisted on starting my car the next morning (obviously to see if we were bluffing or not) and gladly called AAA to tow my car to the nearest gas station.


Still, all things considered, we had an extraordinary time.

Edited by rawmvp

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More crappy bullshit. You need Queer Eye for the Straight Guy badly. Knock off the leather jacket and "hard-ass" image you are trying to set. You're not James Dean so stop acting like you are. I said it before, no wonder you are dating a forgein chick, American girls wouldn't buy into this shit.


And no Eric, I still find it shitty shitty romance novel writing. I honest think we need to call Carson and the rest of the Queer Eye bunch and tell them we have the perfect candidate for the show.

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Guest stardust

This is like 1970's Harlequin romance writing. That stuff back then was just BAD.

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